Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/389

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SEXTENTH PARLIAMENT. XV. of November. 1600. 3 5 7 of twentie chalders viftuall , thereof ten chalders ten bolles beere ; nyne chalders fex boiies tneill , to be year- lie up-lifted and tane by the faid Sir Hew Heries , his heires and aflignayes , forth of the belt and readied pay- ment of the haill frutes , rents , mailes , fermes , kay nes , cuftomes and others dueties whatfomever of the lands and Lordfhip of Scoone and Gowrie ; ay and whill the infeftment of the lands and Barronie oiCowfland may take full effect , by poftefiion in their perfons , either by deceafe of Dame c Dorathie Stewart, Countes of Gowrie , or by the eviction of the famin lands and Barronie of Cow/land irom her by the Law. And how foone die faid Sir Hew Heries or his forcfaids lhall happen to recover and to enjoy ail and haill the faids lands and Barronie o{ Cowjland and teyndcs thereof, that then the faid letter of penfion to remaine with his Heighnes Crowne for ever. As alfo , exceptand and refer/and forth and from this prefent annexation , all and haill the lands oiNether-leiff, teyndcs, few-fermes, arage, cariage,and all others dueries & fervice whatfomever adeb- ted to be payed forth of the famin of before, to the Earles oiGowrie, or to the Commendators and Convent of Scoone, ot either of them. As als all and haill the town and lands oi c Dtirdy-Inglis, alias, called Nether -T)ur die, , teyndes, few-fermes , arage, cariage , and all others dueties and fervice whatfomever adebted to be payed forth of the famin of before to the faids Earles oiGowrie , or to the faids Commendators and convent of Scoone , or either of them. To the effeft that his Majeftie may gif and difpone the faids lands of Nether -leiff, teyndes , few-fermes, arage, cariage, and all others dueties of the famin to George Hay of Nether-leiff, his heires & aflig- nayes whatfomever hentablie or otherwyfe : and the forefaid town and lands of 'Dnrdy-Iuglis , alias , called Nether-Durdie, teyndes, few-fermes , arage , cariage , and all others dueties thereof , to Maifter "Peter Hay oiT)urdy, his heires and aflignayes whatfomever , heritablie or otherwyfe , in fik forme and maner as bell lhall pleafe his Majeftie. Attour his Majeftie , with advife forefaid , declares and ordeines, that this prefent annexation of the Lord- fliip and Abbacie of Scoone to the Crown , lhall nowyfe be hurtful! nor prejudiciall to the y earlie penfion often chalders viftuall , granted or to be granted by his Heighnes to Maifter Patrik Galloway forth thereof, during all the day es of his ly fry me, conforme to his gift of penfion, and fpeciall aflignation thereof , made or to be made there-upon. Whilk his Heighnes , with advife and confent forefaid , Ratifies and approves in all poynts, and ordeines, ifneedbeis, that the famin gift be at lenthiniert in the Bookes of Parliament , for the faid Mafter Patrik his better fecuritie , declaring that the faid annexation lhall not be effeftuall but fhall befufpended, induring the liftyme of the faid Maifter Patrik, infofarasconcernesthe faids teyndes, dif- ponedortobedifponed, to him in maner forefaid allenarlie, And fikhke exceptand and refervand forth of this prefent annexation of the Earledome and living oiGowrie , to his Heighnes Crown, all and haill the lands oiCraigtoim , with the teyndes thereof, and the teind-lhawes of the lands and town of Gowktoun , Rybues , Segiden, Pifc'mdie, nether Kinfawues, over Kinfawnes, Byn and Tillihow with their pertinents lyand within the Parochin oiKinfawns, the teynd-fifh of the hilling oiCraigtoun,bicherrifleiplat,Stobriknodab, the Cruike and all others teynd-fiihings perteining to the Abbay of Scoone, from the wood oi Kinnowho Incherry : to the effeft that our faid Soveraigne Lord may give and difpone the famin to John Lindefay , alias. Chart eris, eldcft fonne and appearand heire to Hendrie Lindefay, alias Charteris, feer oiKmfawnes, his heires and aflignayes, to be halden of his Heighnes,according to the condition & maner of halding,as the famin was halden of before, of the Earles oiGowrie, or Abbots of Scoone : and for the famin feife duetie whilks the faids lands and teyndes was in ufe to pay to the Earles oiGowrie, or Abbots oi Scoone before the making of this prefent aft. 3 . t_Al~t in favours of the Vajfels of the Earledome of Gowrie. U R SOVERAIGNE LORD and haill Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, remembring the good and notable aft , made in his Majefties Parliament halden at Striviling in the Moneth of Auguft, the yeare of God 15-71. yeares , in favours of his Heighnes true and faithfull fubjefts , for bruiking of their lands, heritages, annuelrents , lyfrents , penfions or pofieflions whatfomever halden of any perfon , called and .fore- faulted in the faid Parliament , notwithftanding the forefaulting of their Superiours thereof. And his Heigh- nes now beino- willing and fullie refolved to renew the forefaid aft, and to grant the benefite and favour therein conteined, to all his faithfull and true fubjefts who or their Prediceflburs to whom they are heires, at the leaft appearand heires , albeit as yet not entered , held lands , heritages , annuelrents , lyfrents , mylnes , woods , fiihinges, or other pofieflions whatfomever , of umqwhile John fometime Earle oiGowrie, or any of his Prediceflburs. Therefore Our faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advife of the faids Eftaites & whole bodie of this prefent Parliament, ftatutes, ordeines and declares , that all his Heighnes faith- |ful! and true fubjefts, their heires and Succeflburs, being nowyfe culpable of the abhominable and horrible jcrymes of treafon and leefe-Majcftie , attempted by the faid umwhile John fomtime Earle oiGowrie, againft jliis Grace , moft noble Perfon , fliall bruike and poffeffe all their lands, heritages, woods, mylnes, fifhings, an- nuelrents, lyfrents, tacks, rentalles and poflefllons whatfomever halden by them , or their Prediceflburs of the ifaid umwhile John fometime Earle oiGowrie, or his Prediceflburs, andhaldthe famin of Our faid SO- 1 V E R A I G N E LORD, his Heighnes Succeflburs and others , their next immediat fuperiours , their Iheires and Succeflburs, conforme to their infeftments , rights and fecurities thereof in all poyntes. Siklike andalsfreeliein allrefpefts as iftheproceffeand doome of forefault rie had never bene led, deduced nor ipronounced againft the faid lohne fometime Earle of Gowrie in this prefent Parliament. And als notwith- ftanding the afte made ill his Heighnes Parliament halden at Edinburgh the aught day of June the yeare Eee a of O