Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/384

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5 6z KING JAMES THE S E X T fcfpZjton. ATTOUR, It is concluded , determined , and refolved , that na fufpenfion of ony letters or charges to' be direct for payment of the faide taxation, fall be granted either be the Lordcs of Coun cell and Seliion, or be the Lordcs of fecreit Councell ; bot difchargis themjimplzciper of ony granting of the famin : Alwayes as the equitie of the caufe requiris , his Majeftie and Eftaites lies given and granted fpeciall power and comrriif- fion to Alexander , Lord Fyvie, Prefident of the College ot Juftice : Waiter, Prior of Blantyre The- faurar : Maifter John Lindfay , oiBalcar-hoitfe , Secretar : Maifler lames Elfhinftoun , Perfon of Eg- glijhame : Maifter John Skene , Gierke of Regifter : And Maifter Thomas Hammiltoun , oiT>rumcarny, his Hienes Advocat. Giving them, at the leaft onie foure of them being altogidder conveened allanerlie, power and commiilion to grant the faidis fufpenfiones of the charges , direct for the faide taxation , ana to de- cide the faidis fufpenfiones , according to equitie and Juftice. Difchargeingailuthersthe Lordes of fecreit Councell and Seifion of ony melling therewith , and of their offices in that part : And als , our laid SOVE- RAINE LORDE, and his Eftaites , hes given power and Commiffion to the faidis perfones abone men- tioned, to decide the haill fufpenfiones reftand un-decided of onie taxationes, graunted heretofore , andor- daims them to miniftrate Juftice there-intill , according to reafon. tetters of A N D Becaufe his Majeftie hes bene defrauded of ane great parte of his taxation granted heretofore , be horrmgor rea f on jj iat H ie Schireffes of ilk Schire , quhafuldebein-gadderers of the faide taxation, andar men of that melt power and authoritie , within the faids Schi reffe-donics , that there ar nane within the famin , that either dare produced be or will in ony wayes refill the faidis Schireffes, in poynding for this prefente taxation: zit neverthelefle , fMmcht findrie of the faidis Schireffes heretofore , having had na regarde to the dcwtifull obedience they audit to his be meived. Majeftie, and to the faithfull difchargeing of their offices , hesthochtintimeby-gane, ane furficient exone- ration of them , forfameikle of the faid taxation , as they produced letters of horning , execute againft ony perfones for the famin: quhair be the power of the famin letters, he micht have lauchfully poinded the red- dieftguddes and geareoi the faidis rebelles: or elfe be production of alleaged deforcementes , done wilfullfe to deiraude his Majeftie , quhen as in their awin particular , they wald na-wayes fuffer the like, being men of that authoritie and power , as faid is : That they ar able with ftrang hand , to poynd and diftreinzie the faidis rebelles guddes , gif they pleafed. For remeid quhairof in time cumming : It is ftatute and ordained* that the Coilectours of the faid taxation , neither the Auditoures , to be appoynted hereafter , for the hearing of the faidis Coiiectoiu es compts , in ony wayes receive ony horning , or deforcement , for ane lauchfuil exo- neration to the faidis Schireffes, for the laid taxation , pro tanto : Bot allanerly the payment of the fum- mes , for the quhiiks they ar charged for : Alwayes the faidis Eftaites remittis to his Majefties confederation, the condition of fome Schireffes , quhaarenot of that power and authoritie, within their SchirefFedomes , that ar able with ftrang hand , to poynd fik rebelles guddes and geare , as fall be deunced to the home , for this prefent taxation, of quhom his Majeftie hes promifed, as he findis convenient to receive horninges and de- forcementes for their exoneration. rhe schi- AND BECAUSE Heretofore , there hes bene ane great abufc ufed bee the SchirefTes and their Qffii reffei and dares , in up-lifting and raifingofuther taxations heretofore, beforceing the fubjects to pay in ane maner Md'*i>-lift ane new Taxation to them , forin-gaddering the famin, alleageing it to perteine to them as Schireffes : Al- thetaxati- belt they be their offices , arfubjeclinin-gadderitigofthe famin, and na-wayes the faidis fubjec"tes debte- es without [ 10Un£ } m payment of ony dewtie to them : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , that na Schireffe not ' officiar quhat-fum-ever , directlie nor indirectly , upon ony kinde of pretext, charge, up-liftorraifefraonyof his Hienefle fubjectes , onie dewtie quhat-fum-ever , except the funime of fourtie ihillinges, for everie pound lande conteined in the letter, under the paine of deprivation of the faide Schireffe of his Office, in-cafe it befoundin that the fame was in onie maner of way, done of his commande or allowance : And gif the faulte be committed be the Officiar himfelf , not only to be the deprivation of him jimplieiter fra the Office, Botalfwatobe an crime of falfed, and he to bee accufed before the Juftice and his deputs , and puniihed to the death therefore with all rigour. Verges AND Forder , his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis , be thir prefentis , annullis and difchargis all privi- vnvihged, ledges and immunities quhat fum-ever , quhairby ony perfones may thinke themfelves free of payment of this prefent taxation (exceptand allanerly the priviledges of the Lordes & members of the College of Juftice) Quhairunto his Hienefle and Eftaites will na-wayes derogate in ony thing. FURTHER HIS Majeftie and Eftaites being acquainted with the great abufe that hes bene in times drrllh Le by-gane , be granting of precepts to findrie inoportune perfones , for anfwering them of ane pairtc of findrie the King, taxationes graunted heretofore , quhairthrow his Majeftie lies bene verie far circumveened , the fame fum- mes of money impofed upon the fubjectes, being utherwayes beftowed , nor to that end , quhairfore they weredeftinat : For remeid quhairof, his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis , ordainis and commandis the faid Collectour, that he on na-wayes anfwere , obey, and make payment ofony parte of the faid taxation , to ony perfon or perfones , upon pretext of onie precept or preceptes to be direct or fubcrived be his Hienefle, except the faidis preceptes bee fubferived bee the Commiffioners under-written , quhom his Majeftie and E- ftaites lies appoynted to be over-feers, that this prefente taxation be na-wayes employed, bot to the fur- cm? nilhing of the faids Embaffadours : They ar to fay, Teter, Bifliop of T>unkeld: T)avid, Billioppe of t^Abcrdene : John, Commendatar of Haly-rude-hou/e : Edward, Commendatar of Kinloffe: William, Earle of Angus : George , Earle OUar/haU: Iohn , Earle olC^iarre ; ^Alexander , Lorde Levingftoun: Maifter