Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/323

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TJVELFTH "PARLIAMENT. T^ofjumj i? 9 x. *oi faidis Kirks or Kirk-zairds , declaratour being firft pad upon their faid receipt. The receipters of them fall incur the fame paine and tinfall of their lyfe-rentes. 119. Erection ofKirk-landes and teindes in temporal! Lord-fbipfies , is forbidden. TH E Kingis Majeftie and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , for efchewing of the great inconvenientes likelie to arife , throw ereclion of temporalities and teindes of Kirk-land, in temporall Lord-fhippes , andlivingesto the prejudice of the Kirk, and hurt of his Majefties Eftaite, and priviledge of his Crown: Ordainis and declaris that na ereftiones of the forefaides Lands and teindes , maid fen the Aft of annexation, fall be ratified or given in this Parliament , nor in na time hereafter -. And in-cafe ony erection happenis to be obteined in onie time cumming, The Kings Majeftie and Eftaites forefaids , declairis the fame to be null , and of nane erred in the felfe , exceptand alwayes , like as our faid Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites a'oone writ- ten , exprefly exceptis and refervis all ereftiones , charters , and infeftmentes . granted be his Hienes , of fik pairties and portiones of the Kirk-landes , alreadie erected in temporall Lord-fhippes and Barronnies , to fik perfon, orperfones, as hes alreadie , fen the faid lait Aft of annexation, received the honours , ordours and Eftaites of Lords of Parliament, bethefolemne forme of belting, and uthers Ceremonies obferved in fik caufes , and hes fenfine entered and fitten in Parliament , as temporall Lordes voited in Parliament , and Ar- ticles,received and admitted to that effeft. iio. Sayers ofMo&, Jefuites, Seminarie-Prieftes , trafftcquing Papiftes , andreceip- tcres of ony of them , commit t is treajon. THE Kingis Majeftie , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and appreivis, all and quhat- fumever Aftes of Parliament , fecret Councell and Proclamations , maid of before ', againft Jefiites, Seminarie- c Prieftes , and trafficquing Fapifes , and receipters of onie of them : And decernis and declaris , that in all time cumming , the faying of CMeffe , receipting of Jefuites , Scmhiarie-Tricfles , ti afficquing Tapifles , againft the Kingis Majeftie , and Religion prefentlie profefied within this Realme ; Is , and fail be ane juft caufe , to infer the paine and crime of treafon, baidi againft the Jefuites, Mefe-'Priefcs, trafficquing Papiftes, and receipters of them. Providing howfoone the Iefaites and Semiuarie-Triejies , fatiffies the Prince and the Kirk , the forefaid pcnaltie na-v ife to ftrike againft the faidis receipters. 1 1 1 . Ratification of the t^Aci maid in Febr u ar , 1 jr 8 7 . In favour es of the ^Minifters , T/jeir ftipendes and rentes. OUR Soveraine Lord , and haill Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, ratifies, apprievis, and confir- mis die Aft maid be his Hienes , with advife of the Lordes of fecreit Councell, Seffion and checker, upon the xiv. day of Februar , thezeirofGodi^S/.zeires ■ In favours of the Miniftery , their ftipendes and rentes : And decernis and declaris , die famin to have the ftrength , force and effect, of ane Law and Aft of Parliament, in all times cumming : And al Judges within this Realme, toproceede, decide, and Mi- nifter Juftice in all aftiones and caufes, concerning the faidis Minifters , their affignationes , ftipendes and rents; According to die forme, tenour and contents of the faid Aft in all poyntes, quhairof the tenour fol- lowis . At Edinburgh , the xiv.daye of Februar , the zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundreth , fourfcore fevenzeires -. For-fameikle as in the Moneth of December , the zeir of God, 1 56 1 . zeires , foone after the arriving of our Soveraine Lordis deareft Mother , out of the partes of France , within this Realme : Conful- tation being tane be her Majeftie, with the advife of the Lordes of her fecreit Councell, and utheris of the Nobility then prefent , anent the provifion of the Minifters , to reafonable and competent livings and fupport of the publick affaires of the Realme : And to that effeft , conference being had with the Prelates , & utheris of the Ecclefiafticall Eftaite : Quhais offeres being heard and confidered; It was concluded , decerned and ordained ; That gif the feird part of the fruites of the haill benefices Ecclefiafticall, within this Realme, might befuflicientto fufteine the Minifters , throw-out the haill partes thereof , and fupport of the Prince : Toen- terteine and fet for-warde the commoun affaires of the Countrie : And failzieng thereof , the thrid part of die faidis fruites andmair: quhillitwere fufficicnt to the effect forefaid, fuld be zeirly up-taken in time cum- ming , to be imployed to the twa ufes abone fpecifled allanerlie. And thereafter , in the Parliament hal- den die firft zeir of our Soveraine Lordis Reigne ; It was ftatute and ordained , diat the haill thriddes of Benefices within this Realme, fuld then inftantlie in all times cumming , thereafter , firft be payed to the Minifters of the Evangell , and their SucceOours : And they firft being anfwered of their ftipendes, perteining to everie ane of them , the reft and fityer-plus , fuld be employed to our Soveraine Lordis ufe , quhair-throw the famin become , as an inviolable Law. And be vertew thereof , his Hienes , and his umquhile deareft Mother, was in peaceable pofleffion of the faidis thriddes of Kirkes and Friers- landes : Swa that thereby the Minifters of Gods word , was reafonably provided and ane gude part of the pu- blick affaires , honeftlie fufteined. And albeit the plaine wordes of the faidis Afts , manifeftHe declaris the ufe, effeft" and mention thereof, to have tended to na uther fine, bot that the Minifterie fuld be rea- fonablie fufteined , and the charge of the publick affaires fufflcientlie entertained : Zit nevertheles , throw inoporcune fuites of fum perfones , mair refpefting their awin particular profites , then ather V y the