Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/404

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3 8x KING JAMES THE SEXT ofthefaids lands and teyndsof the Bifliopricks forefaids , renewed and granted to theminfufficient, valeid and nerfi te forme by the Biihops, poffeilburs of the faids benefices.The faids Fewers,Tackfmen and Tenants, payino- to the faids Bifhops, for greffum, entreiTe and compofition , for renewing of their faids fewes of all Lands , and others belanging to the faids Biibopricks ; and als ratification of their faids tacks of all teyndes perteinino- thereto; Of the whilks at the day and date hereof, there are ten yeares crops of the famine to runne; The double of the yeariie iilver duetie, conteined in their faids fewes and tacks; and the fingle of the victual duetie, and of all others dueties expreifed therein , And that by and attour the yeariie duetie ex- prefled in their faids fewes and tacks: The whilks dueties, for greilum , enterefle and compofition , the haill Eftaites of Parliament, declares, lhall be payed by the faids Fewers, Tackfmen and Tenants , within yeare and day , after they be lawfullie cited to that effect , and for that famine caufe ; or after that intimation of the famine be made to them , by the Biihops in their avvne Courts. And in cafe of not thankfuil payment , of the double ofthefaidfilvcr duetie, and of the fingle of the faid victual , and others dueties to be payed within yeare and day , after the faid citation and intimation , as faid is. THE faids Eftaites of Parliament , findes and declares , that the faids Fewers and Tackfmen lhall be aftricTed to pay after the expyringofthe faid yeare and day, thankfuil pay ment not being made within that fpace of the forefaids greffumes, entreile and compofition , extending to the quantie above written ; the quad- ruple of the filver duetie , and the double of die faid victual , and others dueties forefaids , to be payed to the faids Biihops , by and attour the yeariie dueties conteined in the faids fewes and tacks , as is before faid. And the faids Eftaites, ordeines and declares , that if there be not ten yeares compleit to runne of the faids tacks of teyndes, perteining to the Kirks of the faids Biibopricks, after the day and date hereof; in that cafe, the Tackfmen on nawyfe fhall be aftrirTed to pay any greflum , entreile or compofition for the famine , to the faids Bifhops , but they to be free thereof. ATTOUR, the faids Eftaites declares , that the faid act and ordinance of Parliament , fhall nowyfe be extended , comprehend nor prejudge any fewes of Bifliopricks, lawfullie fett and confirmed before the laid acT of annexation, whiik was in the faid Moneth of Julie , ane thoufand, five hundreth, fourefcore feven yeares. Excepting and referving alwyfe forth of this prefent act" , all difpofitions made ofwhatfomever patronages of Kirks perteining to the laids Biihopricks, difponed by lawfull Titulares , and the Kings Majeftie , and ratified in Parliament, in favours ol whatfomever perfon or perfons , and nane others. And findes and declares all difpofitions whatfomever, made of the forefaids patronages of all Kirks perteining to the Biiliopricks difponed by the lawfull Titulares , and his Majeftie, and not confirmed in Parliament to be of nane availl, although the famine patronages be graunted and difponed by the Kings Majeftie and Titulares thereof. Andlyk- wyfe , excepting and referving ail common Kirks , perteining of auld to the faids Bifhoppes, and their chapter, incommeuntie, whilks are disponed by his Majeftie , to whatfomever perfon at any tyme preceeding this prefen ad. And die faids Eftaites declares , that if there be any common Kirks , perteining to the faids Bi- ihopricks , and to their chapters of auld , that now perteines and falles to them be vertew of this prefent acT. That thereby the Minifters , wha are lawfullie provyded to the faids common Kirks by prefentation , collati- on and admi! lion, and ferving thereat , fhall nowyfe be prejudged during their lyltymes ; but that the faids: provifions fhail be furEcient right and warrand to the faids Minifters , to bruke , Joyce and pofleiTe their com- mon Kirks forefaids , according as they are provyded thereto , for all the dayes of their lyltymes. Notwith- ftanding whatfomever claufe conteined in this prefent acT , or any other aft of Parliament , that might make any derogation to the faids provifions. Excepting alwyfe , and referving the Caftell of Sanff-CAndroes , and Caftell yardes of the famine , difponed to George Earle of T)iimbar , upon the refignation of George Archbrfhoppe of SanEi-x^Androes , diflolved and difmembred from the faid Archbifhoprick , by OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites , with expreffe confent and affent of the laid Arch- bifliop, perfonalliecompearand in Parliament. Whom to OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, in place and recompence of the faid Caftell , lies given and difponed the Proveftrie of Kirkhill , Vica- rage and Arch-Deinrie of SancJ-Androes , to remaine with the laid Arch-biiliop and his Succefiburs, by and attour ane yeariie penfion of three hundrerh markes, given to the faid Archbiiliop, fa that the faid Caftell and Caftell yardes , fhall nowyfe be comprehended in this prefent act" , nor yet mail be compted nor eftemed in any tyme hereafter , any part or portion ofthepatrimonie of the faid Archbifhoprick , but mall remaine with the laid George Earie of T)urnbar , his Heires and Succeffours , as their proper heritage law- fullie difponed co them , and diilblved from the faid Archbifhoprick. And in lyke maner , the faids Eftaites declares that the forefaid AcT , graunted in favours of the faids Bifhops , fhall not be extended nor be prejudiciall to the infeftments , rights and tytles made to Sir Robert CMeheill of tJMiirdocamie Knight, ins Heires and Succeilours mentioned therein of the lands oiMonymaiU, and Let harm , with die Maner-place, yardes and bigging of Monymalll and Patronage of the Kirk of Monymaill perteining of auld to the Archbifhope of Sanl'i-^Androes. And declaris the famine infeftments to ftand in the awne ftrength, notwithftanding this prefent AcT. Provyding alwyfe, that the faid Sir Robert Malvill and his heires, fuftaine and entertaine the Minifters, ferving at the faid Kirk, upon the ft utes of the famine Kirk. And notwithftanding this prefent act and haill clau les therein conteined , OUR SAID SOVE- RAIGNE LORD, with advyce forefaid, having confidered the Fewers of the Barroniepf Glafgow, to be many in number and the povertie of the maift part of them , tobefik as they are not habile to furnifhe