Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/440

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430 Jndex Roatow, hi des Grieoh. KriegsweaemB." i .;:. iger, 71, 80 seq. Sohwegler, " Rom. Geechichte, 130. Scotus, see Erigena. Scriptura sacra, 259, 262. ius, 9:, 93. Simplicius contradicts himself, 253, 254. Smith, "Diet. Ant." 92, 382. Sophists, 145 seq. ; meaning of the word, 150, 182 seq. ; they taught for money, 150 seq. ; Plato's account of, 153 seq.; Aristotle's, 160 seq. ; Aristophanes', 163 seq.; Socrates', 165 seq.; Xeno- phon's, 166; Isocrates', 167 seq.; character of Protagoras, 169 seq. ; of Gorgias, 172 seq. ; of Prodicus, 175 ; ofHippias, 176. Sophocles, "Aleadae," fr. 9, 226; "Am- phiaraus," 'fr. 8, 227; " 'AxtXX^ws ipaaral," fr. 6, 228; "Erigone," fr. 2, 228; "Thyestes," fr. it, 228; " Laocoon," fr. 5, 229; "Ma^Teis," fr. 6, 229; "Nauplius," fr. 2, 229; " Iloifiti/es," fr. 16,230; "Polyxena," fr- 3> 2 3i 5 " Ptfrrtfyiot," fr. 4, 231 ; "Scygrii," fr. 4, 231 ; Antigone, w. 31, 32, 232; (Ed. Col. w. 308, 309, 233 ; (Ed. Rex (ed. Schneidewin), w. 232 seq., 309 seq. ; v. 3, 234 ; rv. 4, 5, 8, 235 ; w. 8-13, 309 seq ; w. 15- 19, 20, 40 seq., 311 ; vv. 49, 50, 62 seq., 312; v. 86, 313; w. 99, 116, 124, 216 seq., 314 ; rr. 246 seq., 316 ; (. 261, 276, 317 ; w. 279, 282, 289, 294, 318 ; w. 305, 312, 317, 325, 319; "' 328, 356, 415, 420 seq., 320; NT. 449. 4r7- 57V- 5A r, 7.'- 3* I "' r '^. 608 seq., ,<:: : W. 862, 385 ;' V. 10S4, 33 ; re. I 1 271, 34 ; p. [4 1476, 1494, 326; TraohinuB, ft 541, 830. Suioas, s. v. 'A Spdo-r eta em., 2vfJi.<popa, 311. Tacitus, "Hist." iv. 6, 20. Te Dcum, 271 seq. Theodoctes, "Thyestes," fr. 1, 349. Theodore of Tarsus, his study of the Bible, 303. Qeoddpov <pwvf], 133. Theodorus, son of Telecles, 369. Thiersch, H. W. J., hid " Politik u. Philosophic," &c, 283. Thueydidos, ii. 52, 6, 46 ; vi. 17, 8. Timaeus, 58, 59. Tragici inc. frr. 145, 169, ?7 = . 34 :, 343. Tryphon, his grammar, 264. Unde, undecunque, 394. Ussher, 271 seq. Ut, "where," 38. Valerius Maximus, ed. Kenipf, 283. Virgil, "^En.," v. 329, 38 ; M Vitruvius, 367 seq. Wakefield, his Lucretius, 13. Whcatly, quotations in, 1 >.. 878 Beq. Wilfrith, 300. Wordsworth, Dr., 126. Wyclytfe, three treatises of, 2S0. Zeller, his account of the Sophists, 179 seq. Zenobius, vi. 15, em., 265. ERRATA. PAGE LIMB 2 11 from foot, 'astluir. reaH, andtkdr. 49 4 A passage of St. John (Hi. 34) is erroneously ciUl instead <>i'ili<- parallel one of St. Paul, "it pleased the Father that in him all rulnen dwell," i. e. the fulness of the < fodhead bodily : (dolose, L <). coll. 11. p>) lie had just spoken of Christ a< lli< 'hikkj, <>/((>, bom //<>,< th< wkott '/ion with manifest allusion t<> I'hilo. Compare the passages ei I p. 49- 95 7 from foot, 'Apol. 11.' read, Apol. 2. 103 ' Cic. De Fato.' Seep. 292. 386 The simplest correction in the passage of Minucius would be the trans- position of quia and qui. 412 29 '/im/ read, ha*. 413 16 from foot. 'Caiuion ffippciyl or Hippolf/Hu t