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i 9 8 KING JAMES THE S E X T Soveraine Lord, or his authoritie, bot be punifhable, as rcbellares, and gaine-ftanderes of the famin, quhi'k fall not give their Confefllon , and make their profeffion of the faide trew Religion. And that all fik, as tr.akis profeffion thereof, and 2ithesmaid defection Ira their dewe obedience, auchtto our Soveraine Lord , fall be admoniihed be the Paftours and Minifters of the Kirk , to acknowledge their offenfe , and re- rarne to their dewtifull obedience: and gif they failzie therein , to be excommunicate and fecluded , from thefocietieoftheKirk, as rebellious and corrupt members , bet.uixt and the firft dayofjunij nixt-to-cum. And that ahvaies , befoir fik perfonnes as hes maid defection , be received to our Soveraine Lordis mercie and favour : they fall give the Confeffion of their Faith of new , and promife to continew in the Confeifion of the trewe Religion , in time cumming , mainteine our Soveraine Lordis authoritie : and that they fall at the ut- termaift of their power , fortifie , affift and mainteine the trew Preachoures and profellburs of Chrifts Reli- gion, againftquhat-fumeverenimies, and gaine-ftanderes of the famin : Andnamelie, all fik of quhat- fumever Nation , Eftaite or degree they be of, that hes joyned , and bund themfelves , or hes afliitcd, or ailiftes to fet forward , and execute the cruell decreittes of the Councell of Tim*/ , (quhilk maid injuriou- flie is called be the adverfaries of Gods truth, the Haly League) contrarie the Preachoures , and trew pro- fellours of the word of God. 48. The explanation of the t_A5t maid anent iJManfes and Glebes. ~TJ Orfameiklc as be aft of Parliament, balden and begunne at Edinburgh, the fourth dayofjunij, the J_ zeireofGod, anethoufand, fivehundreth, threefcoir three zeires; It was ftatute , and ordained, that na Parfon , Vicar, nor uther Ecclefiafticallperfon, fuld fet in few , orlangtakkes, ony of their Man- tes , or glebes perteining to the Kirkes. And alfwa that they that ar appoynted , or to be appoy nted to ferve or Minifter at ony Kirk, within this Realnx; , fuld have the principall Manfe of the Parfone or "Vicar: or fa- meikle thereof, as fuld be fund fuffkient, for ftaiking of them, to the efFeCt that they may the better await upon the charge appoynted , or to be appoynted to them , whither the faides glebes wer fet in few, or takke of before , or not: Or that anereafonabill and fufBcienthoufe, wer bigged to them befide theKirke, be the Parfone or Vicar , oruthershavandthefaidisManfesin few, orlangtakkes. And far- ther , fameikle land to be annexed to the faidis dwelling places , of them that ferves , or Minifters at the Kirk, as thereafter , withgudeadvifement, fuld be appoynted , like as the faid act , at mair length , proportis. Quhilk being in divers pairtes doubtfull and incertaine, na gudde execution hes followed thereupon , in time by-paft. Therefore our Soveraine Lord , with advife of my Lord Regents grace , the three Eftaites , and haill body of this prefent Parliament , findis and declaris , that the Manfes , outher perteining to the Parfone or Vicar, maifteweft to the Kirk, and maift commodious for dwelling, perteines and fail perteine, to the Minifter or Reader, ferving at the famin Kirk : Togither with four acres of land of the glebe at lead , lyand contigue , or maifteweft to the faid Manfe, gif there be fa-meikle : And failzeing thereof, fa-meikle as there is; to be marked , and fpeciallie defigned be the Arch-bifchop , Bifchop , Super- intendent, or Commiffioner of the diocefe or province, the time of their nixt vifitation , be the advife of ony twa of the maift honeft and godlie of the Parochiners , quhilkes he fall require ( not being poffef- fours of the faid Manfes or glebes themfelves) to joyne with him in execution hereof, whither the faidis Manfes and glebes be fet in few, ortakkes ofbefoire, or not. And upon the faid marking and defignation, the Arch-bifchop , Bifchop, Super-intendent , or Commiffioner , fall give his teftirnoniall, bearing, how he with advife oi fik twa of the Parochiners , hes vifited the Manfe and glebe, offikanlCuk, andfindes the famin occupyed be fikperfones. And that they have appoynted, marked, and defigned the faid Manfe, v ith foure acres , orfikquantitieof land adjacent thereto, to the ufe of the Minifter , or Reader, that fall fcrve and Minifter at the faid Kirk, in time cumming. And upon the Minifters or Readers fupplication, quhair withall the faid teftirnoniall fall be prefented to the Lordes of Councell , letters fall be directed , charg- ing the occupyars , and pofleflburs of the faidis Manfes and acres of land , whither the famin be fet in few or takes of before, or not: to remove, defift and ceafe theirfra, and enter the faid Minifter or Reader, to the poflefiion of the famin, within ten dayes, under the paine of rebellion, and gif they failzie, to put them to the home. Andincafetheybedenunced, letters of caption , and uthersexecutorialles to be direct upon them , according to the Lawes of this Realme. Quhilkes Manfe?, and acres of land fa marked , and defigned, as faid is, it fall not be leafum to the Minifters , or Readers prefent , or to cum, to fell, an- nalie, fet in few, ortakkes, or to put ony in poffeffion of the famin, in prejudice of their fueceflburs : bot thcfamintoremainealwayesfreetotheuieandeafementoffik, as fall be admitted to ferve, and Minifter at the faid Kirk. And quhair ony perfones upon pretence of fevves or takkes , obteined of Manfes or Glebes, hes maid fumptuous biggings thereon, fra the quhilks they think heavie to be difpoilelfed , or removed , that then the Arch-bifchop , Bifchop, Super-intendent or Commiffioner , the time of their vifitation , travcll to agree the fewer or takkef-man , and the Minifter or Reader, be delivering to the famin Minifter or Reader of ane uther Manfe, quhilk fall be als gude , and eweft as the uther , be juft eftimation , the time that it was fet in few , or takkes : to be bigged betuixt this and the firft daye of October nixt-to-cum; togitMer alfwa with certaine acres of land adjacent thereto, in maner forefaid, for efchewing ofdebait and contention. Bot gif the fewer , or takkef-man , refufis willingly to condifcend to the famin, then the execution to proceed , for removing fra the principall Manfe , & fa manie acres of land . as is before fpecifkd , not-