Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/211

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On the Martyrdom and Commemorations of St Hippolytus. 201 SCS YPOLIT. He bears in his hand what is according to Nibby a cup 28 , but according to Ciampini a martyr's crown 29 ; though it must be confessed that in Ciampini's plate it looks quite as much like a cup as a crown, while in the plate in Bun- sen's Basilicas, which probably is the more accurate 30 , it does not look much like either. The same church has a portico built by Honorius III. and adorned by him with frescoes, one of which is the meeting with Sixtus being led to death, another Laurence's Baptism of Hippolytus, three others his shrouding, his carrying forth, and his burial by Hippolytus 31 . Lastly, in the same place, over an ancient sarcophagus, adapted to the use of the mortal remains of the Cardinal Deacon Eustace, nephew of Innocent IV., there is a painting of the 13th century in which the Deacon's Patron Saints are drawn; among them, in attendance on St Laurence, is our martyr with his name S. IPOLITVS 32 . But how is it possible that Prudentius should have been ignorant of such a connection of Hippolytus with Laurence ? He was not ignorant of it, however much the proofs of his know- ledge have been overlooked. Besides alluding to it in the Hymn of Laurence's Passion when he makes a glory like that seen by Stephen to be beheld by the recently baptized family, Illuminatum hoc eminus Recens piatis fratribus Baptisma quos nuper datum Christi capaces fecerat, (Peristeph. 2. 373.) He moreover gives us an unmistakeable indication of it in this very thrice-discussed Hymn of Hippolytus, when he tells us that the crowds after paying their devotions at that martyr's shrine repaired to the church of St Laurence, to hear the sermon. Stat sed juxta aliud quod tanta frequentia templum Tunc adeat, cultu nobile regifico 33 . which bear the effigy of Hippolytus are 81 Mrs Jameson. Sacred and Legend- in honour of this same saint. ary Art. p. 323. 28 "una specie di coppa." Nibby. 32 Nibby, as above. Analisi. Tom. 11. S. Lorenzo. 33 That this is undoubtedly St Lo- 29 "cum (madam veluti gemmata renzo's church, seeinBunsen, Vol. I. 215. corona." It is strange that the consequence has 30 Plate xiii. been unperceived.