Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/302

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XSo KING JAMES THE S E X T 6 j. x^Anent Trecepts of the propertie , and the Comptrollers comptes. ITEM, That na precepts or difcharges of ane part of the proper-tie , to be allowed in time dimming in Checker , except the fame fall be fubfcribed and accepted be the Comptroller , and alwaies the parties acquittance to be produced upon compt , and na thing to be ■Mow ^perkulo compliant is, 68. lyfll rentalles ar perfonall life-rents , quhairin na mention is maid of aires. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, that all re ntalles.fett be onie OUR SOVERAINE LORDIS Predeceflbures , of gude memorie , of onie landes , perteining in propertie to his Hienefle (except few rentalles, fet to men and their aires) fall have na further ftrength nor effect, nor ane naiked life-rent, and that after the deceafe of the rentallers , his Majeftie have power with advife of his Comptroller, to fet, ufe, and difpone their-upon at his plefour of new in few , aither for augmentation of the former rentall , or for new entres filver , and that all bee fet in augmentation of the Kingis rentall. 69. The cafualities fuld not be difpone d in great. XT E M , It is ftatute , that his majefties cafualities fall not be given away in great : as of the cafualities of ane haill Cuntrey togidder : Or the confirmation of the haill fewes of onie Prelacie : or of onie fpcciall crimes. yo. xyfnent payment of pecuniall paines and compofitionnes. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained be OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, with advife and confent forefaid, that all pecuniall paines of offenders, fail be taken up in gold and filver, at the availl of the money , quhen the Actes ware maid , or els augmented in the money now current. And the famin regaird to be had in making of compofitiones , takand the ground and exemplefra the laftzeirofthe regiment of King James the Fifth. 71. The paine of negligent Schirejfe Cler'nes. FT EM, It is ftatute and ordained , that in-cafe onie SchirefTe Clerk , within this Realme , rcfufisatonie X time hereafter to receive and regifter onie letters of horning prefented to them , be quhat-fum-ever parties to that effect: Orgifthefamebenotdewlieregiftrat, after he have written , extracted and regiftrat, on the back theirof. And in-cafe he fend not zeirelie to the Thefaurer or his deputes , ane perfite inventar of the haill horninges regiftrat ilk zeir in their buikes. Or in-cafe onie uther thing beis done be the faids SchirefTe Clerks, undewtifullie. That then and in thefe particular caies abone written , the fame being lauchfullie tryed , ilk SchirefTe Clerk , fall tyne all his mooveables , to be efcheitted and applyed to his Hienes ufe. And his principal SchirefTe , toties , quoties , fall be compelled to paie ane hundreth pundes to his Hienes , by the damnage and intereft of the parties skaith their-throw , and to have his relieie of the faid SchirefFc Clerk , in that behalfe. y%. Of the fovertie to be foimden be offciares of Armes: And of their day lie wage. ITEM, For the better and mair fuir ferving of the King, be officiares of armes : It is ftatute and ordained, that nane be reteined , or hereafter admitted to that fervice ; Bot he that with his u> heris injunctiones , fall finde foverty, to be alwaies fumilhed with a fufficient reddie horfe, quhair-upon to ferve his Hienes and lieges , and that his fovertie fall be anfwerable for the damnage and mtereft of his falfed , flouth and informal doing in his Hienefle fervice, or uther parties , gif onie fall happen. And that the wage of onie Officiar of armes on the day , fall be ane marke money , Summer and Winter over-head. 73. Relieves fuld be entred in compt s: The Schireffe or the part ie may be poynded, conforme to the buik of Refponde. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that na relieves be componed for in time cumming : Bot the trew and full availl thereof , to be maid compt and payment of in the Checker. And in-cafe, SchirefFes, Stewardes and Baillies , make not their compts , at the ordinar time of Checker (befide the ordinar execution , to paflc againft them therefore) That upon the fight of the buik of Refponde, letters be directed , to charge theper- fons , to quhome precepts of leafing hes bene granted : Or the SchirefTe and his deputes , at the option of the Thefaurer, orbaith; To pay the fummes conteined in the Refpondees , or to poynd the SchirefTe , or the partie : gif the partie have not the Schireffis difcharge thereof, to fchaw and produce. 74. The