Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/192

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IJ% A N E TAB L E Of the tP A R TIC V L A R t^fCT $ and tttherf emitted in the Tarliamentes maid be ^VEENE tMARIE. V. Parliament, i. Februar. if$t. THE declaration of the Lord Angus. Ofneni cur fed perf ones that compellis Trie/its to fay mejfe in thtir frtfintt. xyinent CMalt -makers* iy£nent Beggers. t^Anent flaying of'Daes, and Raes. t_Anent packing and pilling. x^Ancnt fore-Jiallers. ^Anent the having of qtSite fijhe furth of the Realwe. t^Anent CMonfieur Dofelf. Ratification of the contract maid betuixt the Lord Goveruour and Sir James Hammiltoun. Ratification of the act maid betuixt the Queenis Grace atid the Lord Governour. VI. Parliament, zo. Junij. 15$$. Anent the libertie of halie Kirk. The acJe maid anent the flauchters of parties inperfate and defence of their afliones and caufes. Anentis Ml meafouris and weichtes. Anetttis Lambes. Anentis ferriares. Anentis the flauchter ofpowtes and pertricks &c. Anentis planting of wooddes , <Parkes, Forrejles and Orchardes., Anentis Beggers, VII. Parliament. 14. December. i$$?. The di/pofition of the wards manages , non-entreffis , benefices , tackes and fleadings vaikand throw their deceis. Naproces to be led againfi them during their fervice. IX. Parliament. 4. Junij. 1563, For e/cheWing ef dearth of vivers and vicJualles, Anentis meafiires and weichtes. Anentis fchutting 'wilde beajtes, and foules. Anent the letters ofCMarqne. Ane provifion to be maid for the infiruElion of the &outh. For fending ane Ambafadour to the King of Denmarke. FINIS. THE