Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/208

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198 Journal of Philology. Of these prayers the earliest amplification that we have occurs in the Missale Gothicum used in France until the times of Pepin and Charlemagne in the 7th and 8th centuries. It is in the Preface for the Mass of St Hippolytus which follows that of St Laurence. " Qui beatum Yppolitum tyrannicis adhuc obsequiis occupa- tum, subito fecisti Laurenti Socium; Qui spiritali ardore suc- census dum Unigenitum Filium tuum Dominum coram potestati- bus veraciter confitetur, pcenis subjicitur, vinculis inligatur, cardis configitur, equorumferoeitate disjungitur : et adept a palma martyrii vita perpetua cum lucratore et magistro Laurentio coronatur." Once more then the liturgies which Bunsen quotes prove nothing ; the earliest liturgy which tells either way tells against his view : we have then sufficiently seen the proofs to be very de- fective. I shall now bring forward some considerations which may yet tend further to invalidate the conclusions drawn from them. The Great Feast of the Ides held at St Denis, as before described, was a continuation of that of the Ager Veranus. In France it never was supposed to celebrate the Doctor of Rome, but always the Laurentian convert : a presumption that it was also the latter who was celebrated at Rome on the same day. The ser- vices of the Gaulish Church too, long previous to the translation of St Hippolytus, celebrated the same martyr on that day, as we see by the Gothic Missal ; an independent presumption that the collects and prefaces of the Roman Sacramentaries for that day were also in honour of the Laurentian. Once more, The Martyrology called the Old, or Small Roman, which dates A. D. 750 has [Aug. 13] Id. Aug. Romee Hippolyti Martyris cum familia sua, et S. Concordiae nutricis ejus. [Aug. 23] x. Kal. Sep. Romae. Hippolyti, Quiriaci, Archillai 23 . Ado, Bp. of Vienne in 9th century, has in his martyrology Id. Aug. S. Hippolytus m. sub Decio imp. Valeriano praefecto. salutaris auxilii nobis pnestet aug- celebratur, quam S. Hippolyti mar- mentum." tyris tui sanguis in veritatia tu Post. Comm. " Intercedente beato testificatione profusus magnifico no- martyre tuo Ypolito." minis tui honore signavit." Sacram. Lconianum. M Martyrol. Notkeri, A. D. 870. baa Prcef. "Tibi enim, Domine, festiva only Id. Aug. Hippolyti cum sociis. solemnitas agitur, tibi dies sacrata