Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/459

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XXII. TARL I A ME NT. XXVIII. of June, i6i 7 437 traveen , and thereafter the faids Notars Books to be retained and keept by the faid Clerk of Regifter, , or his faid Depute , to be appointed by him to that effecl. At the deliverie and inbringing of which Protocolles , if the fame mail bee inbrought by the faid relicT: or children , his Highnes with advice I forefaid, Ordaines the Clerk of Regifter, or his Depute forefaid , to make a note of the names of the faid re- | lift an J children of the defunct Notars, to the efFecT: , that whenfoever any party fliall purfue for tranfumpt I of any inftrument forth of the fame , he Ihall be aftri&ed hereby to fummond by the party having intrefle , the relift and children of the defunft Notar , to the effecl that the faids relict and children | may be fatiffled by the party , craving the tranfumpt of the faid inftrument, at the modification of the I Lords of Councel and Seflion. And his Highnes with advice forefaid , declares , that this A& fliall not be extended to the in-bringing of the protocolles of theClerks of any free Burgh Royal within this Realme, deceafed already, or that mail happen to deceafe hereafter : but the relid and children of the faids Clerks of free Burghs, lhall be halden to deliver the faids Protocolles to the Proved aud Baillies of the faids free Burghs , to remaine in rhe Regifter of the faids free Burghs , and to be made forth- coming to all parties , having intrefle , whenfoever they fliall crave any inftrument to bee tranfumed j forth of the fame at any time hereafter. ACT XXIII. -— - - Adt Salvo jure cujujlibet. Flr-afmuch as in this prefent Seflion of Parliament , there are Ratifications paft, wherein divers and new claufes are infert , which may be prejudicial to particular parti«s Rights , and derogative to many Lawes lawfully made and eftablifhed of before'; albeit the meaning of his Highnes, be at this time, las it was ever in all preceeding Parliaments, That by no particular Aft, any other party fliould be liurt or prejudged. For remedie thereof, It is Statute and ordained, that no Ratification paft in this prefent Seflion of Parliament , fliall be prejudicial to any privat parties Rights : but that the faids Ratifications be all- kvayes underftood , whether they be general or fpecial . to be Salvo jure cujujlibet. FINIS. A N E TABLE Of the PARTICULAR ACTS and others not Imprinted, paft in the XX It Parliament, holden at Edinburgh, the x8. day of June, i 617. I A Commijfwn for heritable Offices. % J_A Commijfwn for keeping of Juflice Courts. 3 _Afl anent the Clangregour. 4 Aft in favours of the Archbijhop <?f Sanct-Andrewes. 5 Act for a new ajfignation to the Caftle of Edinburgh, out of his CHa/eJiies propertie. 6 Annexation o/^Fearne to the Bijhoprick of Roflk. 7 Annexation of Corfreguale and Monimusk to the Bijhoprick of Dumblane. 8 Annexation 0/Tcolmekil and Archattan to the Bijhoprick of the lies. 9 t^Acl anent the Chapter of the Bijhop of the lies. Aft anent the erection of the Kirk o/'Ballintrae. 1 Union of the Kirks of Kilbride and Renfrew, to the Co/ledge of Ghigow. % Aft for changing of the Kirk 0/~Strathgeth. 3 Act for changing the Kirk of Lawder. 4. A CommiJJion anent barking of Hides. 5 Ratification in favours of the T>uke of Lennox. Ooo 16 Rati-