Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/149

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List of New Boolcs. 139 Smith, (I)r. W.), History of Greece for Schools. 12mo. pp. 632. London, Murray. 7s. 6d. Smith, (Dr. W.), Dictionary of Greek and Koman Geography. In 2 Vols. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. xi. and 1108. London, Murray, and Walton and Maberly. 36s. Soph. C~d. C. with short English Notes for the use of Schools. 18mo. pp. 96. Oxford, Parker. Is. Trench (Rev. R. C), Notes on the Miracles of our Lord. 4th Edition. 8vo. pp. 470. London, J. W. Parker. 12s. Trollope (Rev. E.), Illustrations of Ancient Art, selected from objects at Pompeii and Herculaneum. 4to. London, Bell. 25s. Xenophontis Hist. Gr. Ex rec. et c. annot. Lud. Dindorfii. Ed. sec. auct. et emend. 8vo. pp. lxxv. and 503. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 10s. 6d. Xenophon. The Anabasis. With Notes, Index of Names, and a Map, for the use of Schools. By J. T. V. Hardy and E. Adams. 8vo. pp. 240. London, Walton and Maberly. 4s. 6d. Foreign. Adambuch, das christliche, d. Morgenlandes. Aus d. iEthiop. m. Bemerk. ubers. von Prof. Dr. A. Dillmann. 8vo. pp. 144. Gottingen, Dieterich. 20 Ngr. JEthici Istrici cosmographiam ab Hieronymo ex Gr. in Lat. breviarium redactam sec. cod. Lips., separato libello expressam prim. ed. Henr. Wultke. Ace. 2 tab. 4to. pp. exxxv. and 136. Leipz. Dyk. 2 Thlr. d'Alor, die Ruinen v. Pompeii. Aus d. Franz. Mit e. grossen, die Ausgrabgn bis 1851 umfassenden (lith.) Plane (in Fol.) 8vo. pp. viii. and 55. Berlin, C. David. 20 Ngr. Anthologia lyrica, cont. Theognidem, Babrium, Anacreontea cum cet. poet. rell. sel. Ed. Th. Bergk. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 437. Leipz., Reichenbach. Thlr. Aristophanes. Erkl. v. Thdr. Kock. Die Ritter. 8vo. pp. 187. Leipz. Weidmann. 12 Ngr. [The first part was justly censured by TeufFel : see however Kock's defence in Schneidewin's Philologus]. R. Enger lib. d. Parab. d. Wolken. 4to. pp. 21. Ostrowo. (Breslau, Gohorsorky). 5 Ngr. Aristoteles. Bonitz ub. d. Kateg. des A. [Repr. from the Trans, of the Academy]. 8vo. pp. 57. Wien, Braumiiller. 10 Ngr. Beule, l'Acropole d'Athenes. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. 356. Paris. Didot. lis. Bibliotheca Patr. Gr. dogmatica. Ad opt. libr. fidem edendam cur. J. C. Thilo. Vol. II. 8vo. pp. vii. and 735. Leipz. Weigel. [Contains select works of St Basil and St Greg. Naz. &c] 4 Thlr. Blumberger, lib. d. Frage v. Zeitalter d. heiL Rupert. [Repr. from the Archiv f. Kunde bstr. Geschichtsqu.] 8vo. pp. 40. Wien, Braumiiller. 6 Ngr. Bohringer, d. Kirche Christi u. ihre Zeugen, od. d. Kirchengesch. in Biographieen. Vol. II. (Middle Age), Part. II. [Pet. Abelard, Heloise, Inn. m., Francis of Assisi, Elizabeth of Thuringia], 8vo. pp. xii. and 663. Zurich, Meyer u. Zeller. 2 Thlr. 25 Ngr. Braun, griech. Gbtterlehre. In 2 Books. Book II., Part II. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 443732. Hamburg and Gotha, Perthes. The work complete, 3 Thlr. Brinckmeier, Glossarium diplomaticum zur Erlaiit. schwieriger, e. diplom., histor., sachl. od. Worterkl. bediirftiger latein., hoch- u. bes. niederdeutscher Wbrter u. Formeln, welche sich in bffentl. u. Privaturk., Capitular., Gesetzen, &c, d. gesamm- ten deutschen Mittelalters finden. Fol. Vol. I., Part XII. pp. 521564. (Comi- tantia Cultellus).^ Hamburg and Gotha, Perthes. 1 Thlr. Charpentier, J. P. Etudes sur les peres de l'Eglise. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 896. Paris, veuve Maire-Nyon. 12 fir.