Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/331

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TWELFTH "PARLIAMENT. V. of Junij i S9 i. 309 innumerable and infinite aftiones and pleyes amongft his Lieges , to the hurt and prejudice of his Hienefle faithfull and trew fubje&es : For remeid and efchewing quhairof ; OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, with advife and confent of his faidis Eftaites , and haill bodie of this prefent Parliament , findis, decernis, and declaris ,' that it fall not be lefum to ony perfon or perfones within this Realme, their aires andfuccefloures : Or utheris perfones quhat-fum-ever , having richt proceeding frathem, toperfewfor reduction , or utherwife to call in queftion ony decreete of redemption of lands ,« teindes , Coales , Coale- heuches , wooddes , milnes , Fifchinges , Caftles , Toures , Fortalices , or onie part thereof , obteinej at die inftance of quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones, againft quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones, at onie time, before the aait hereof, bevertew, or under pretext of quhat-fum-ever dtfcharges of reverfion or re- verfions, pofteriourinfeftments, or utheris contraries quhat-fum-ever, quhilkis may evacuate and take awaie the faidis decreetes of redemption , or ony of them ; And this a&e onelie to have place in decreetes of redemption , proceeding upon lauchfull premonitiones , maid be the parties lauchfull contradi&oures , quhilkis were alfo dewlie fummound, to the giving of the faidis decreetes; And for obedience thereof , heslauchfullierenuncedthelandes, and utheris fpecified in the fame decreetes of redemption : andquha hes bene at findrie times fummound, and conveened before the Lordes of Seflion, at the inftance of his JHienes Advocates and parties for their intereft , for production and improbation of all difcharges of reverfion or reverfiones , pofterior infeftmentes, uthers rights and fecurities quhat-fum-ever : Quhilkis might prejudge or make derogation to the reverfion or reverfiones, quhair-upon the faidis decreetes of redemption , or onie of them hes followed , and produced na difcharges , pofterior infeftmentes , nor na utheris writtes, quhilkis might reduce or take awaie the faidis decreetes of redemption : or prejudge, or make derogation , to the reverfion or reverfiones, quhair-upon the faidis decreete:; of redemption, or onie of them proceeded : Swa that, lauchfullie warned and fummound, in maner forefaid , might pretend na ignorance ©f the faidis decreetes of redemprion. 135-. k^AU annual-rentes may be redeemed , be fulfilling of the pointes of the reverfion and payment of ten for the hundreth. OUR Soveraine Lord , and the three Eftaites , ftatutis and ordainis , that it fall be lefum to all perfons quhat-fum-ever , alfvveill minors, as majors, addettcd in payment of zeirlie annualles, quhilkis ar redem- able, to redeme all annualles ; adier viftual or filver , fauld or annalied be their predeceftors, furthofony part of the lands , in time by-gane , be payment or confignation of the principall fumme, conteined in the re- verfion or reverfions : togidder with the by-runne annualles thereof: Quhilkis by-run annualles, his Hienefle and Eftaites , liquidatis and modifies , to ten markes for evene hundreth markes allanerlie : Finding and de- claring the redemption of the faidis annualles, to be lauchfull be payment or confignation of the faidis principal fummes; togidder with ten markes for everie hundreth markes thereof, for the by-run profites of the fame, conforme to the infeftmentes maid thereupon ; Nothwithftanding quhat-fum-ever contractes , bandes, obligationes, infeftmentes, decreetes , or uthers fecurities quhat-fum-ever , maid to them of greater annualles, nor ten markes for the hundreth markes : to the quhilkis, and everie ane of them, this prefent acle makis derogation, in fa far as the fame may be extended to the faidis zeirlie annualles. 136. New boundand infeftmentes prejudgis nocht onie perfon anent their meithes and marches. IT I S Statute, ordained, and decerned be his Hienes and Eftaites of this Parliament , that the bounded in- feftmentes quhat-fum-ever , ather granted or to be granted , be our faid Soveraine Lord , or onie of his fuc- cefiors, or be onie utherfuperior to his awne heritable tennent, be the faid heretable tennentes refignation ; Albeit the fame conteine ane new gift with fuppliement of all faultes , (quhijkonlierefpecusthefuperior, grantand the faid infeftment , and na wife fuld be extended to the prejudice of the thrid perfone) that the faid infeftment paft upon the fefignation of the tennent, fall woorkna prejudice anent the bounds or marches, ather in property or commountie to ony uther perfon, bot the queftions arifing upon the richt and pofleffion o{ the faid propertie and commountie , fall be determined and judged be the Lordes of Councell and uthers infe-. rior Judges , and Minifters of the Lawes in the fame fort and maner , as gif there were na mention of boundes and marches , conteined in the infeftment paft upon the faid refignation. 137.' "Penfiones not authorized be decreet nor pofleffion are null. FORSAMEIKLE As there being diverfe penfiones , alleged difponed furth of the benefices and prelacies of this Realme, to the great hurt and prejudice thereof, and the fucceflburs, albeit na poflef- fion is followed nor apprehended thereupon in the prelates lyfe-time alleged difponers theirof , quhair- throvv die famin fallis of the Lawe and manifeftlie appearis to be but forged and counterfaict titles. And be reafon of the corruption of this time and the great hurt and prejudice of OUR SOVERAINE LORD, and the SuccefTburs fufteined thereby : It is ftatute and ordained be the late Afte of Parliament made anent annexation of Kirke-landes to OUR SOVERAINE L O R D E , that quhat-fum- ever penfiones, difponed furth of the prelacies , and neither authorized with decreetes nor pofleffion before the faide Ad, fuld fall and be null, of nane availl, force nor effecl:. Quhilk AcH his Hienes X x with