Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/128

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soS KING JAMES THE FIFTH H O N D P A R L I A M T F KING JAMES THE FIFTH. Halden at Edinburgh, the twentle fourth day of July the zeir of God, am thoufand ', five hnn- dreth , twentie twa zeires. t_/fneM the waird, rellefe, and mariage of the aires of them that deceafe in the hoafi moved contrair Engliih-men , or the trait ours of the Realme. H E Quhilk day my Lord Governour , with advife of the three Eftaites of the Realme , lies ftatute and ordained in this prefent Parliament : That gif ony man be flaine or hurt to death, in hoaft or army , againft our auld enemies of En- I gland, or traitoures of Scotland , in perfewing or defending now in time of weir moved , or to be moved , betuixt this Realme , and the Realme of England: In that cafe , the aires of them that ar flaine , fall have the waird , reliefes , and ma- nages of the Kingis grace , and my Lord Governour, free, difpenfand with their age, quhateild that ever they be of: To be applyed to the utilitie of the wives, aires , and bairnes of them that ar flaine , for the up-hald and fuftentation of die 'faidis wives, aires, and bairnes : Swa that throw the deceafe of their husbandes, they remaine not alluterlie in povertie and diflblution. And in likewife , all the Lordes , Spiritual and Tem- poral , lies confented , and confentis , diat all perfones that haldis lands of them , that beis flaine or hurt to death, as faidis, fall have, and bruik the priviledge of the Adte : And alfwa , all vafiailes, and fub-vaffalles, that haldis landes of Barronnes, or uther their Over-lordes, and happenis to be flaine or hurt to die death, in the laid hoift or armie , their wives, aires and bairnes , to bruik die effeft and priviledge of the faid Acle, as is before written. And that letters he direft thereupon in dew forme , as effeiris. 4. Anent the tackes und Jleadinges of them that ar flaine , as faid is. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, be the haill three Eftaites of Parliament , that quhat-fum-ever ten- nent , Gentle-man unlanded , or zeaman , havand tackes or fteadjnges , of ony Lordes or Lairdes , Spiritual or Temporal , that happenis to be llaine be Englijh-men , in our Soveraine Lordis armie or fervice, or gettis deathis woundes, in the famin: The wives and bairnes of them that fall happen to be flaine of wounded to the death , as faid is, fall bruik their tackes , maillinges, or fteadinges, for their fuftentation, during the fpace of five zeires, nixt after the flauchter or wounding to death , of the faidis tennents, gref- foumefree: Payand allanerly but mailles , dewties, and fervice audit and woont. N I THE