Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/17

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14. That na clerkes purchase pensiones of Benefices within the Realme.

ITEM, In likewise it is statute be the haill Parliament, and the King forbiddis, that onie Clerke of his Realme in time to cum, purches onie pension out of onie Benefice secular or Religious, under all paine that he maie tyne against his Majestie: or raise onie pension granted in time by gane in onie maner of waies, under the paines foresaid.

15. That na man have out of the Realme gold nor silver.

ITEM, It is statute & ordained, that na man have out of the realm gold nor silver, bot he pay fourtie pennies of ilk pund of custome to the King, under the paine of tinsel of all gold and silver that beis sunden with him, and x. pundes to the King for the unlaw.

16. Of stangers that takis money for their merchandice.

ITEM, Quhat strangeres that sellis merchandice in the Realme, and takis money theirfoir, he sall have witnesse of the hoste of his innes, that he outher wair al sik money for pennie worthes of this land, or els pay the custome foirsaid, under the paine before written.

17. That na man play at the fute-ball.

ITEM, It is statute, and the King forbiddis, that na man play at the fute-ball, under the paine of fiftie schillings to be raised to the Lord of the land, als oft as he be tainted, or to the Schireffe of the land or his Ministers, gif the Lordes wil not punish sik trefpassoures.

18. That ilk man busk them to be Archeres.

ITEM, That all men busk them to be Archeres, fra they be twelve zeir of age, and that in ilk ten pundis worth of Lande, their be maid bow markes, and speciallie neir to paroche Kirkes, quhairin upon halie daies men may cum, and at the least schutte thrise about, and have usage of Archerie, and quha sa usis not the said archerie, the Laird of the Land sall raise of him a wedder, and gif the Laird raisis not the said paine, the Kings Schireffe or his Ministers sall raise it to the King.

19. Of bigging of Ruikes in trees.

ITEM, For thy that men considderis that Ruikes biggand in Kirks zairdes, Orchardes, or Trees, dois greate skaith upon Cornes: It is ordained, that they that sik Trees per teinis to, lette them to big, & suffer on na wise that their birdes flowin away. And quhair it be tainted that they big, and the Birdes be flowin, and the nest be funden in the Trees at Beltane the trees sal be foirfaulted to the King (bot gif they be redeemed fra him, throw them that they first perteined to) and hewin downe, and five schillings to the Kingis unlaw.

20. Of Mure-burning.

ITEM, It is ordained, that na man mak Mure-burning, after the moneth of Marche, quhil all Cornes be schorne, under the paine of fourtie schillings, to be raised to the Lord of the lande of the burner. And gif he hes not to pay, that he be prisoned fourtie dayis. And gif the Lord of the land raisis not sik pain, nor punishis not sik tresspassoures, as is befoir said, the Justice Clerk be the indictement, sall gar sik trespassoures be corrected befoir the Justice, and punished as said is.

21. Custome of Horse Nolt, Scheepe, had furth of the Realme, and of Herring.

ALSWA For thy that mony thinges passis out of the Realme, withoutten Custome, it is ordained and decreeted that of all Nolt, Horse, and Scheepe had out of the Realme, their be payed to the King twelfe pennies for custome of ilk pund, of the price of the said guds, and of all Herring that are tane within this Realme, that is to fay, of ilk thousand of fresche Herring sauld, of the Sellar one penny, and of ilk last of Herring, tane be Scottis-men barrelled, foure schillinges of ilk last, be strangeris taken, sexe schillinges. And of ilk thousand red Herring, maid in the Realme, foure pennies.

22. Custome of Mertrik skinnes, and uther Furringes.

ITEM, It is ordained, that na man have Mertrik skinnes furth of the Realme, and gif he dois, that he pay to the King two schillinges for the Custome of ilk skinne, and for ten Fowmartes skinnes called Fithawes ten pennies. Item of ane hundreth Cunning-skinnes twelfe pennies. Item of ilk daker ofOtter