Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/329

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TWELFTH "PARLIAMENT. V. of Junij. i 59 x. 30- hundreth, fourfcore ninezeires; Anent the bringing ofallpackes of Englijb claitli, haill, un-broken-up the Cuftome houfe , and felling diereof, in maner conteined thereintill , inallpoynts, artickles aridciaul r*y^7iwfpecifiedindiefame, with diis addition : That na maner of perfones , take upon hand , to houfe, hide, or conceale ony maner o{ Englijb guddes , ather cummand be Sea or land , in onie Burgh or fu b urbe of thisRealme, under the pain; ofconfifcationofall the guddes, fwa hid and concealed, in defraud of the dew Cuftome, quhair-ever the famin can be apprehended. And in-cafe the famin be riot apprehended awners to make the availl thereof foordi-cummand to his Majeilie as efcheitt , after tryal tane there! 1 r I as efleiris: And for die better execution, to ordaine ilk Cuftomer, to fearch within the bounds of his office , all maner of houfes and buithes , alfweill to Burgh as to land , and to efcheit , confiske and in- tromette with all maner of uncuftomed Englt/b guddes , and all Englijb claithes unfealed , and gif neede beis, to make open durres, and uther lock-fall lumes, and to ufe his Majefties keyes to that effed : And in-cafe onie perfones refill be force, to make open and patent durres to the faid cuftomer , for the effed forefaid; The peribnes refifters , to be under the like danger, as the committers of the deforcementes, and to be punifh- ed in their perfones and guddes , conforme to the ade maid thereanent : Ordaining alfo the Proved , Baillies and Ma^i urates of ilk Burgh, gif neede beis , to concur and affift , with the faidis Cuftomers , in execution hereof , fwa oft as they fall be required thereto. 130. t^Anent ratificationes pajl in this prefent 'Parliament. THE Kingis Majeftie , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , decernis and declaris , that the ratifi- cation of onie particular richtes, infeftmenres , tackes, penfiones, or utheris writtes and evidentes , granted to quhat-fum-ever perfones in this prefent Parliament : Sail nawaies prejudge , hurt,inor derogate to the particular richtes of uther parties: Notwithftanding they be nor ratified nor confirmed at this time , be his Hienefle , and his faidis Eftaites. AND Mairover, it is ftatute and ordained , be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and his Eftaites, in this prefent Parliament : That albeit findrie ratifications be pad and pronunced in this prefent Parliament, in the favour of findrie of the Eftaites , or private perfones, upon fimple Articles : As alfwa fum favoure grant- ed to the vaflalles of perfones forefaulted m the fame Parliament , and to the Burgefles and inhabitantes of Edinburgh, being infelt in landes, or annual-rentes , annalied to them , be onie of the faidis perfons , now forefaulted, or their predeceflbures , under reverfion : zit fall not the fame ratificationesberegiftratinthe Parliament buik , nor have effed without the fignatoures of infeftmentes , or articles granted or ratified , be fubfcrived be his Hienefle Thefaurer , or his ticket fent to the Clerk of Regifter , teftifiand the Thefaurer to be fatisfied , that his Majefties commodity may be refpeded , as apperteinis : And that betuixt and the firft day oiAuguft nixt-to-cum : utherwaies the faidis ratincationes to be null , as gif they had not bene granted, nor pronunced in Parliament : And that the trew rentallcs of things ratified to Burrowes, Colleges, or Hofpi- talles, be prefented to his Hienefle and his Councell, betuixt ana 1 the faid firft day of ^Auguft nixt-to-cum : With a declaration how die famin is imployed , utherwaies the fame ratification to be null. 131. i^Sient the production ofrentalles and f ewes. FORSAMEIKLE As in our SOVERAINE LORDIS umquhile deareft Mothers time , the thridesofall benefices within this Real me , was be Ad appoynted to the fu dentation of her Majefties houfe, andofherHienesSucceflbures, fa farre as happened to reft Trie thereof , by the fuftentation of the Minifterie, within this Realme. And fik-like, OUR faid SOVERAINE LORDIS, his faidis umquhill deareft Mother, and uthers his Hienes Predeceflours of gud memorie , hes founded, confirmed, and augmented diverfe Hofpitalities within this Realme , with the giftes and donations theirto , quhilkis his Ma- jeftie is willing to dand for ever , without onie hurt or derogation : as alfwa in the lait Parliament . halden at 'Edinburgh, in the monethof J 'ulij, diezeirofGod, anethoufand, five hundreth , fourefcorefevinzeires; The haill temporal Ecclefiadical Lands of his Realme, are annexed to his Hienes Croun , and his Majedie ordained to have prefent pofleffion theirof, payand to thelyfe-renterspennieforpennie , and boll for boll. And becaufe his Hienes cannot underdand quhat courfe to follow-out , anent the premifles, and cannot knaw perfitelie quhat the faidis thrids will extend to , nor quhat will be the rent of the faidis Hofpitalles , nor quhat prefent commodities will fall to his Hienes, be the faid act of annexation , nor how the Minifterie of this Realme, fall be dewlie provided , according to his gud will , minde and intention , without his Majeftie and I his Hienes Commiflioners, to be appoynted to that effed , have the ficht of the rentalles of all Bilhopprickes, I Abbacies, Priories, Proveftries, Parfonages, Vicarages, Altarages , Chaplanaries , Templaries , and utheris ) Benefices : And of all Maifon-dieus, and Hofpitalles , within this Realme , and of the rentes thereof , foun- jdationes of the famin: And of all thinges founded , given and mortified thereto; And of all infeftmentes, j tackes, titles, richtes and fecurities , maid to quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , anent quhat-fum-ever Kirk- landes, Temple-landes , teindes, and utheris Ecclefiadical rentes and pofTefliones quhat-fum-ever. There- fore it is datute and ordained , be his Hienefle , with advife ol his Majefties Eftaites , in this prefent Parlia- ment ; That all and findrie perfones within this Realme, as they fall be charged thereto, in fpecial or in general, I be open Proclamationes , at the head Burrowes of the Schires quhairin they dwell ; compeir, bring, and produce