Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/432

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.IO KING JAMES THESE XT c. t_Ane AL~i anent more tymous teynding , for the eafe of the labourers of the ground. IT Isftatuteandordeinedby OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites in Parliament: That in tyme comming in all teynding of Cornes , that the fame be teynded at three feverall tymes everie yeare if the awners of the Cornes mail think it expedient : To wit the croft infeild corne at ane tyme , the beere at ane uther tyme, and the out-feild corne at the thrid tyme. And declares that eight dayes after the compleit lhearing of ilk fort of cornes being out-run , that it fliall be leafum to the awners at the faids eight dayes end, to mak requifition upon uther eight dayes to mak them thankfull teynding, and if the awners get not thankfull teynding at the expyring of the faids Jail eight dayes. The faids Eftaites declares that it mall be lawfull to the awners of the faids cornes to teynd and ftak the famine themfelfes conforme to the Act of Parliament made of befoir anent the teynding of cornes in all poynts , and fliall incurre na danger their-through. 6 . i^Ane AB for difcharge of all per fit e againft any within the hounds of the late Borders for caufes preceding his Majefties going to England , with exception not-theles of all decreits already recovered: and with refervation of the criminalperfute at the inflame of his ^Majefties officiars. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament having due confideration that through the occafion of unquyetnes of the Borders of this Realme , and of the deadlie feads theirof, there fell out divers blood-iheds , flauchters , mutilations , fyre-raifings , ftowths , and uthers crymes in- flicting death : As alfo fundrie fpuilyies , hearihips , depredations , and reiffs of uthers goods and geare within the faids Borders. And underftanding that throgh his Highnes happie preferment to the Crowne of England, the faids Borders of boith the Realmes are become peaceable and civile , albeit that the inhabitants thereof are not able to fatisfle the bygane damnages of parties. Therefore OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites forefaids Andes, declares, decernes, ftatutes , and ordeins , that all and fundrie inhabitants within the bounds of the faids Borders of Scotland: , and fpeciallie within the bounds of the Schirefdome of Berwick , Roxbourgh , Drumfreis , and Stuardrie of Annandaill , their heires, fucceflors, and executors, are and fliall be fred, exonered, and difcharged be virtue of thir prefents of all actions of fpoliation and wrangous intromiffion with whatfumever goods and geire,fpuilyed and intrometted with be them or their prediceflors , before his Majefties preferment to the faid Crowne of England. With ane expreffe refervation nottheles of all decreits and fentences alreddy gotten and obteined, ! be any perfon whatfumever before the date of thir prefents : Whilks are declared heirby to be nowaye com-i prehended within the compas of this prefent Difcharge. And alfo his MAJESTIE and Eftaites forefaids , declares, ftatutes, and ordeins , that the faids inha-i bitants of the faids Borders , and fpeciallie within the Schirefdomes and Stuardries refpective above wrirten : Are and fliall be frie, fred and difcharged , be thir prefents of all Criminal perfuits and actions , intended or to ; be intended or perfued againft any of them , be any partie or perfons whatfumever : (except allainerlie be his Majefties Advocat, Juitices and Commiilionars , deput and to be deput for that effect.) for whatfumever fyre-raifings , flauchters, mutilations, thifts, ftouths, or uthers criminal! actions whatfumever committed be them, importing or that may import the taking away of their lyves, the famin being committed before his Highnes preferment to the faid Crowne of England allanerlie. But prejudice alwayes to his Highnes Ad- vocat, Juftices and Commiilionars , to perfue the faids criminall actions as accords of the Law. And with exprefle declaration that this prefent Act mail no wayes be extended to any crymes,wranges, fades and deeds, I done fince his Highnes preferment to the faid Crowne of England. j. Ane Aft allowing Horning upon ane Jimp le charge of fyveteene dayes to be direct upon Commiffars decreits. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, be advyfeofthe three Eftaites of Parliament, Ordeins and fta- tuts , that the decreits and fentences of all Commiflars within this Kingdome , receave fiklyk execution be Horning as the decreits of Schireffs, Admiralls, Stuards, andBaillyesofbourgh: And that the Lords of Seffion upon the fichtofthe acts and decreits of the faids Commiflars or their precepts lawfullie execute be their officiars , bearand the partie to have beine charged upon fy vetein dayes : Direct letters of Horning upon the fimple charge of fy vetein dayes as in the cafes aforefaids,and conforme to the Act of Parliament made in their favours. 8. Ane Afi anent repairing of Bijhops Manfes. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyfe of the three Eftaites , Ordeins all Arch-bifhops , Biiliops , and uthers Ecclefiafticall perfons , to build, repaire and mainteine their houfes and manfes in fik cafe as may ferve for their dwelling and the dwelling of their Succeflbrs , and if they or any of them fuffei the faids houfes or manfes to ruyne and decay in their default. The Succefibr fliall have action againft their executors