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Sahib Sáhib Sir, lord, gentleman.
Satya Yug Sat Jug The first age of the world; age of truth..
Sepoy Sipáhí A native soldier.
Seraglio Seraglio From Sura, house, and Ahul, domestic; hence Suralio or Seraglio, the family or female apartments.
Sewalla Shivála A temple.
Shadee Shádí Marriage, wedding, happiness.
Shah Sháh A king, a prince, (Mohammedan title.)
Shahzada Sháhzáda  The son of a king.
Shastra or Shaster Shástr Hindoo Scriptures.
Shiva Shív The Hindoo God of Destruction, husband of Kali, and the third member of the Hindoo Triad or Trimurti.
Shesas or Sheeites  Shíah One of the great Mohammedan sects; followers of Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet, and esteeming the three Caliphs, Abubeker, Omar, and Oman, as usurpers. To this sect belong the Persians generally, the royal family of Oude, and most of the lower orders of Mussulmans in India.
Shroff Sharráf A native banker or money-changer.
Shytan Shaitán The devil, Satan.
Sheikh Shaikh A disciple, follower, scholar; the name of the religionists in the Punjab.
Sirkar Sirkár The State or Government.
Soma Soma The milky juice of the moon-plant mixed with barley and fermented, forming an intoxicating drink; used in the ancient Vedic worship
Soonees Sunnís “Followers of the traditions,” who maintain the lawful succession of the three Caliphs before Ali, and pay great respect to the traditions of Islam. The Arabs, Turks, Affghans, and most of the educated Mussulmans of India, are of this class, and style themselves Orthodox, the Sheeas being regarded as heretics.
Sowar Sawár A cavalryman, a mounted soldier or policeman.
Subadar Súbadár A governor of a province, a captain.
Subah Súba A province.
Sudder Sadr Chief, principal, as Sudder-adawlut, the Supreme Court of Justice in India.
Sudra Súdr The fourth or servile caste of the Hindoos; now vaguely applied to all low classes.
Sultan Sultán Sovereign, prince, (Mohammedan;) also a title formerly borne by the royal family of Delhi.
Sunnud Sanad A grant or diploma.
Surdar Sardár A chief, head-man, commander.
Suttee Sátí The ceremony of burning a widow with her husband's corpse.
Syce Sais A groom or horse-keeper.
Syud or Said Saiyad A prince; descendant of Hossein, son of Ali, and grandson of Mohammed.