Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/410

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3 88 KING JAMES THE S E XT the tennour of this prefent , ftatutes and ordeins in all tyme comming , that it fhall nawy fe be leafome to the vafials of any Earle , Lord, Prelat, Barron, or any other Free-halder within this Realme wha halds their lands of their faids Superiours , by fervice of warde and releif, to fet their faids lands whilks are halden by them, as faid is , to any other perfon in few, for payment of ane Few-ferme duetie , in prejudice of their faids Over- lords, whom of they hald the faids lands , by fervice of warde and releif, as laid is, without the fpe- cialadvyce and confcnt of their faids Superiours, had and obteined to the fetting of the faids lands in Few- ferme , or purchafmg of the faids Superiours confirmation to the faid difpofition , if any mail happen to be made, as faid is. And in cafe any fik alienation fhall happen to be made in any tyme to come , without con- fent of the faids Superiours, or their confirmation obteined to the famine , O U R faid S O VE R A I G N E LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament, finds, decernes and declares, all fik difpofitions to be null and of nane availl , force nor effect: , either by way of action or exception. 1 3. Anent laying of Lint in Lochs. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of Parliament , finding that the laying of Lint in Lochs and burnes, is not onely hurtfull to all fillies bred within the famine, and beftial that drinks there- of; but alio the haill waters of the faids Lochs and burnes , thereby being infected , is made altogether un- profitable for the ufe of man, and very noyfome to all the people dwelling there-about. Therefore ftatutes and ordeins, that na perfon nor perfons in tyme comming, lay in Lochs and running burnes , anygrein Lint, under the paine of fourtie millings , totles quoties, for ilk tyme they fhall contravein ; and als confif- cation of the Lint to be applyed to the poore of the Parochin , within the whilks the faids Lochs and burnes lyes. And by the tennour hereof, gives power to the Seffionofthe Kirk of ilk Parochin, to try, cognofce, and put this prefent act to execution , and to uplift the unlawes , and confifcat and difpone upon the faid Lint, to the weallofthe poore of the Parochin, as faid is. 14. ^Ac~t in favours of his CHajefties Vajfals for payment of their blench dueties. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, remembring the great favour fhawne and borne by his Heighnes and his predicel lours, to the Noble-men, Barrens, and others fubjecls of this Realme, and their predicefiours, for their notable and memorable facts and fervices done to his Majeftie and his predicefiours, in defence and weallair of the Realme ; in making and graunting to them of heritable infeftments of their Lands , Barronnies , Lordfhips , Caftels , Towres, Fortalices, Woods, Mylnes, Salmond, Filliings, offices and others therein contained , halden of O U R faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, and his predicefiours , in free blench-ferme , for payment of certaine blench-ferme dueties , ex- prefTed in their infeftments ; not as any burding or yearlie duetie, but by way of acknowlegement & recognof- cence , if the famine dueties fhall be requyred allanerlie. And that notwithftanding thereof, within thir late and few yeares , the faids Noble-men, Bartons, and others OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Leiges and fubjecls , wha halds their lands and others forefaids of O U R faid SOVERAIGNE LORD in free blench, are yearlie without any juft caufe burdened, urged and compelled by charges to make payment in his Heighnes Checker of certaine fummes of money, as for the pry ces and valour of the faids bleach dueties; there being na fik fummes of money nor pry ces conteined in their faids infeftments. For remeed whereof , OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyce of the faids Eftaites , findes, decernes and declares , that the Noble-men , Barrons , and others Leiges and fubjecls , wha halds their lands and others forefaids of his Majeftie in blench-ferme , are onely juftlie adetted in payment of the blench dueties exprefled and fct downe in their infeftments, if the famine be required allanerlie. And that they aught nowyfe to be burdened, troubled or charged for fummes of money, as pryces for the faids blench dueties. And that notwithftanding whatfomever ad or ordinance made by the Lords of his Heighnes Checker , or others acts or ordinances whatfomever , of whatfomever yeares bygane or to come, to the whilks this prefent act fliall make and makes full derogation. And therefore Sir Thomas Hammilton oiCMonkland Knight , Ad-' vocatto OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, in prefence of the faids Eftaites , protefted in his Heigh- nes Name, that the blench dueties and fpecies thereof conteined in the forefaids infeftments, beconforme to the Kings Majeftie and his Succeilburs , Eftate and dignitie. And there-upon the faid Lord Advoc-at asked inftruments. 1 5". i^Acl anent feafings to be given on -precepts of the Chanccllarie. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies and approves- the act made of before by King JAMES the Fifth of good memorie, whereby it was ftatute and or- deined , that all Seafings given by vertue of any precepts direct forth of the Chanccllarie , fhould be given by theSchireffesottheSchyre, Baillies or Stewarts, where the lands lyes , their deputes and Clerk , as in the faid act of the date the tenth day of December the yeare of God, anethoufand, five hundreth , and fourtie years at mair length is conteined, in all and fundne poynts , heads, articles, claufes and conditions of the famine, fa farre as the famine extends or may be extended to Seafings paft upon precepts direct forth of the Chan-