Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/382

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3 6o KING JAMES THE S E XT therefore, as they thinke maid meete and expedient, alwaies declaris that the production of fufficent horninges, againft the faid fevvars and vaflalles, fall be ane reliefe to the faidis Prelates : And fall exoner them fro tanto, fra the payment of the faid taxation. retvares, AND Furder , that the faidis Prelates , and uthers beneficed perfones , may have their reliefe of their uckef. ^ faidis vaffalles , fevvars, tackef-men, and penfioners , to their greater eafe, and lefle trouble , to their faids fibers, '"' vaflalles , and uthers forefaidis , And to the effect that everie man proportionally , may pay his part of the life-ren- f a id taxation, according to the quantitie and availe of the free rente that he lies of his landes and teind fcheaves, vaffaiic? patterning to him , alfweill the Prelate himfelfe , as the fevvar or tackef-man : It is thocht expedient, ftatute jdd relief and ordained, that the faidis Prelates, fall everie ane of them feverallie conveene his haill fewars, vaflalles, their over. anc j tackef-men , at fik convenient place as hee thinkis meeteft : And caufe fummound them perfonallie , or Maifters. at their dwelling places , for that erred: And being conveened , the faidis Prelates and beneficed perfones, fall fchaw to their faids vaflalles , the quantitie of the taxation impofed upon them , and they with ane con- fent, fall diftnbut the famin to be payed be everie man. Alfweill be the Prelate, as be thevaflall, fewar, tackef-man, and penfioner , according to the great orfmall quantitie of his free rents, that he lies eidier of his landes, teindes, orpenfion, with certification to ony of the faidis perfones, fewares, vaflalles, pen- fioners, and uthers forefaidis, thatcompeirisnotatthedayappoynted, to the effect forefaid , that fik as fall compeir with the faid Prelate and beneficed perfon, fall proceede in the equall diftribution of the faid taxt , alfweill amang them that ar prefent , as the abfentis quhilk fall be als lauchfull in all refpects , as gif vreiacies the nai M- number were conveened. AND als it is thocht expedient, ftatute and ordained, that all ereetiones ereBed to of onie Prelacies in Temporal Lord-fhippes , fall in the payment of this prefent taxation , pay to the Colle- uri-ji»j>s. ctouresofthefaide taxation, fa-meikle of this prefent taxation , pro rata, as gif they were nawaie erected, and as they were fubject to do , before the erection of the famin , with fpecial provifion alwaies , that this fall be na preparative of the like hereafter, Bot that in all time cumming, their faidis ereetiones, fall pay the taxationes, to be hereafter impofed, as uther Temporal livinges within this Realme: And benefices tms nawaies to prejudge or derogate in onie waies to their faidis ereetiones. AND Sik-like , it is fta- dijjbived. tute and ordained , that all diflblved benefices within this Realme , fall be fubject in payment of fameikle of the faid taxation, pro rata, as they wauld have bene fubject to give , fwa the famin had not bene diflblved: And therefore , that letters be direct chargeing the prefent pofleflbur of the faids diflblved benefices , everie ane ot them for their awi n partes , to pay proportionallie their parte of the faid taxation , to the quantitie that the famin benefice wauld have bene taxt to, gif the famin benefice had not bene difiolved, as faid is, within twentie daies nixt after they be charged thereto , under the paine of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie &c. Benefices 'i odenunce&c. AND Sik-like, becaufe that at this prefent , there ar findrie Prelacies vaikand , undif-

  • <«w. poned to onie perfon or perfones quhat-fum-ever : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained, that the faid Col-

lectour Generall , fall ufe the like forme be himfelfe, or fome uther fufficient qualified perfon in his name, with the fewars , vaflalles , and tackef-men of the faidis vaikand benefices , that is prefcrived and fet downe of before, to be done be the Prelates , and uthers beneficed men , in the diftributing of the faid taxation, as faid is : And the faidis Eftaites authorizis the faide Collectour generall , of this prefent taxation , in the verie The ur- place of ane provided Prelate to the faids vaikand benefices , for this effect allanerly. AND for the Bar- rtnnes *nd ronnes and Free-halders part of the faid taxation , that letters be direct , chargeing all and findrie Schireffis, fat. Stewards, Baillies , their deputes and Clerks , that they, and ilk ane of them , within the boundes of their offices , raife and up-lift die fumme of 40. fhillinges, of everie pound land of auld extent , lyand within the boundes of their jurifdiction and in-bring and deliver the fame to the faid Collectour generall , betuixt and the xv. day of Marcb,quhik is the terme of payment of the faid taxation.under the paine of rebellion &c. And for their reliefe , that letters be direct, chargeing all and findry Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and Free-halders,to make payment and deliverance to the faidis Schirefres, Stewards , Baillies , and their deputes and Clerks , ilk ane of them for their awin partes, for the fumme particularlie abone written, of everie pound land of auld extent , perteining to them , As for the faid taxation, within xx. daies nixt after they be charged , under die paine of rebellion, &c. And gif they failzie &c. to denunce&c. and to efcheit. Orelfe, that the faidis Schi- . re fes, Stewacdes, Baillies and their deputes poynd and diftreinzie therefore : As diey fall thinke maift meete and expedient : And that the faidis Earles, Lordes, Barronnes, and Free-halders, have fik-like letters for their relieve, againft their vaflalles, fub-vaflalles, Ladies of Tcrce, conjunct-feares, and lite-renters. Barrennies AND Becaufe there ar diverfe and findrie Barronnies , within this Realme , difmembred, andtheBar- dijjbhed or ronnes of the faidis Barronnies in time by-gane , lies had na relieve pro tanto , of fa-meikle of the faid Barron- . briT™' nie , as wes difmembred, againft all reaibn , feeing that the Schireffe , Steward , or Baillic , or their deputes, without onie regard , charged the prefent Barronne, of the faide Barronnie, for the haill taxation of the famin, as gifna part thereof were difmembred: Therefore it is ftatute and ordained, that all fik partes of onie Barronnie , as ar dif-membred therefra , fall be retoured be the Schireffe of the Schire , quhair the famin lyis , to the availe and quantitie proportional , of the haill Barronnie : And being retoured , the faid Bar- ronne fall have letters of relieve, againft the heretoures of the faid difmembred part of the Barronnie for relieving of him, of fa-meikle of the faid taxation , as the famin landes fall be retoured unto, be die Schi- reffe , within twentie dayes nixt after the charge , under the paine of rebellion &c. And gif they failzie &c. To denunce &c. AND