Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/350

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•^g KIN G JAMES THE SEXT to moove aftion nor quarrell thereupon : Nor founde onie exception or defenfe , be vertew thereof, againft the faidis Proved, Bailiies, Councell and communitie, and their fueceflbures , to the effeft that they in all times hereafter, without onie impediment or obitacle, may peaceablie bruik the faidis landes, tenementss, annual-rentes, uther cmolumcntes and profites, to the ufe quhair to they were given of before, as faid is. 1 86. i_Ane mere at granted to Aberdene. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife of his Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , givis and grauntis licence and libertie to the Burgh oii^Aberdene : To hald ane mercatte and pubhek Faire, with- in the freedome of the faid Burgh , to begin zeirlie hereafter upon Monondaie, immediatlie before WhiU Jkndale: And thereafter to continue for the fpace of audit daies, with the haill jurifdicliones , freedomes^ toil and cuftomes of the fame. 187. t_Auent confirmations of Kirk-landes , fubferihed ofauid be the King , and under the privie feale. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, underftanding diverfe infeftmentes of few-ferme , to have bene granted of auld be the Prelates of this Realme , of their Temporal landes, in favours of his lieges, lauch- fuilie maid for juft caufes , and with all folemnities requifit : And findrie infefoiientes , nocht oneiy granted bee the faidis Prelates, and their convent , under their commoun feales and fubferiptiones : Botals, bee the fpecial confente and authoritie of his Hienefle Predecefibures , of gude memorie , Narnelie , his Gracis Gud- fchir King JAMES the Fifth, under his fubfeription and privie feale: Quhilkis according to the Eftaite of time were lav/full fecurities , to the receivers thereof, and needed na particular confirmation to be inter- poned thereto, ather be audioritie of the ?#//>, or of our Soveraine Lordis Predecefibures ; diere being na Law , ftatute nor constitution received , oblifhing the fubjecles thereto. And in-cafe ony confirmation had bene requifite, the faminculd import nafurder in effect or fubftance, then the confent of the Prince , under his feale and fubfeription ; According to the quhilkis infeftmentes , the tewaris and utheris , having richtfra them , their fueceflbures , alfweiil particular , as univerfall , lies bene eftablilhed in the full richt of the faidis Temporal landes, perteining to the faidis Prelates, be vertew of the faidis fewes , fwafetinmaner forefaid: And nevertheleffe , utheris affecting the fame Kirk-landes, and takand occafion of certaine late ftatutes , maid anent the confirmation of the faidis Kirk-landes ; quhilkis tooke beginning and firffc foundament, anent the fewes of Kirk-landes , fett fen the Moneth olCfttarche, die zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth , fiftie audit zeires , Albeit be polteriour ftatutis , extention is maid baith to new and auld fewes : Hes pur chafed on their pretended maner, our Soveraine Lordis confirmation thereupon; to the prejudice of the faidis firfl fewares : Tending to exclude and debarre them thereby f ra their richt, and to acquire the propertie of the faidis landes to tbemfelves , onelie upon pretext of the faid confirmation ; His Hienefle not willing that the lauchfuil richtes and fecurities of the parties , acquired be them after fa lang fpace , fall be hurt or prejudged , be quhat-fum-ever Lawes or conftitutiones fubfequent: Or that firangers and thrid perfons quha lies never bene kindlie tennentes in the faidis landes , fall upon new fewes and confirmationes thereof, purchased be them , prejudge the faidis firfl fewares, onelie upon pretext of wanting of ane ordinar confirmation , according to the faidis late ftatutes : OUR SOVE- RAINE LORD with advife and confent of the Eftaites, aflembled in this prefent Parliament , lies fta- tute, concluded, decerned and ordained ; Andbethirprefentis, ftatutis, concludis, decernis and ordainis , all and findrie the faidis infeftmentes offew-fermes, fett ofauid, be the Prelates of this Realme , to quhat-fum- ever his Hienefle Lieges and fubjecles ; of quhat-fum-ever Temporal landes, offices, rentes, rowmes and pof- feffiones , being authorized be the fubfeription of his faid Gud-fchir , or ony his Predecefloures , and their privie feale, in takin of their confent interponed thereto , to have bene fra the beginning, to be prefentlie, and in all time cumming , gud, valide, lauchfuil, perfite, and effeduali infeftmentes, to the awners thereof, their aires and fueceflbures , alfweiil particular , as univerfall : To the effecl they may peaceablie bruik , joyis , and pofiefie the landes , and utheris conteined there-intill : And gif neede beis , to call and perfew, be vertew thereof, quhat-fum-ever perfones purchafers of ony pofterior infefanentes of the famin landes , with his Hienelle confirmationes interponed thereto ; for retreating and refcinding there- of: And the faidis firft infeftmentes, fwa maid and granted , as faid is, to make full faith in judgement, and out-with, to produce full action and exception, and to be preferred to quhat-fum-ever pofteriour in- feftmentes: Notwithftanding the famin wantis ane ordinar confirmation, having the confent , fubfeription and privie feale , as faid is : and fwa oft as the famin fall be produced in judgement , adier for foundament ofonyadion, or for prieving of ony exception or reply, in quhat-fum-ever judgement orinflance, quhair as the contraverfie fall ftande upon want and in-laik of confirmation, and that ather the Taipis confir- mation, or his Hienefle , or his Predecefibures confirmation is alleged, and offered to be provin {in forma Jpecifica) upon mutuall convention of maintenance of twadiverie fewes, the ane auld, fet with the faidis folemnities : And the uther lait , and authorized be confirmation , quhidder the fame be before litif-contefta- tion, or thereafter, ufed for probation of the libell, exception or reply , in quhat-fum-ever inftance , adier upon perfute of reduction or utherwife the famin fall be balden and repute , now and in all time hereafter, as