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ELLEVENTH "PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of 'July ij8 7 . 287 obedient, fallberemoovedoutofthe/;7-//z//;/, quhair they ar planted , and prefentlie dwellis or haunts , to the parts quhair they were borne : Except their Lands-lordes , quhair they prefently dwell , will become foverty for them, to make them anfvverable to the Law, as the Law-land and obedient men, under the paines conteined in the acts of Parliament. 96. t^Anent the regifler of f> leges , and uther is. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained, lor furtherance of the quieting of the inobedientS^nsW-rand//^- landes: Thatabuik be maid conteining the names of the pleges, entred, and to be entred for gude rule, andofthehaiilperfones, for quhom they lye, and be qu horn the piegesfuld be relieved: As alfwa that a regifler be maid of the haill Parochiners of the landes, inhabite be thieves and difobedient perfones, in the Hie-landes, and Bordoitrs: The names of the Landis-lordes , and tounes in everie Parochin, and of the haill men , inhabitantes thereof, pail the age of fextene zeires : Qiiha at Landis-lordes , or Baillies of everie land or toun : Or of quhat Clanne , or branch, the faidis inhabitantes ar. And that the name of onie perfon that lies entred on the broken landes , after the remooving of onie uther inobedicnt perfon therefra , be fend to the keeper of the faid regifter , within twelve dayes , nixt after his firft entrie. 9 7 . Vagaboundes fall be charged to finde pleges , and their receivers fall fatisfe the partie. BEcaufe, after all diligence done, alfweill againft the Landis-lordes and Baillies, as againft the Chieftaines and principalles of Clannes , there will be a number of vagaboundes un-pleged , or anfwered for be their Landis-lordes or Baillies : It is ftatute and ordained , that letters fall be directed : Charge- ing all ilk vagaboundes, and un-anfwerable men, be open Proclamation , -at the mercat-croce of the head Burgh of the Schire , quhair they haunt, or head Bixrrowes of the twa nixt Schires in the Law-land, {ubinon patet tutus accejfus) To finde fovertie to underlie the Law, the thrid daye of the nixt Juftice aire, or fooner , upon fif'tene dayes warning , under the paines conteined in the Acts of Parliament. And in-cafe they finde not fovertie within fex dayes , and enters not themfelves, under pleging , to be denunced rebelles and fugitives , and they and their receiptors , to be perfewed thereafter , quhill they be apprehended and pu- nifhed for their demerites : And that the parties skaithed, have competent action, civil or criminal, againft the Magiftrates or uthers , within quhais boundss, jurifdiction or power, fik vagaboundes and fugitives , ar wittinglie receipt, with the guddes itoilen or reft, in their palling, remaining or returning. I 98. Bandes given be the cautioners, oblifois their aires. TEM, It is declared , ftatute and ordained , That all bandes, actes, and obligationes , maid or to be maid , be quhat-fum-ever perfons , for quhat- fum-ever broken men , pleges , or utherwaies received for the gude rule, quietnefie of the Bordoure s and Hie-landes , or onie thing depending thereupon, fall be ex- tended againft the aires and fucceilbures , of their foverties and cautioners : Although fpecial mention be not maid in the Acts , that they oblifhed themfelves, their aires and fuccefloures. 99. "Divers fiireties being maid fall be vailzeable, and the ane floppis not the uther. ITEM, It is declared , ftatute and ordained , that the furetie maid be the Landis-lordes and Baillies, fall not be prejudicial nor ft op the furetie maid be the Chieftaines and principalles of Clannes : Nor be the con- trair , the furetie maid be them to the Landis-lords and Baillies . 100. The maner how guddes taken away, may be repeated. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , thatquhen-fo-everonyheirfchippes, oppreffiones , riefes, forninges and thieftes , fall happen to be committed within ony part of this Realme , in the Hie-landes or Bordoures theirof, be onie Captaine of Clanne, or be ony uther Clanned man, againft onie of OUR SO VE- RA IN E LORDIS Leill and trew fubjectes in time cumming : And the guddes fwa tane up, tranfported to onie uther Clanned mannis boundes , received and mainteined therein , or difponed upon: and the fame cum to the knawledge of the partie harmed and damnified, Ordainis him firft to require , or caufe require redrefle thereof, at the chiefe of the Clanne , or Chieftaine of the Cuntrie , quhairin the faidis guddes fall be received or remaine , for die fpace of twelve houres , of his witting , to make redrefle and re- ftitution of the fame guddes , within fiftene daies after he be required thereto : Quhairin gif he failzie , it fall be lefum to the partie harmed , to call , conveene , and perfevv the chiefe captaine , fuperiour and principalles of that Clanne , within quhais boundes the guddes and geare fwa tane , fall be received and fparpalled, and under their protection mainteined; before the Judge ordinar, criminally or civilly, and upon fumcient proofe , to be led be the partie harmed , that the guddes were fauld or difponed upon , with- in fik boundes , be the witting and knawledge of the faid Chieftaine or Superiour , and principalles of the Clanne , they being of power to have refilled the fame : They to be anfwerable for rhe fame guddes , S f 2 and