Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/444

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4 xi KING JAMES THE SEXT ACT VII. tyfnent unlawes of abfent s from Parliament. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of this prefent Parliament , hes ratified and ap- proven , and by the tennour hereof Ratifies and approves the thirtie fourth Aft of his Highnes elle- vinth Parliament, if 8 7. Intituiat ( the unlaw of abfents from Parliament) in the whole heads and claufes thereof, after the forme and tennour of the fame in all points; with this addition , that the unlaw of the CommiiTioners of Barons through their abfence from Parliament, fhallbeanehundreth pounds money. And declares that no excufe {hall be received nor admitted hereafter for abfence from Parliament, except their 1 Licence be granted by his Highnes under his note and fuper-fcription , if his Majefty be prefent within the Re- : alme for the time , And in his Highnes abfence , by his High Cornmiffioner of Parliament: and in-cafe of: the faid CommiiTioners abfence, their Licence to be granted and fubfcryved by the Lord Chancellour, and Lords of Secret Councel , to be produced judicially the firft day of the fenfing of ilk Parliament , to the Clerk of Regifter and his Deputes. And farther declares , that in time coming it fhall be lawful to whatfomever Duke, Marques, Earle, Vicount, Lord , or Prelat within this Realme , being abfent from the Parliament, and lawfully excufed, as faid is, to fend anefufficient power fubfcryved with their hands to any one of that eftate , having place and vote in Parliament , who lhall be admitted to reafon and vote in Parliament , and whole dyets thereof, for that perfon abfent , fiklike and als freely in all refeects as if he had been prefent him- felf. And ordeins the laid former aft with this prefent, aft at ilk Parliament, to be execut with all diligence. And the penalties therein mentioned to be up-lifted to Our Soveraigne Lords ufe , by his Highnes Theiaurer. ACT VIII. tyinent the Juftices for keeping of the Kings CMajefies Teace , aid their Confiables. . ■ '■ 'M %&§$$? UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, •fW^§K having confidered the Articles and Inftruftions given of before by his Majefty to the Juftices .8SpTo'*^ti and Commiffioners , appointed for keeping of his Majefties Peace, and to their Conftables flU which were prefented to his Highnes , and unto the faids Eftates , by the faids Juftices , and ' defired to be authorized by decreet and fentence of Parliament : Hes ratified and confir- | med the fame in manner as they are particularly here fct down and exprefled in every point and article thereof, of the which the tennours followes. That is to fay. The Commiffioners and Juftices of Peace at their firft admitting upon the Bench , fhall give the Oath following : ov accor Lawes andCuftomes of the Land and Statutes thereof: And 'that you fhall not beofCounfel with any per- fon in any quarrel or matter depending before 'you, and that you fhall every quarter keep the Seffions, m oftner as yon fhall be required , not having anyjuft impediment to the contrary : and fhall faithfully and true- ly difchargeyour duetie , as ane Juftice of his Majefties Teace, and/hall leave nothing undone, that may tend to theprefervation of the fame. So help you God . II ANY one Juftice fhall have power upon complaint of any perfon, being threatned , and fearing to be wronged , to biude the party complained upon , under foch a pecunial mm , to keep the Peace , as h«  fhail think fitting. As alio to commit him , until furetie be found by him, the faid complainer alwayes gi- ving his Oath before the Juftice , that he hath juft caufe to dread his harm. And albeit no perfon complain yet if the Juftice be credibly informed , of appearance of trouble betwixt any parties , he mall binde their to the Peace in manner aforefaid : except the parties declare upon their confeiences, that neither of there doth beare any grudge to other. And all fuch bands fhall be kept in record by him , and he fhal make deliverie of the fame to the Clerk of die Peace, at the next Seffion, to be kept and regi ftrated by him. III. F any perfon, being charged to make his appearance before a Juftice of Peace, lhall refufe or dela) _ without caufe : if the partie bee a landed Gentleman , whole rents exceed ten chalders of viftual , or s thoufand marks of filver ; then the Juftice (whofe command is contemned) fhall informe the fame to form of the Lords of His Majefties privieCounfel: to the effect the party of the quality forefaidmay bee callec and fined for his difobedience. And if the difobeyer be of a meaner degree , the Juftice mail hereby hav<