Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/418

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39< KING JAMES THE SEXT T H X X. P A L I A E T Of the n^gg U?%? Excellent and cJMichtie King and CMonarch , J A M E S By the grace of GOT), King of Great Britane, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Halden at Edin- burgh, the tweritie fourth day of June , 1609. By ane Totent Lord , GEORGE Earle Marfchell, Lord Keith and Altrie, &c. Be vertue of his CMaje- fiies Commijfion graunted to him, under the great Seale of this Re- alme , with advyee of the Eftaites of this Kingdome. 1 . Aft anent Chujing of Pedagogues to Children fiajjing forth of Scotland to Schooles. ORSAMEIKLE AS OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD andEftaites of this prefent Parliament , Confidering that ane of the great caufes whilk hes pro- | cured the grouth and increafe of Papifts within this Kingdome , hes proceeded from the fmall care and regarde that hes bene had of the education and upbringing of the youth , vvha being lent iorth of the Realme to places of contrarie profeffion, and not being firft well grounded in Religion, and accompanied with Pedagogues fcarce well affefted to Religion , they doe oft returne back fo poileft with fuperfti- tion and heretical! errors , as they may be juftlie fuipecled for dangerous fubjecTs I in the. Eftaite. For preventing of whilk grouth and increafe of defection from the 'true faith by the occafion forefaid, OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD and Eftaites foresaids , Ordeines that all fik Noble-men and others wha hereafter ihall direct any Pedagogues with their Sones out of the Countrie , mall be halden by vertue of this prefent Aft , to have ane fufficient Teftimoniall of the Biiliop of the Diocie where the faid Pedagogue for the maift part latelie before made his refidence : Tcftify ing and approving the laid Pedagoge to be godlie and of good Religion , learned and inftructed in the fame. And if any Noble-man or other lhall happen to fend any Pedagogue with their Sones out of the Countrie without the Teftimonial! and approbation ol the Biiliop in manner above- written. In that cafe OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD and Eftaites forefaids , declares ,. ftatutes and I ordeines that every fik Noble-man and others according to their feverall degrees and rankes ihall incurre the paines particularlie under-written. Viz. Every Earle, five thoufand pounds. Every Lord, flvethoufand I markes. Every Barron, three thoufand markes ; whilks fumrnes lhall be intrometted with and uplifted of them by his Majefties Thefaurer and his Depute to his Heighnes ufe. Provyciing in-cafe it fhaii happen the Bifhop of that Diocie to refufe to grant Teftimoniall to the Pedagogue upon the premises, the faid Bifhop thereafter being Lawfullie fummoned to compeare before the Lords of his Heighnes Secret Counceil to anfwere to that complaint, and ihaw not a realbnable caufe ol that his refufall. Then in that cafe , it mall be lawfull to the Lords ofSecreet Counceil to give their Teftimoniall to the forefaid Pedagogue to the effect, above-written. x. t^Act againft Children that becomes 'Papifts ■when they are out cf Scotland UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Ordeines the Noble- men, Barrons and others to have a fpeciall care, and to give ordour and direction that the remaining of their Sones forth of the Countrie ; ihall be in places where Religion is profeiled , or at the lead where there is na reftraint of the fame by the crueltie of Inquifition : and that during the tyme of their abfence they fhall not haunt any Idolatrous exercife of Religion. And that fik perfons as hes not the moyen to intertaine with their Sones ane Pedagogue , fhall fend them to fik places where Religion is profeiled. And in-cafe their Sones after their departure out of the Countrie fhall haunt the exercifes of contrarie Religion, OUR SAID SOVERAIGNE LORD and Eftaites forefaids, ordeins that their parents, or fik others as hes the charge of them lhall be ftraited to findc caution, acted in the buikes of Sccreet Counceil, under fik paines as ihall be modified , that they fhall not fupplie , intertaine nor furniihe them with any thing neceilare or comfortable unto them after that it be knawn that their Sones are become Papifts and haunts Idolatrie, contrarie to theReligion prefentlie profeiled within Scotland, except their refonable expenfes in recalling and bringing them to this Realme of Scotland. 3. xJt 1