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But there was pity for her in other hearts, if not in his. The constable's wife had lingered behind to offer sympathy and protection; and now, when she beheld the misery and helplessness of the poor child, her woman's heart bled for her.

"The poor, dear young thing! She shall not be motherless, nor yet fatherless; for I will be a mother to her, and my husband shall protect her as a daughter."

Mrs. Wyman spoke with that inspiration of eloquence which genuine feeling imparts to even the humblest language; and from that moment Silas Wyman's wife took a high rank in the esteem of all present-a rank which she continued to hold by after deeds of goodness; for the friendless and homeless girl was taken immediately to her home and heart, and cherished and nourished through a lingering illness which had nearly cost her life.



That evening, when the surveyor was returning home. healthily weary, and in anticipation of the usual merry times at the shanty, he fell in with the editor, mounted on a pony, and pacing easily along in the twilight.

"Is that you, Ed? How do you do by this time?"

"None of your business," retorted Ed.

"Come, now, old fellow, don't be cross about a joke. Remember, the Bible says, 'let not the sun go down upon your wrath;' and it's after sundown now. Give me your right hand of fellowship, my friend, and let's forget about this matter, until you get a chance to pay us fellows back."

"Pooh! don't be sentimental, Flag. I suppose I've a right to be out of humor if I please; but you need not feel troubled about it. As for paying you back, you may be sure I shall do that at the first opportunity; and there'll be time enough after that to shake hands."

"Just as you please; hope it won't be long," answered Flag, goodhumoredly. "Where did you get that pony?"

"Bought him."

"He's a fine, stout fellow. What did you pay for him?"

"Traded my gun to one of the Omahas for him."

"Did you get any game this morning?"

"No. I made up my mind to go and look at a claim down on the Platte; and that's where I found this animal."

"Hope Doc has supper ready," said Flag, as they came in sight