Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/151

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list of New Books. 141 observari, s. de cursibus eccles. Nunc prim. ed. recens. vindicavit Fr. Haase. 4to. pp. 51. Vratislav, Max & Co. 15 Ngr. Gumpach, Abriss d. Babylonisch-Assyr. Gesch. v. d. Beginn des 25 bis in d. letztere Halfte d. 6 Jahrh. v. Chr. (Chiefly after Col. Rawlinson). 8vo. pp. viii. and 196. Mannheim, Bassermann u. Mathy. 1 Thlr. 18 Ngr. Hagen, Untersuchungen ttb. rom. Gesch. Part i. Catilina. 8vo. pp. xv. and 405. Konigsberg, Grafe and Unzer. 2 Thlr. Hanriot, C, Recherches sur la topographie des Demes de l'Attique. 8vo. Napoleon- Vendee. Henoch, das Buch, ttbers. u. erkl. v. Dillmann. 8vo. pp. Lxvii. and 332. Leipz., Vogel. 2 Thlr. 4 Ngr. Hermann, K. Fr., Disputatio de syntelia in jure Gr. publ. 8vo. pp. 29. Gb'ttingen, Dieterich. 8 Ngr. Hippolytus. Etudes sur de nouveaux documents emprunte's a l'ouvrage recemment decouvert des Philosophumena, et relatifs au commencement du christianisme, et de l'Eglise de Rome, par M. l'Abbe Cruice. 8vo. pp. 320. Paris. Hippolytus. Baur, F. C, d. Christenthum u. d. christl. Kirche d. drei ersten Jahrh. 8vo. pp. xii. and 501. Tubingen, Fues. 2 Thlr. 10 Ngr. Hofmann, Prof. J. Chr. K., d. Schriftbeweis. 2nd Half. Parti. 8vo. pp. 407. Nb'rd- lingen, Beck. 1 Thlr. 24 Ngr. Homer's Od. Erkl. v. F'asi. 2nd Edition, revised. 8vo. pp. 298. Leipz., Weidmann. 20 Ngr. Horatius Flaccus, sammtl. Werke. Parti. (Odes and Epodes). Fur d. Schulgebr. erkl. v. Nauck. 8vo. pp. xviii. and 225. Leipz. Teubn. 18 Ngr. Justinien. Explic. hist, des inst. &c. par M. Ortolan. 5th Edition, enlarged. 2 Vols. 8vo. pp. viii. and 744, viii. and 692. 15 fr. (Justinus) d. Brief an Diognet hrsg. u. bearb. v. Hollenberg. 8vo. pp. iv. and 91. Berlin, Wiegandt u. Grieben. 15 Ngr. Kink, Gesch. d. Kais. Univ. zu Wien. Vol. I. Kirchen-Lexikon od. Encykl. d. kath. Theol. &c. Hrsg. v. Dr. Wetzer u. Dr Welter. Parts CXXIL, CXXIII. (Transubstantiation Tull). 8vo. Freiburg, Herder. 5 Ngr. a Part. Klotz, Reinh., Handworterb. d. lat. Sprache. PartX. (Intell Mantic.) 8vo. Vol. II. pp. 145 352. Braunschw., Western). 16 Ngr. Koch, Ed. Emil. Gesch. d. Kirchenlieds u. Kgesangs d. christl. insbes. d. deutschen evang. Kirche. Vol. IV. 2nd Division. 2nd Enlarged Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 847. Stuttg. Belser. 1 Thlr. 9 Ngr. Kremer, Alfr. v., Mittelsyrien u. Damascus. 8vo. pp. ix. and 259. Wien, Braumiiller 2 Thlr. Kurtz, J. H., Handb. d. allg. Kgesch. 3rd improved Edition. Vol. I. Part III. (The Eastern Church from the Council of Trulla to the Conquest of Constantinople). 8vo. pp. viii. and 205. Mitau, Neumann. 21 Ngr. (Vol. I. 3.^ Thlr.) Gesch. d. alten Bundes. 2nd Edition, improved. Vol.1. 8vo. pp. viii. and 358. Berlin, Wohlgemuth. 2 Thlr. Lange, Dr J. P., Gesch. d. Kirche. Division I. Vol. II. Part I. pp. 480. (The Apo- stolic Age). Braunschw., Schwetschke. 2 Thlr. 12 Ngr. Laurillard, Disp. de locis evang. Joh., in quibus ipse auctor verba Jesu interpretatus est. 8vo. pp. x. and 87. Lug. Bat. 24 Ngr. Loriquet, Essai sur l'Cclairage chez les Romains, &c. 8vo. pp. vii. and 223. Paris Didron. 4 fr. ' LUbke, d. mittelalterliche Kunst in Westphalen. With lithographic plates. 8vo. pp. xiii. and 442. Leipz. Weigel. 10 Thlr. Lycophron. La Cassandre de L., edite'e, traduite, annote'e par F. D. Deheque. 4to, pp. xiv. and 71. Paris, Klincksieck. 36 Ngr.