Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/360

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KING J A M £ S THESE XT annullis all and quhat-fum-ever penfiones , and uther difpofitiones , maid be his Majeftie heirtofore , fen the faid Aft of Annexation, to quhat-fum' ever perfon or perfons, ofonypart or pertinent thereof, or of ony temporalities of vacand benefices fallen in his Hiencs hands at onie time , fen the faid Aft of Annexation, and that be they eftecmcd in all time cumming null , and of nane availe , notvvithftanding quhat-fum-ever confir- mation or grante thereof in Parliament , or uther-wayes. xo8 tyinent /over ties for Officiares ofarmes. ITEM, Becaufe that the foverties of all Officiares ofarmes, admitted be Lyon King of Armes, are found to him and his Clerk • It is therefore ftatute and ordained , that they be charged twife in the zeire, to pro- duce their buikes of foverties ; To the effeft O U R S O V E R A I N E L O R D E and his Thefaurar bee nocht defrauded of the halfe of the penalties , for the deprived officiars , and this to be ufed of the Thefaurar in fik fort as the SchirefFe-Clerks ar ordained to produce their hornings , to the effeft that execution may fol- low there-upon. And the Thefaurar to be charged with his receipt of the forefaids penalties in his comptes. And further , ordainis all the faidis Officiars , that hes not found fufHcient caution for dew adminiftration in their office ,' or quhais cautioneris are deceafed, or are not fufficient : To find caution of new, betuixt and the firftdayof^/£///?nixt-to-cum, utherwife, the not finding of the faid caution is prefentlie declaired to be caufe of their deprivation. Quhilk deprivation fall be immediatlie published at the Mercat croce of the Schi- refdomes , quhair the faidis Officiars remainis ; and all their executions , fra thence furth to be un-au- thentik and null. xo9- For tryall of the tmeth of acquittances, in fufpenfiones. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of his Eftaites in thisprefent Parliament, underitan- ding that in times by-gane , his Hienes , and his Thefaurar hes bene greattumlie prejudged , anent the efcheittesof fikperfonis as nes bene ordourly denunced Rebelles&put to the horne,and that throw collufion of parties , quha after their lauchfull denunciation , the efcheittes being cum in his Hienes hands, aggreis with the parties , at quhais inftance they are denunced , and intendis reduction againft the partie , the Kingis The- faurar and Advocate , for annulling oftheproces of horning, and denunciation led againft them , and ob- teinis decreit thereintil , be production of ante-daitted difcharges and acquittances , as gif the fummes , or caufe they were charged for, had bene payed , done, and fulfilled, lang before the denunciation. For re- meid quhairof , It is ftatute and ordained , that quhen-foever onie partie groundis their reafons of fufpenfion orreduftion, for annulling of hornings, upon payment or fatisfaftion maid before the denunciation, and producis acquittances or difcharges there-upon; the producer thereof, fall bee halden in prefence of the Lords, to make faith folemnedly fvvorne , that the acquittances and difcharges produced are trew in them- felfis , maid and fubfcrived, of the famin dait as they wer produced : uther wayes the ufers of the faids acquit- tances not to be heard, to ground ony reafons of fufpenfion for annulling of hornings upon fik acquittances and difcharges , nor to ufe the fame, againft his Hienes and his Thefaurar. xi o. Anent homing of the Kingis Tarkes and Forrejies , and increajeofwildejoull and vennifon. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And his Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , fore-feing that hi*" haill Wooddes, Forreftes, Parkes, Hanynges, Da, Ra, Harts, Hynds, fallow deir, phefant, foulles and utheris wild beaftes within the fame, are greattumly deftroyed , and dadie decrefiis , be reafon the Aftes and ftatutes, quhilk are fetdowne againft the deftroyers of the faids Woods, Forreftes, Parkes, Hanynges, and flayeris of the faidis wyld beaftes, hes not bene put to execution : Swa that all men hes tane libertie to deftroy and flay at their awin appetites. For remeid quhairof, and better interteinement of his royall paftime in time cumming: It is ftatute and ordained , that quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , at onie time heirafter, fall happen to cut onie timmer or greene-wood within his Hienes Wooddes or Parkes , or fali happen to flay deir, harts, phefants, fouls, partricks, or uther wild-fouil quhat-fum-ever , ather with gun , croce-bow , hand- bow, dogges, halkes, or girnes, or be uther ingine quhat-fum-ever , within the fame : or that beis found fchut- ting with ony gun theirin , without fpecial licence and tolerance of his Majeftie , had and obteined theirto , or that flayis onie of his Hienes Deir , ftrayand in time of ftormes to barne zairds , or uther pairtcs maift eweft feikand their fude : or beis foundand tryed till have fchot with hagbuUffthe winter nicht , within onie of the foirfaidis wooddes or parkes, or within thefpace of ane mile their^KttTquhidder they be apprehended flayand the Deir or not , that their haill guddes , and gear fall be efclfeft 'and inbrocht to his Hienes ufe , and dieir per- fones punifhed at his Hienes will , and this to be ane ordinar point of dittay , and the offender to be criminallie accufedheiron, in all times hereafter. Andalfo, It is ftatute and ordained , that gif onie perfon or perfons, fall happen to put onie of their guds widiin the faids woods, f orrefts , parkes or hanings , the fame fall be con- fifcatandefcheitted. And that it fall be leifum to the keeperis, to intrometh their-with, at their awin handes , but onie further proces of Law , and they to be frie of all danger and aftion , that in onie wife may follow and enfcw their-upon , die ane halfe to be employed to OUR faid SOVERAINE LORDlS ufe,