Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/228

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zo6 KING JAMES THE S E X T 67. lyine a$ anent the carying of flejh foorth of this Realme in fchippes , under culkur of victualling. ITEM, For-fa-meikle , as be taking and carying away of all kinde of flefli , in great quantitie , for victualling of fchippes , pafland foorth of this Realme , at the haill Portes thereof, and fpeciallie at Lcith, and Coalt fide of Fife, It is ane great occafton of dearth of all kinde of flefche , feeing the haill Skippers , Maifters of Schippes, and mariners, in all partes of this Realme , takes foorth of the famin, in great abundance and quantitie , under cullour and pretenfe of the viclualling of their Schippes, mair nor may ferve and fufleine them for their voyage. FOR remeid quhairof in time dimming, it is ftatute and ordained , beourSove- raineLord, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, that all kinde of flelh , for victualling of their fchippes in time cumming , be packed within the free Burghs and Portes , quhair the faidis Schippes lyes, and ar to depart fra , andnautherwaies. And that the Proveft, Baiilies, and cuftomers of the faids Burrowes, vifie and confider diligentlie , how meikle flefche may ferve everieS chip, and her equippage, for that pre- fent voyage , and according to the number of the equippage and companie , appoynt to everie fchip fa mony barrellesorpunfcheons, as for that prefent voyage, fall fufficientlie ferve them, to the firft port they ar frauchred to, and thereafter mark the faidis barrelles or punfcheons, appoynted be them, to the furnifhing of the faidis fchippes, with the commoun marke of the faid Burgh. Providing alwaies , that in cafe the faidis Skippers , Maifters or Marineris , take ony mair flefch foorth of the Realme nor may ferve and fufteine them, for that voyage, according to the number of their equippage, and as fall be appoynted to them in mancr foirfaid , and marked as faid is , that the faidis iPrpveft, Baiilies, and Cuftomers, everie one of them, within their awin offices and )mtfdi£lion refpecJ ive , fearch, feek, take and apprehend the fuper-plus of the faid flefh , fchipped in the faidis fchippes , t>y and attour the furniture appoynted to them , for that voyage , as faid is, efcheit and in-bring the famin, to our Soveraine Lordis ufe , deliver the famin to his Thefaurer, for the quhilk , he fall be halden to anfwere our Soveraine Lord , zeirlie, in his Checker. FINIS. ■ - A N E T A B L E Of the T ARTICVLAR t^fCTES, and uthers, made be KING JAMES the Sext, and not imprinted. In this fifth ^Parliament , 15. ofjulij. 1578,' 1 TT Eclaration of the freedome of the faid 'Parliament. 1 J The Ratification of the acceptation of the Regiment, be the Kings ^Majefiie, in his awinperfim. 3 Nomination and Election of the Kings Councell. 4 ^Anent the vifitation ofVniverfities and Col/edges. 5 t_Ane difcharge given to J A M E S , Erie of 'Mortoun of 'his Regiment. 6 iy4ne exoneration ofumquhile JOHN, Erie of Mar, anent the keeping of our Soveraine Lordis per fin, within the Caftle ^TStriviling. 7 The alteration of the Faire of Irving. 8 The changing ofvacance of the Lords ofSejfion. 9 Commijfion for confirmation of Tefiaments, and placing of Commiffaris. 10 Commijfion anent the Lowes: commijfion for the policie of the Kirke. 1 1 Ratification of the gift maid to the Trovefi and LMaifiers, of the auld Colledge of Saint- Andrewes, 1 a i_Ane penfion granted to the Countes of Max. 1 3 Commijfion anent the cuinzie. 14 Taxation often thoufand tJMarkes , for the beeting of the brig of Tay. 1 $- iylne All concerning the kindlie tennents of the Bifchoprik <?f Dumblane. 16 Commijfion concerning recognition of landes, within Burgh. FINIS. THE