Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/271

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NINTH PARLIAMENT. XXII of Aiiguft. 1584. x 4 9 Landes, Lord-fhippes , Barronnies, miines, multures and fifchinge$j with their pertinences, may be lee in few-ferme be his Hienes , with advife of his Comptroller prefent , or to cum, toquhat-fum-everperfbn or perfones his Hienes pleafis, And our faid Soveraine Lord and the three Eflaites of this prefent Parliament; be the tenour hereof, declaris, decernis, andordainis, that this prefent diflolution fall ftand , and be of full force, for his Hienes life-time: Swathac the Landes, Lordfhippes and Barronnies quhilk his Hienes fall fct in few-ferme , in his awin time , fail be fure and vailzeable to the perfones receivers theirof , their aires! and Succeflbures for ever: and that the annexations of landes , Lcrdfhippes and Barronnies , maid in ony time preceeding , fa far as fall concerne 1 he landes , Lordihippes and Barronnies, quhilk fall not happen to be fet in few-ferme, in his Hienes awin time ; fall after his deceafe , returne to the awih nature , after the forme of the diilblutiones maid before , in the time of his maift Noble Progenitoures. Providing alwaies , thatthefaidisinfeftmentsoffew-ierme, be not maid within the juft availe , to the prejudice and hurt oi our Soveraine Lord , and his fucceiTbures : That is to fay, within the dewtie, to die quhilkis the faidis landes ar retoured, ormaybejuftlyretoured, for the new extent. Quhilk neV extent his Hienes, with advife fore- faid, declaris to be the juft availe of the faidis landes, for the quhilk die famin may be fet in few-ferme. Pro- viding alwaies , that this prefent didblution, fall not be extended to the landes»of^»£6w«, Erskene, and utheris, the Erie oi Angus his landes, conteined in the Kingis Majefties Signatour. Bot the famin fall re- maine with the Kingis Majeftie , and his Hienes SuccefTours , tobeufed, occupied, and intrometted with; be his Majefties Gompt rolleres prefent , and that fall happen to be for the time in fik fort , and in the famin maner as the faidis landes were ufed be the Lords, and proprietaris theirof, afore their fore-faltoures : Neither fall it be lefum to ony his Majefties fubjeftes, to purchafe few , takke or rental of the famin, oronyuther cullour of richt ; Qiihairby they may pretend to interpone themfelves betuixt his Hienes Comptrollers , arid the tennentes , labourers of the landes foirfaidis, quhilkis fewes*, takkes, rentalles, or uther quhat-fum- everalreadiepurchafed, or to be purchafed , contrair to the tenour of this prefent provifion. The Kincrs Majeftie with advife of his Hienes three Eftaites forefaidis , declaris to have bene , and to be null of the Law in fik-like , in all time cumming. 7. iy£ll Kirk-landes Jet in few-ferme fuld be confirmed. FORSAMEIKLE as it being confiddered be our Soveraine Lord , and the three Eftaites in this pre- fect Parliament: That albeit of before, it hes bene ftatute and ordained , be findrie aftes of Parliament, and ordinances of fecreet Councell , with letters of publication paft there-upon : «, That all fewes of Kirk- landes, and lang takkes fet or maid, fentheS.dayofAfo/rA, thezeirofGod, ice 8. zeires, fuldbecon- firmed be the Kingis Majefty : and that utherwayis the fame fuld be null , and be ducufled be way of excep- tion: And for the iecuritie thereof, that all perfons that had fignatour of confirmation paft, lyandinthe Thefaiirers hand , fuld cum and pay the compofition; and utheris that were not zit agreed, fuld cum and make their compofition , and expeede their confirmation , within the time and diet appoynted to them there- to. Not the les ane great number not only delaies , but rather as appearis contemnis the fame , and dois nat diligence therein. As alfwa it is confiddered , be our faid Soveraine Lord , and the three Eftaites in this pre- fent Parliament , that mony uther fewes , fet of before of Kirk-landes , before the faid 8. day of March, die zeirofGod, anethoufand, fivehundreth, fiftie aucht zeires , quhilk be the ordour then obferved , fuld have bene confirmed, ather be the King , orbethe'P^, were nather then confirmed be that ordour, not zit be na uther dew ordour , fenfine. 1 herefore it is declared , ftatute and ordained, that all the faidis fewes' of Kirk-landes, alfweillfettofauld, before the 8 . day of Marc h , thezeirofGod, 1558. zeires, as fen- fine: quhilks ar as zit unconfirmed , fall be brocht in and prefented to our Soveraine Lordis Thefaurer , and his depute, betuixt and the firft day oiSeptember, the zeirofGod, 15 8 y. zeires, and aggried with them for the confirmation thereof, and the famin confirmation to be expede and paft , but ony delay thereafter. Pro- viding alwaies that the add poflefibures fall not be prejudged be this aft, and fall have their confirmations, for payement of the 4. maill, and the fermorares for doubling of their fernae , And that the land be not evifted from them, nor difponed to ony uther, they offering for confirmation , as faid is. And feeking the famin; tiithinzeirandday, after the publication of this aft, utherwaies to pay 8. mailtes or three fermes. And utherwaies, that all the faidis fewes, afweillofauldas of new, not being confirmed, fall have na efTeft, force nor ftrength in judgement, or out- with, in ony time cumming. And fall be repelled and difcuffed, be way of exception , before quhat-fum-ever Judge they fall happen to be ufed and produced. And fik-like, that it fall be lefum to our faid Soveraine Lord, gif it fall pleafe his Majeftie to pedew be his Hienes Advocate in his name, reduftion of all the faidis infeftments of few , of auld or of new , fen the time forefaid, or fall happen to be fet hereafter in ony time cumming, not being confirmed, as faid is : that the famin fall be r<£ duceable , for the only reafon and caufe of non-confirmation thereof. And that the haill lands fall fall in our faid Soveraine Lordis hands and his Succeflburs , to be ufed and difponed be bis Hienes , as he fall thinke ex- pedient in time cumming. N n 3 8. Anent