Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/195

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P A H t R L I A M E N O F KING JAMES THE S E X T 4 llulden at Edinburgh the XV. day of December „ 1567. Be JAMES Eafle of CWV& RAT , &c. Regent to this Realme and Liegis. i. x^Aticntthe conjiitution (/"James Earle of Murray 'in Regent, to our Soveraine Lord, his Realme and Liegis. T E M , It is foundin , declared , and decerned be our S'overaine Lord, with idvife of the three Eftaitis , and haill bodie of this prefent Parliament, that he nominatioun , conftitutioun , and ordination of our faid Soveraine Lords deareftCoufing, JAMES Earle of Murray , Lord Abemet hie ,

n Regent to his Hienes , his Realme and Liegis thereof, during the rime

of his Majefties minoritie , and lefle age , fpecified and exprefled in the Queenes Majefties Letters , under her fubferiptioun and pnvie feale, of the date the 14. day ofjulij laftpy-paft, togidder alfwa with the confent and approbation of the Earles , Lordcs , Prelates , Commiffioners of Bur- rowes, Barronnes, andutherisfaithfull fubjects, convened and affem- bled to that effect. And the acceptation of the faid office of Regentriej be the faide JAMES Earle of CMurray , upon the of Augufc "laft by-paft , was,is,andinalltimescummingfallbehalden, repute, & efteemedlawfull, fufficient, andperfite. And all and whatfumever things , quhilkshehesdonebcvertew of his faid office of Regentrie , fen his acceptatioun thereof, or quhilks he fall do hereafter , in our faid Sovc- raine Lords name and authoritie , during the time of his hienefle Minoritie , fpecified in the faid commiflTioun and procuratioun produced , advifed and confidered , be the faid three Eftaites, to beasdewlie, lawfullie* Efficiently « and fighteoufly done , and to have als great availl , ftrength, force & effect, in all refpecls and conditions, as ony things done be quhat-fumever Regents, Governours or Proteclours of this Realme , in the minorities and lefle aiges of ony uthers native Princes of the fame. And ratifies < apprevis and confi rrniSj the fame nominatioun and acceptatioun , for now and in time cumming, MARIE Be the Grace of God Queene of Scots , to all and findrie Our judges, & minifiers of our Lawes* liegis & fubje&s , quhom it effeiris , to quhais knawledge thir our letters fall cum, greeting: For-fa- meikle, as after lang,greate and intollerablepaines, and labours taken bee us, fen our arrivall within our Realme , for Government thereof, and keeping of the Liegis of the famin in quietnes * we have not onely beene vexed in our fpirite , body , and fenfes thereby , bot als at length are altogidder fa wearyed thereof, that our habilitie , and ftrength of body , is not abill langer to indure the famin; THEREFOIR, and becaufe na thing earthlie can be mair comfortabiil and happy to us in this Earth , nor in our life time to fee our deare Sonne, the native Prince of this our Realme, placed in the Kingdome thereof , and the Crowne Royall fet on his head ', we of our awin free-will , and fpeciall motive , have dimitted and renounced the Governement , guyding and governing of this our Realme of C c 3 S G O T-