Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/302

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292 Journal of Philology. mography of Augustus and the Commentaries of Agrippa. By Ch. Petersen. On the speech of the Emperor Claudius. By "Welcker and Mommsen. On a Roman inscription at Basel, and on the epitaphs of the Scipios. By Mommsen. Palimpsest of Cic. de fato. By Ritschl. [Ritschl, having received a hint from a friend that the supposed fragment (printed in our first Number, p. 103), was a hoax, has most con- vincingly proved it to be so. It is strange, he says, that in so few lines we should recover the lost commencement of the treatise, and a passage cited by Macrobius. He then shews that in a genuine MS. the number of words in a page cannot be such as M. Ferrucci asserts that he found in his palimpsest, and raises other technical objections to his description. He then notices the unclassical terms, placitum deorum, fides philosophorum, parumper for aliquatenus, connexio, &c.]. On Juvenal VII. 204, By the same. [For Thrasymachi he would read Tharsymachi]. Schneidewin's Philologus. Vol. vni. pt. 3. Contributions to the criticism and interpretation of Homer. By K. Hagena. The Greek Horographi. By R. Stiehle. On Dio Chrysostom and Theophylact. By M. Schmidt. Democriti liber irepl di/dpciirov cpvatos. By B. ten Brink. Miscellanea. By M. Schmidt. Studies on Roman history. By C. Peter On Soph. Phil. 287 and 715, and Eustath. Epist 18, p. 324, Tafel. By Patakis -On Priscian and Ausonius. By Bonnell. Not ad Sen. Nat. Qusest. libros ed. a Frid. Haasio, et collatos cum cod. 69 Vossiano ex Biblioth. Lug. Bat. By H. C. Michaelis. On Hyginus. By "Wolfflin. Examination of recent views respecting the Iliad. By W. Ribbeck. Dionysius Thrax. By Moriz Schmidt. On Soph. (Ed. Col. By Schneidewin. Conjectanea critica. By Patakis. Nican- dri fr. Georg. 2 Schneid. By O. Schneider. On Festus s. v. Prugnum. By J. Becker Curiosa in Euripides. By Nauck. Schol. marginalia e cod. Franequerano Horatii ad Epod. 2. By A. Nolte MvStjXos? By K. Fr. Hermann. On Soph. Ag. By "VVex d/wpfteveiv dfiopfxeveiv. By Osann. A new choragic inscription from Athens. By K. Fr. Hermann. Studien u. Kritiken. Hamburg. 1854. No. 2. On Is. xl. 66. By Riietschi The land of Uz. By Fries. Whether St Paul formed his style on that of Demosth. By Kbster. No. 3. The evidence of the " songs of degrees" as to the date of composition of the Psalms. By Thenius. Theol. Jahrb. von Baur. u. Zeller. Tubingen. 1854. No. 2. The Gnostic system of the book Pistis Sophia. By Kostlin. The Johannine question, and the latest answers to it (by Luthardt, Delitzsch, BrUckner, Hase). By F. C. Baur. Zeitschr. f. d. Alterthurasw. hrsg. v. Caesar. Jan. 16, 1854. The Latin language in its transition to the Romance. By Pott. The narrative of the battle of Sertorius. By Dronke Didymi e'ts kw/xikjj. By M. Schmidt On Brunn's Gesch. der Griech- ischen Kiinsiler. By Overbeck. On C. F. Hermann's Plato. By Wiegand. With shorter notices. Teuffel's answer to Rock's reply. March 14, 1854. On the Munera of the Roman corporations. By Kuhn. On the connexion of the argument in Plato's Phcedrus. By Deuschle. On Overbeck's Kunstarch'dologische Vorlesungen. By Miiller On Kriiger's Ed. of Horace's Satt. andEpp. By Voigt On the Philaenus legend. By Holscher. Zeitschr. f. d. gesammte luth. Theologie, v. Rudelbach u. Guericke. Leipzig. 1854. No. 2. Talmudical Studies: No. 1. By Delitzsch [There arc many valuable notices of books.] Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung hrsg. von Kuhn. Berlin, Dummler. 3rd year. Parts 4 and 5. On the terminations denoting degree and comparison in Latin and the Italian dialects. By Corssen. Unusual names (2nd Art.). By Forste- mann On the old S and some sounds connected with it (5th Art.). By Kuhn On "Wolf's Zeitschrift fur deutsche Mythologie u. Sittenkunde. By Kuhn. On Bopp's Vergl. Grammatih. By Schweizer. Miscellaneous (Roots of micare, and pernicies or permities). By Schweizer. Gloria and bivira. By Kuhn.