Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/358

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KING JAMES THE S E X T 336 ■ o jfand, five hundreth, fourefcore twelve zeiris, in favour of die Vafialles of the perfones foirefalted , and de- ernis and dedans die faid Afte to have na ftrength , force , nor effect , and to be deieit furth of the buikis of Parliament. xox. tjfnent fraudfidl dijpofitiones maid be perfones forefault ed. jrSUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , underftanding that di- vJ verfc perfones , qulia lies committed the crime of treafon and Lefe-majeftie; In defraud of his Hienefle, andhisDonatoures, lies maid diverfe Bandes , obligationes,. letters of tacks , affignationcs, giftesofpen- fiones, letters of fattourie, and diverfe uthergiftes and difpofitiones : as gif the lame had bene maid and granted be them, before the crime of treafon attempted, be the faides perfones fore-faulted : For remeid quhairof, it is ftatute and ordained; that na letters of penfion , factourie, bands, obligationes or affignati- ones, maid or granted be onie perfon forefaulted , fall be valide , effecfuall, fufficient, nor give onie ad ion Without the famin, be ather lauchfullie confirmed be his Majeftie, or authorized be ane decreete of ane or- Sinar iud«e , obteined before the faidis perfones fore-faulted , were fir ft fummounde , and challenged for the crimes dftreafon , for the quhilkis they were forefaulted; Notwithftanding quhat-fum-ever confirmation or decreit obteined and following thereupon, fen their faid citation, upon the crimes of treafon, laid* to their chanie. Ratification of the aEi anent the Bullion. UR Soveraine Lord , with advife of his Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, ratifies and appreivis , the acles maid aifweill be Ins Majefties maift Noble Progenitoures, as alfwa m his awin time, anent the hame- bringin? of Bullion. And to the effect that the mair diligence may be done , for iri-gaddering thereof, aifweill for byganis as in time dimming , the Thefaurar , his deputes and uthers admitted to the cure thereof, to make comptand reckoning to the auditoures of the next checker , and fiklike in time cumming. %o- Ratification of the atJes maid for annexation of the propertie , and annulling of the difi- pofiticnes maid in 'Princes minorities. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and appreevis die Acres of Parliament, maid bee King James the Second; And King lames the Fifth, intitulatc, Anent the annexation ofLandes to the Crown : And fpeciailie, the act maid be the faid King lames die Second, upon the fourth daye of Aiiguft, ane thoufand , jfotfre hundreth , fiftie five zeires. And als ane uther Acl:, maid be the faide King lames the Fifth , upon the thrid daye ^'December , the zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundreth , and lourtie zeires , and haill poyntes , artickles and claufes fpecified therein : And all utheris afres, maid be onie our Soveraine Lordis PredeceiToures , concerning die keeping of the annexed propertie to remaine with the Crown. And further , our faid Soveraine Lord , with advifc of his Eftaites in Parliament, declaris, that all perfones quha lies uplifted , received, and imrometted-with , or fall hereafter intromet- with, at his Hienes fpeciall command, onie of the King is annexed propertie, bevertew of the faidis Aftes of Parliament , fall incurrenadaunger of ejection, fpuilzie, or wrangous intromiflion : And declaris , that they fail be quite and free thereof, and all action that may followe there-upon. And fik-like , our Soveraine Lord and Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , findis , decernis , and declaris the Act of diftblution , maid be our Soveraine Lord in his Hienes minoritie , In the Parliament balden at Edinburgh , in the zeir of God , ane thoufand, five hundreth, fourfcoire foure zeirs , and ail uther acls of difiolution maid be his Hienes , or his faids Preuecefiburs in their minorities , althocht the famin Acfes and infeftmentes following thereupon, be ratified in Parliament in their majoritie, To be null and of nane availl , force nor efiecf , with all that lies followed, or may follow there-upon. 204. Genera 11 dijfolution of the propertie . OU R Soveraine Lord , with advife of his Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , Statutis and ordainis , that it fall be leafum to his Hienes, to fet all his auld proper landis , baith annexed, and un-annexed in few- ferme, fa that it be nocht in diminution of the rentall , gerfiummes or uther dewties, botin augmentation of the famin , with fik claufles and conditionis , as he thinks expedient to the effect forefaid, and that the Landes that he fettis in his time , ftand perpetually to the aires after the forme of their condition , and that this diflolu- lutionindure for the life-time of the King our Soveraine Lord, that now is allanerlie. Swa that the Landes quhilkis he fettis in his time, with the conditiones forefaidis , fall ftand perpcmallie. And after his deceafe the annexationes maid of before , to returne againe to the awin nature. Swa that his Succeflburs fall not have power to annalie nor fet in few , mair nor they had before the making of this ftatute. Providing, that this fta- tute fall not extend to the fetting in few-ferme of onie of our Soveraine Lords Caftelles , Palaces , zairdes, wooddes , parkes , forreftes , paftures for fcheip and nolt, and in fpeciall, the Lowmondes of Falkland , coal- heuches, & offices. Bot the fame to remane infeperablie annexed to the Crown, notwithftanding this prefent ditToludon. And OUR SOVERAINE LORDE and his Eftaites forefaidis , decernis and declaris, that this prefent difiolution, is, and fall be onlv to this efTecf, that the faidis annexed lands fall be fett in few , to the