Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/224

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%o% KING JAMES THESE XT HE FOURTH P A R L LA Halden at Haly-rude-hous , the lafi dale of CAfril , the zeir of God, one thmjand, five hun- dreth, threejcoir thretten zeires: Be JAMES the Sext, be the Grace of God, King of SCOTT ES , with advife and confent of J AMES Erie of OlfORTOVN, Lord "DALKEITH , Gfr. Regent Mhis CMajeJlie , his Realme and fiibjecjes. 55". KsAnent them that divertes fra uthers , being joyned of befcir , in laucbfull ' Mariage, ^13§i T I S founden , and declared be our Soveraine my Lorde , Reeentis Grace §lpf the three Eftaites , & haillbodie of this prefent Parliament •• I hat in all times by- rV fifef paft, fen the trew and Chrillian Religion was publicklie preached, avowed, and ""^fc eftabliflied within this Realme , namelie , fen the Moneth of Auguft , the zeir of

  • ^|||God, anethoufand, five hundreth, threefcoir zeires. Ithesbeene, and in all

times cumming fall be lauchfull ; That quhat-fum-ever perfon , or perfones, 1 joyned in lauchfull Matrimonie , husband or wife , divertis fra uthers companie, ' without ane reafonable caufe alledged , or adduced befoir an Judge , and remainis in their malicious obftinacie , be the fpace of fourc zeires , and in the meane time, ' refufis all privie admonitions : The husband of the wife, or the wife of the husband!, for dew adherence: That then the husband , or the wife, fall call and perfew the obftinate perfon offender, befoir the Judge Ordinar for adherence. And in cafe no fufficient caufes be alledged, quhair-foir na adherence fuld be , bot that the fentence proceedis againft the offender , refufand to obey the farnin : The husband or the wife, fall meene themfelves , to the iuperiour Magiflrate , videlicet, the Lords of Seffion , and fall ob- teine letters , in the four formes , conforme to the fentence of adherence : Quhilk charge being contemned, and therefoir being denunced rebel! , and put to the home : Then the husband, or the wife, to fute the fpiritual jurifdiction and power , and require the lauchfull A rch-bifchop, Bifchop, or Super-intendent of thecoun- trie , quhair the offender remaines , to direct privie admonitiones to the faid offender , admonifching him or her, as befoir, for adherence. Quhilkes admonitiones, gif he or Ihe contemptuouffy difobeys : That A rch-bilhop , Bifchop , or Super-intendent , to direct charges to the Minifter of that Parochin , quhair the offender remaines , or in cafe there be nanc , or that the Minifter will not execute , to the Minifter of the nixt adjacent Kirk theirto : Quha fall proceede againft the faid offender , with publick admonitions , and gif they be contemned , to the fentence of Excommunication. Quhilk anis being pronunced , the malicious and obivinat defection of the partie offender , to be ane fufficient caufe of divorce , and the faid partie offender to tyne and lofe their tocher , & donationes proper mtpias, $6. Salt fuld not be transported. FO R S A M E I K L E , As it is underftandin , the great and exhorbitant prices , the fmall Salt is latelie riflento, within this Realme : Quhilk heirtofoir lies never bene feene or heard within the famin. And there is na reafon , that the faid itrange dearth and novekie , fuld be fuffered to continew, but the occafion thereof, to be timouflie remedied. THEREFORE, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with ad- vife and confent of his deareft Regent , the three Eftaites , and haill bodie of this prefent Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis : That na fmall Salt bee tranfported foorth of this Realme , at onie time hereafter , at the leaf! , for the fpace of three zeiris, nixt after the dait of this prefent Acre, under the paine of confifcation of the Salt , as alfwa of the Schippes , Vefchelles , and uthers movabel guddes of the perfones tranfporters thereof: PROVIDING alwaies , that the paine of this A<te , extend not againft ftrangers of Norway , and uthers of the Eaft partes , quhilk brings in tymber in this Realme, for quhilk, they ar priviledged be this prefent Acte , to tranfport Salt , for the exchange of their money , conforme to the Acles maid of befoir. 57. The meafure of ' S almond ', Herring and 'quhitefijh. ITEM, FORSAMEIKLE as it is confiddered , that be packing of Salmond, Herring, andquhitc- fi flies, be the Merchandes , and uthers inhabitantes of this Realme, there is great hurte and damnage iuftcined be the buyers thereof, and great fclander fufteinis the haill Nation, throw the default of a few number, infafarreaseverietrafficquerwithfik Merchandise, caufis the Cowpers make his barrelles and trees, of fik quantitie , as he pleafes , for his awinparticular profite , not keepand therein ane univerfal mea- fure. AND therefoir it is ftatute and ordained bee our Soveraine Lorde , with advife and confent of his deareft Regent , the three Eftaites , and haill body of this prefent Parliament , that everie Salmond barrel! to