Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/248

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zz6 KING JAMES THE S E XT 1 08. Ane Tahiti or Roll fidd be delivered to the Cuftomer of all cnflumable guddis. FORSAMEIKIL, As our Soveraine Lords Cuftumes , ar ane of the partes of the Patrimonie of his Crown , And findrie gude and profitabill Actes lies bene maid, namely againft them havand guddes out of the Realme un-cuftumat , and how the cuftume fall remaine with the King for his living , Quhilkis Actes and all utheris Actes maid toward his Majefties Cuftumes forefaidis. His Hienes withadvife of his three Eftaites ratifies and apprevis , and ordainis the fame , to have full effect and execution in time cum- ming with this addition : That ane Table be delivered to all Cuftomers, for uptaking and inbringing of our Soveraine Lordes Cuftomes , ordaining that every Sack of Wooll , fall conteine bot twenty four ftanes, every hundreth Skinnes fex fcore , and evene douzaine of Claith twelf elnis allanerlie. 109. For the fire tie of them that affeiged houfes be the Kingis commijfion , in his Hienes rJMinoritie, NENT The Supplication given in to our Soveraine Lord, and Lordes of Artickles of this prefent _ Parliament , be the Nobil-rhen , and utheris his trew and Faithfuil Subjects , that ferved in the defence oi his Hienes Authoritie and Crown, during the late Civill troubles within this Realme , in the time of his Majefties zoung age , Makand mention : 1 hat quhair they being oftimes employed be his umquhile Re- gentes for the time, in the execution of divers commiffiones againis findrie of his Hienes unnaturall Sub- ject es , Rebelles , and withftanders of his Authoritie , quha at that time affifted and tuke planepairt with the declared Traitoures, Rebelles and enimies of his Majefties Crown , with power alfwa to afleige Houfes, and raife firg for the better reprefling of them. The faidis Noble-men and utheris his Majefties trew and Faithfuil fubjectes, for difchargeing of their dewtie , in execution of the faidis commiffiones with their friendes, afluters , and fervandes fearched and focht the faidis Rebelles and difobedient Subjectes , quha placeing them- felfis in Houfes , in findrie pairts of this Realme , and keiping and fortifying the fame againft his Majeftie and his Authoritie , they wer forced to raife fyre , and ufe ail uther meanes of hoftilitie for recoverie of die fame. Quhairfore his Majeftie , with advife of his three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Decernis and declaris, That all things done be the faidis Noble-men , and uthers his Hienes faithfuil fubjectes, within the time of the faidis Civile troubles , for execution of the faidis Commiffiones, againft quhat-fumever perfones , his Hienes Rebelles , Traitoures and difobedient fubjectes , for the time, their fervandes , friendes , affifteris and parrakeris; wes lauchfully , weill, and dewtifullie done be them. And that there-intill they have committed na crime nor offenfe bot obeyed his Hienes and his Regentes commandements. Exonerand and difchairge- and them of all Action , crime and offenfe , that ony pairtie may perfew or move againft them theiranent, at ony time hereafter. no. CAgainft the fchamefull opprejfon of faying and touching of Oxen , Horfes , and uther Cattell. FO R S A M E I K L E , as be die lovabill Lawes and Actes of Parliament maid of before , fik fpeciall re- fpect is had to the labouring of the ground in dew feafon , as the Oxen & Cattell occupied in the Pleuch , are forbidden to be poynded for ony nianer of debt, during the time of the Tilth. Zit findrie wicked perfones , mooved in defpire againft their Nichtboures , ceafles not commonlie in their private revenge , to houch and flay Oxen and Horfes in the Pleuch , Byre , and utherwayes , And to hound out bair-men and vaga^ bounds, to the attempting of fik foull and lchamefull enormities, fa farre prejudiciall to the Commoun- weill , and againft ail gude example. For ftancheing quhairof in time cumming , and to the terrour alfweill of the committeris of fik foull and fchamefull oppreiliones , as of the cauferis , tortifieris , and receipteris of the committeris thereof : I T I S Statute and ordained be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with ad- vife of the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament : That all fik flayeris and houcheris of Horfes and Oxen, or uther Cattel in time cumming , fall be efteemed and punifched as thieves. And all perfones that fall hap- pen p receive, fupplie, and maintaine the Authoures of fik oppreffion in companie or houfhald , after the com- mitting thereof, fall be efteemed and punifched as receipteris and maintaineris of thieves , And baiththe committeris of the faid unwoorthie and fchamefull oppreffion , and the receipteris , fupplieris and maintai- neris of them , being dewlie called and convict thereof, to incurre the paine of death , and confifcation of all their guddes moovabill. in. For Execution of the Ac~ls maid auent cafwg dounie , and balding 'dowh'e ofCruves and Zaires , and pimifchment of 'the Tranfgrejfoures their of , fauchterofreid Fifche , and of the fry of all Fifche. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and the three Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Ratifies and apprevis all Actes maid be his Hienes , and his maift Noble Progenitoures , Anent the deftruction of Cruves and Zaires , ilauchter of reid Fifche , Smokes, and frye of all Fifches. And ordainis the famin to have effect and execution in time cumming. And becaufe it is underftand to his Hienes , and his faidis three Eftaites , that albeit paines and traveiles wes tane , to caft downe and deftroye the faidis Cruves , and Zaires : zit