Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/188

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l6 8 & V E E N E CM A R of falfet , or not admitted be the Lords in maner forefaid and nfe the office of Notarie , they fall be punifhed, asfaidis, that is to fay, their haill nioveabil gudis to be efcheitted and applyed to our Soveraine Ladies me, and they to want their ncht hand , and to be banilhed the Realm for ever. And further, fuld be punilhed to the tinfell of their life inclufive , as the qualitie of the caufe required, be ficht and difcretion of the Judge, And the caufers of the falfettes to be done, to receive the famin punition in their perfoncs and glides : And becaufe in ane uther act , maid be our Soveraine Ladie in the Parliament forefaid , all Notares were fufpended to the laft day of March thereafter , unto the time of their admiffion be the Lordes forefaids , it being confiddered, that the faid aft tuike not then dew execution: Therefore the Queenis Grace with advife of the three Eftaitcs, difpenfed and fupplied onie fault be that part of the laid aft, and all infi:rumentes given fenfyne and there- after, unto the YziSxaUFhit-fimday nin. after the dait of the faid act, as at mair length is concerned in the famin: And it being now underftandin to the Queenis Majeftie , and the three Eftaites of this Realme, in this prefent Parliament , that the faid act lies not bin dewlie obferved nor univerfaliie cum in ufe , and that be reafon the famin came not to the knawledge of the haill lieges of this Realme , quhair-throw thay may be prejudged and hurt be taking and receiving of fik inftrumentes , by the tenour of the forefaid act , therefore and for uther reafonable confiderationes, the Queenis Hienes and the three Eftaites forefaidis , lies difpenfed and difpenfis with the faid act, and declairis all Inftrumentes, tane and maid be quhat-fum-ever Notar or Notares, kn the dait of the laid aft, to be fufrkient and vailzeable in the felfe , fwa the faid Inftrumentes be maid be loyal Notares , not improven nor defamed , before the making of fik-like Inftaimentes , like as her Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis difpenfes with the famin act and contentes theirof, anent all Inftrumentes maid in onie times by-gane be loyal Notares , as faid is , fen the twentie twa daye of Junij , the zeire of God forefaid , and to be maid hereafter , quhill the firft day of March nixt to- cum , in this inftant zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth , threefcore three zeires. And in the meane time ordainis letters to be direct to command and charge all Notares, quhilk are not as zit examined , and admitted be the Lordes of Counceil, according to the tenour of the faid act , be open proclamation at the mercat croce of the head Burrowes of all Schires, within this Realme, to compeir within theJBiirgh of Edinburgh, and there to be examined be the faides Lordes in maner forefaid , betuixt and the faid firft daye of March nixt to-cum , with certification to them and they failzie , the pains conteined in the faid acte fall be execute upon them with all rigoure , and all Inftrumentes taken in Notares handes not admitted and examined be the faidis Lordes , before the faid day to be null and of nane availe , and to have na faith thereafter. 7 9 . i_All Notares fuld be prefented be the §>neene , and admitted be the Lordes of SeJJion. ITEM, Becaufe our Soveraine Ladies lieges are greatumlie hurt be unworthy and in fufEcient Notares, not qualified, as effeiris to be, in making of Inftrumentes and uthers writtinges, according to their office: I T Is ftatute and ordained be our Soveraine Ladie , with the advife of the three Eftaites , that na perfon tak upon hand to ufe nor exerce the office of Notarie , be na maner of creation , to be maid in onie time to- cum fra this day furth , under the paine of death , without they be maid and creat be the Queenes Majefties fpecial letters, and theirafter examined and admitted be the Lordes of Seffion and College of juftice, quha fall tak theit aithes for dew and lauchfull ufing of the faid office of Notarie , and caufe regifter their figne and fub- fcription , quhilk they fall ufe in all times after their faid admiffion. And gif onie perfon or perfones , at- temptis or dois in contrair heirof , in creating or making Notares, or ufing oi the faid office utherwaies nor faid is , they fall be punilhed to the death, and their inftrumentes , nor notes to mak na faith. 8 o . t^Anent giving of faifinges. ITEM, For-fa-meikle as in umquhile our Soveraine Ladies deareft Fathers time that laft deceafed, It was ftatute and ordained , that all faifinges , quhilkis paffis upon precepts of the Chancellarie , to be given be the SchirefFe Clerk or his deputes : Sen the quhilk acte , there is be occafion of weires and great troubles , di- vers failings given be uthers Notars, upon preceptes paft furth of the faid Chancellarie : Therefore our So- veraine Ladie , with advife of the three Eftaites of Parliament , difpenfed with that fault of all faifinges given be uthers Notares , fen the making of the forefaid acte , and ordained the faid acte to be publifhed and have effect in times dimming , with this addition , that upon all precepts paft foorth of the Chancellarie , the Schi- reffe, Steward, or Baillie , alfweill Regalitie as Royaltie , or their deputes , fuld be required to pafle and give faifinges with the SchirefFe Clerk , and his Deputes, and gif the SchirefFe, Steward, or Baillie , or their deputes, refufed to pafle and give the faifing , then the party , haver of that precept , to put ony uther Baillie to give faifing as he fall think maift expedient , as at mair length is conteined in the faid acte , of the dait the twenty dale oi' Juni/ , the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, fiftie five zeires : And new the Queenis Grace and the three Eftaites of this Realme underftandand that the faid acte hes not bene dewlie obferveel nor uni- verfaliie cum in ufe, and that be reafon the famin comes not to die knawledge of the haill lieges of this Realme, quhair-throw they may be prejudged and hurte be taking of fik faifinges,by the ordour of the faid acte : There- fore , and for uther reafonabill confiderations , the Queenis Hienes and the three Eftaites forefaidis , hes difpenfed , and difpenfis with the faid acte , and declaris all faifinges tane and given be quhat-fum-ever perfon or