Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/362

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34° KING JAMES THE S E X T O quhairof the prefent heretable poflefiburs and their predeceflbures , and authoures, and utheris perfons be vertew of life-rentes referved in the faidis infeftments , are , and was in poffeffion be the fpace of fourtie zeires togidder , and that the wanting and in-laik theirof, nor nane of them, fall be na caufe of reduction of the in- feltments granted to the proprietares,or their Predecefloures or authores of the lands or annual-rentes,quhair- of the charter or charters (makand mention ol the refignation or refignations to have bene maid , and the in- itrumentes of faifing, makand mention of the preceptes of faifing, be vertew quhairof* the faifings wer given) are extant. Andwillis, ftatutis, andordainis, that this Act fall be extended to all procuratories , and inftru- ments of refignation, precepts oiclare conftat, or uthers precepts of faifings , the wanting and inlaik quhairof, nor nane of them, fall be na caufe of reduction , nor uther quarrell quhat-fum-ever , after the fpace of fourtie zeires, quhair infeftments lies tane effect be poffeffion , be the faid fpace of fourtie zeires , in maner abone re- hearfed, and quhair the charters and inftrumentes of faifing are extant, as faid is, xi 5-. Ratifaai '■tones in this Parliament to be, Salvo jure cujuflibet. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And his Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , decernis and declaim, that na ratification granted in favour of particular parties in this prefent Parliament, fall be hurtfull or pre- judicial to onie of the Lieges of the Realme , not heard nor fpeciallie called thereto , bot all the faidis ratifica- tions fall be underft and and interpreted , Salvo jure cujujlibet. ii 6. i_Anent the bying oflanies and poffejjiones dependand inpley , be Judges or mem- bers ofCeurtes. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ftatutis and ordainis, that in time cumming , it fall not bee leifum to onie Lordes of the Seffion , ordinar , or extraordinar. Advocates, Clerkes, Writers, their fervandes , or onie uther member of the College of Juftice, oronieinfe- riour judgementes within this Realme , their Deputes, Clerkes, or Advocates, directly or indirectly, be them- felves, or onie utheris in their names, to their behoove or utilitie : To bye onie landes , teyndes , rowmes or pofieffiones , quhilkis ar dependand in controverfie or queftion betuixt onie parties , or hes bene dependand, and not as zit decided: Quhilkis gif they , or onie of them do, and contraveenis the premifles : The faidis Lordes of Seffion, Advocates, Clerkes, Writters, their fervandes , or onie uther member of the College of Ju- ftice, or onie inferiour judgementes within this Realme, their Deputes, Clerkes, and Advocates , fallamic and tine their office, place, and ail Priviledges and imnuini ties bruiked, or that may be bruiked be them , be vertue thereof. 117. That caution be found in afiiones of ejection, OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , underftand- ing the great difordour, quhilk hes rifen, and dailie dois arife amongft his Hienefle lieges , quhairas perfones wrangeouflie intrufing themfelves in the rowmes and pofieffiones of utheris , be bangftrie and force, beiii<* altogidder unrefponfal themfelves , mainteinis their pofleffion thereof: And quhen they ar challenged before the Lords oi the Seffion , or uther Judges ordinar , be the partie grieved; The perfones intrufers of themfelves in fik pofieffiones, delayis the mater, be proponing of peremptour exceptions , quhilk ar not of veritie, and delay es upon the probation thereof; And after lang pley , quhen as die partie grieved hes gotten decreete , ordaining him to be repoflefled to his rowme and profites thereof , his pairtie being unrefponfal al- toaidder , gettis na commoditie thereof: For remeid of the quhilk; It is ftatute and ordained , that in all time cumming , the partie perfewed be ane uther for ejection , fall finde caution for the violent profites , as in caufes of remooving , the firft diet of the Litif-conteftatiou, or utherwaies decreete to be given, ordainand the partie to be repoflefled. xi 8. For confederation of articles to be proponed in Parliament. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And his Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, having confiddered the great fafcherie and inconvenience at findrie Parliamentes , throw prefenting of a confided multitude of doubtfull and informal articles , and fupplicationes : For remeid theirof in time cumming, ftatutis and or- dainis, that quhen ever the Parliament is appoynted and ordained to be proclamed , there fall ane convention be appoynted , of foure of everie eftaite , to meete twentie dayes before the Parliament , to receive all maner of articles and fupplicationes concerning general Lawes , or tuitching particular parties : Quhilks articles and fupplicationes, fall be delivered to the Clerke of Regifter, and be him prefented to the perfones of the Eftaites, to be confiddered be them; To the effect that thinges reafonable and neceflary , may be formallie maid and prefented in an buik to the Lordes of the articles in the Parliament time; and all impertinent, frivolous and improper maters rejected: And that na artickle or fupplication , wantand a fpeciall title, orunfubfcribedbe the prefenter , fall be red or anfwered in that convention , or Parliament following the fame : It is alwayes provided, that his Majeftie may prefent fik artickles , as he thinkis gude , concerning himfelfe , orthecom- moun weill of the Realme, at all times when he thinkis expedient. i.<).Anent