Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/428

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418 Journal of Philoloyy. Zeitschr. f. vogL Sprachforschung auf d. Gebiete d. deutschen, griech. u. Lit. Iir-^. v. Dr. Adalbert Kuhn. Third year, pt. li. The soft labial interchanged with a gut- tural in Greek, by G. Curtius. On the Tabula Jtantina, by Bngge. On the old S and sounds connected with it, by Kuhn Review of Pott's Penonennamen, by For- stemann Review of Pfeifter's Beitr'dye zur Geschichte der mittcMfUtmAtu S/iracfir iiwl Litteratur, by Kuhn The dawn and the Fates, by Kuhn. Fourth year, pt. 1 On the old S, &c. by Kuhn. 'ApapTai/to dfiapTt t iopwpos, eyxeaipwpov, fiuputtv, by Denary On interpolations before the case-endings in the indo-germanic language*, by Schleicher. On Ritschl's latest academic programs, by Schweitzer On Kirch - hofTs Gothische Runenatyhubet, by Kuhn Pfad, ttutos ito'i/tos, pons, pontifex, by Kuhn. Sitis, by Kuhn. List of New Books English. Alford, Rev. H., The Greek Test. 2nd ed. Vol. i. 8vo. pp. 835. London, Rivington. 32s. Baker, Anne Elizabeth, Glossary of Northamptonshire. 2 Vols, post 8vo. pp. 880. London, J. R. Smith. 24s. Hreviarium Aberdoniense. Pars Hyemalis et ^Estivalis. 2 Vols. 4to. pp. 1900. 5. 5s. Bunsen; C. C. J., Christianity and Mankind; their Beginnings and Prospects. 7 Vols. 8 vo. London, Longman, 5. 5s. [The three divisions of this work are sold separately. Hippolytus and his Age. 2 Vols. 30s Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal History, applied to Language and Religion. 2 Vols. 33s. Analecta Ante-Nicaena. 3 Vols. 42s.] Egypt's Place in Universal History, translated by C. H. Cottrell. Vol. 2. 8vo. pp. 645. London, Longman. 30s. Catalogue of Books added to Trinity College Library, Dublin, in 1853. 8vo. London, Whittaker. 6s. Clinton, H. F., Autobiography and Literary Journal, and brief Essays on Theological Subjects. 8vo. pp. 387. London, Longman. 9s. 6d. Darling, J., Cyclopaedia Bibliographica ; a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature. 8vo. pp. 1664. London, Darling. 2. 12s. 6d. Eastwick, E. B., Anvari Suhaili,or the Lights of Canopus; literally translated. 8vo pp. 650. London, Longman. 42s. Ellicott, Rev. C. J., Commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians; with a Translation. 8vo. pp. 140. London, J. V r . Parker. 7s. 6d. Falkner, E., a Description of some important Theatres and other Remains in Crete, from a MS. History of Candia by Onorio Bellini, 1586. 8vo. pp. 32. London, Triibner. 5s. 6d. Finlay, G., History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires, from 1057 to 1453. 8vo. pp. 668. Edinburgh, Blackwood. 15s. Gibbon, E., Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Edited by Dr W. Smith. Vol.iii. 8vo. pp. 433. Vol. iv. pp. 400. Vol. v. pp. 415. London, Murray. 22s. lid. Harvey, Rev. W. W., the History and Theology of the three Creeds. 2 Vols. 8vo. pp. 696. Cambridge, Deighton. 14s. Homer, the Iliad, with notes by W. G. T. Barter. 8vo. pp. 700. London, Longman. 1 8s. Humphrey, E. R., Exercitationes Iambica:; or Progressive Exercises in Greek Iambic Verse. 2nd ed. 12mo. pp. 420. London, Bell. 6a. lid. Humphrey, Rev. W. G., Commentary on the Acts. 2nd revised ed. post 8vo. pp. 219. London, J. W. Parker. 5s.