Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/406

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8 4 KING J A M E $ T H E S E X T Knout , OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , findes and de- clares, that it is and fhall be lefome to the faids Archbifliops, Biiliops, and their Succeflburs, to fet al© many tacks ofthefnues and dueties perteining to their faids benefices, either fhort or lang tacks, as they pleale ; and for als many yeares as they Ilia!! tliinke meet and expedient , whilk may fubfift of the Law. la doinp whereof the faids Eftaites will make na reftraint or limitation of any tyme to the faids Biiliops. And be reafon that the duetie of the faids tacks to be fet be the perfons provyded to the faids Bifhopriks , are to be ap- plyed , and converted for fatisfaction , and enterteining the Miniffers ferving the cure of the Kirks of the faids Biihooriks , and for fapplie of ane part of their ftipends to be given to them . Therefore the Eftaites ordeins the faids Bilhopes to have ane cairfullregarde that the faids tacks be fet for ane competent duetie, whilk may in feme reafonable proportion anfwering to that whilk is fett in tack , bee mair meet to fupplie ane part of the faids Minifters ftipends , whilks dueties of the faids tacks and als the ftipends whilks fhall be provyded to the Minifters, ferving at the Kirks of every Bilhoprick, mall be in all tyme comming reput as ane part of the rental! of the faids Bifliopricks : whilk rentall fliall nowyfe be hurt, viciat or diniinifhed by thetitulareofthe faid Bilhoprick in any tyme to come. And to the eftecl that the Minifters of the faids Kirks may be the mair certamlie provyded , and the rentall of the Bilhopricks may be made (whilk fhall not be altered, as faid is) Ordeins all Archbifliops and Biiliops, wha are alreadie provyded , or fliall be pro- vyded in tyme to come , to make ane fufficient rentall of the patrimonie of ilk Bilhoprick , and to give in the fame to the Clerk ofRegifter and his deputes, to remaine in liis Regiiler , ad futuram rezmemoriam; and that within the fpace of ane yeare , after the date of this prefent ad , under the paine of ane thoufand markes, to be payed be the perfon wlia fhall failye in giving of the faid rentall within the fpacc forefaid , to OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Collector generall. Of the whilk fummc , the faid Collector fliall be

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filver , whilk fall be provided to the faids Minifters for their fteipends for ferving the cures of the Kirks of the faids Bifliopricks . as faid is , but the faid rentall fhall remaine in the awne integriue in all tyme comming. To the eMed that the faids Minifters and their Succeflours ferving the Kirks of the faids Bifliopricks, as faid is, may be allured of certaine locall fteipends , for their faid fervice ; not to be fubject to the many changes and alterations , whereby frequentlie they have bene troubled in tymes preceeding. And laft of all, becaufe that the rentall to be given in of the faids Bifliopricks, will confift and be made up , partlie of the dueties of the faids tacks to be let , as faid is, and that the certaintie of the faids locall ftipends Hands in the up-giving of the faids rentals , whilk OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD and Eftaites , ordeins to be done with all goodlie diligence within the tyme prefcryved thereto; that the Minifters ferving die Kirks be not fruftrat or difapoynted of due fatisfaclion and recompence for their travels tane in the fervice forefaid : And that they may be put in certaintie thereof in tyme to come, wherein the evident well and profite of the Kirk does appeare , and manifeft the felfe. And for that caufe order is given and forme prefcryved for fetting of tacks , as the preceeding Articles of this aft proports. Where-throw whatfomever afts and con- ftitutions made by any , either Civill or Ecclefiaftik Judge , tending to the prohibition and reftraint of fet- ting oi lawful! tacks by any beneficed perfon , aught to be annulled; feing the faids acls and conftitutions, whilks wer made upon any preconceaved feare of any laik or want of maintenance for enterteinment of the Kirk, Or upon any other ground, are now clearly fatisfied, by the cairfuil regarde whilk his Majeftie, and Eftaits of this Parliament lies alwayes had, to the advancement of the Kirk , and to the certain provifion of the Miniftrie thereof, with conftant fteipends. Ane worke very necefiare, and to be forthercd and exped by the prefent Bifliops , and to whais cares and travels , O U R faid SOVERAIGNE LORD and Eftaites ,. lies recommended and commits ro give over in the certaine provifion of the Miniftrie , ferving at the Kirks of their Bifliopricks , with competent and reafonable ftipends , anfwerable and agreable for their travels and fuftentation. And therefore OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites forefaids,Statutes, decernes and declares, all and whatfomever ad tes, lawes, Statutes, ordinances and conftitutions Ecclefiafticall or Civill, whilks are alreadie made in tyme bygane, or fliall happen to be made in tyme to come, whereby any beneficed perfon within this Realme , are prohibit and difcharged to fet any tacks of tey nds , (whilks tacks may fubfift of the law, and whilks acls and ordinances may dire<ftlie or indiredlie feime to infringe and annul! the faids tacks lawfullie fet , as faid is , or to inflict any paine or punifliment upon the fetters thereof) to be altogether null and of nane availl , and to have na ftrength , force nor effect now and in all tyme comming , fik-lyke as if the famine had never bene made; whilks all alnd others aels, ordinances and conftitutions to be made anent the premifes , and whilk may tend to the lyke end in any tyme to come, OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD and Eftaites fmipliciter difcharges for now and ever. 4. Anent forfmilted perfons and their r'efiltiitkn be ivay of Grace. OUR SOVERAIGNE LO R D perfltelie underftanding that the due punifliment inflicted on trai- tours and rebels, and the rewardes rightlie diftributed to faithfull and well deferving fubjects, encou- rages the better fort in well doing, and is ane terrour to the evill difpofed to give withgate to their incli- nation. In confideration thereof, with advyce and confent of the Eftaites of his Heighnes Parliament, Ratifies,