Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/147

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Contents of Foreign Journals. 137 Revue Numismatique. Sept. and Oct. 1853. Blois. On the classification of the silver coins of the Lagidae, by Fr. Lenormant. On the coins of Charlemagne, by E. Cartier. Reuter's Repertorium f. d. theol. Litteratur. Jan. 1854. Berlin On Herzog's Real-Encyclop'ddie, by Wagenmann. On Schafer's De Vinfluence de Luther sur Ttducation du peuple. Paris. 1853, by K'ammel. Rheinisches Museum. N. F.Vol. IX. pt. 2. A newly-discovered Greek chronological Table, by Henzen. On Hermann's iEschylus, by Welcker and Prien New frag- ments of Heraclitus, by Bernays. On works of art, by Welcker. The geographical work of Julius Honorius, by J. Brandis. lnedited additions to the Latin Anthology, by Mommsen and Aschbach On the Etymology of Alamanni, by * * *. On the termination -as for -cms in Lucretius, by Koch. On the hymns of Dionysius and Mesomedes, by Bergk. On Babrius, by Hitzig Punic words in Plautus, by Wex. On Pliny, by Otto Jahn. Schneidewin's Philologus. Vol. vnr. pt. 2. On the difference of Rhythm in the different books of the Iliad, by B. Giseke. On Dio Chrysostom, by M. Schmidt De Aspasia Milesia Comm.,by T. A. Mahly. Dionysius the Thracian, by M. Schmidt. Epist. de partic. rjdrj et Stj, by H. Heller. Seneca and his philosophical writings, by H. Lehmann. On the relative dates of the Symposia of Xenophon and Plato, by K. Fr. Hermann. Hyperidea, by F. W. Schneidewin On the Fragments of Ar- rian's Parthica, by A. v. Gutschmid. Stat. S. i. 2. 174, seq., by C. Volckmar. Emen- data in Tac. Ann. etHist., by Ed. Wurm On the attribution to mortals of the names of the Muses, by J. Becker. A rejoinder by W. Teuffel to Kock's defence of his Aristophanes. The death of Euripides and a note on Liv. n. 50, [where for the cor- rupt prope puberem elate, he reads from Aurel. Vict, de vir. ill. c. 14. propter impube- rem cetatem], by Ed. Woelfflin. Studien u. Kritiken. 1854. No. 1. Hamburg. On the position of Kades and the history of the Israelites in the wilderness as connected with it, by Fries. On the trespass offering, by Riehm On the history of Israel after the captivity, according to the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, by Vaihinger. Theol. Jahrb. von Baur u. Zeller, 1854. Vol. xiv. part 1. The Gnostic system of the book Pistis Sophia, by Kostlin. The Philosophumena and Marcion, by Volckmar. Contributions to the Criticism and Interpretation of the N. T., by Hitzig. [On James iv. 5, 6; 1 Cor. xi. 10; Eph. v. 14.] Zeitschr. f. vergl. Sprachforschung auf d. Gebiete d. deutschen, griech. u. lat. hrsg. v. Dr Adalbert Kuhn. 3rd year, pt. 3, Berlin. Etymologies of vfxepa, ij'w's, hairepa, avpiov, of/e, by Ahrens. On the language of the Getse, by Leo. Latin etymologies, by Aufrecht. [He connects haruspex with hariolus, the two words being often found together (Plaut. Mil. Glor. in. 1. 99 ; Amph. v. 2. 2; Ter. Phorm. iv. 4. 24), haru- with xo)<ds and x^ l Z> witn th e old Norse gar-nir f. pi. entrails; with the San- scrit hira, the intestines ; and with the Latin hira. He also proposes a derivation for pejor and pessimus.] The Oscan tabula Bantina, by Schweizer. [A notice of Kirch- hoffs Das Stadtrecht von Bantia, Berlin, 1853; and Lange's Die oskische Inschrift d. tab. B. Gottingen, 1853.] Zeitschr. f. d. Alterthumswissenschaft, hrsg. v. Caesar. Nov. 15, 1853. Wetzlar. On the MSS. of Pausanias, by Schubart. Did Cleisthenes reform the Phratries? by Rieger. Greek Oracles, by Wolff. [Most of the oracles, lately published, as if for the first time, by Piccolos, had already appeared.] On RUstow and Kochty's Gesch. d. gr. Kriegswesens, by Bergk. On Rinck's Religion d. Hellenen, by Gerlach On Au- frecht's Zeitschr. f. vergl. Sprachforschung, by Schweizer._On Halm's Cic. p. Mil, p. Ligar., and p. Deiot., by Tischer .Reply to Teuffel's criticism of his ed. of the Clouds, by Kock.