Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/462

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The x^A C T anent Proveft of the faide Burgh oilanlithgo , Andro Bel and James Glen Baillies thereof, who being with all re- auifite Solemnitie Sworne : Deponed upon their confeiences ; That the forefaid Firlot and Meafure pro- duced by them , was the verie true and Juft Meafure which hath been given out to his Majefties Leiges by them and their Prediceflbrs thefe fiftie or thf ee-fcore yeeres bygone, and that the fame by their knowledge hath never been altered in any fort during the tyme forefaid, and ficklike declared upon their confeiences, that fo far as they could trye by the moft ancient and aged perfons of their Burgh , that the forefaids Jedgcs are of great antiquitie, and have never bene altered or changed in any tyme bygone : And that they never had, nor lies, any other Meafure , or Jedge to their knowledge. Which Firlet , the faids Commiflioners Have Found , and Declared, Statute and Ordeined, to be the Juft and onlie Firlot which fliall be received and ufed , by all his Majefties Lieges in all tyme comming : For metting of Wheat, Rye, Beanes,Peas, Meal, WhytSalt, and fuch other (luff and Victual as before this tyme hath bene in ufe to bee Meafured by ftraik Mett , within this Kingdome. The Wydnes and Breadnes, of the which Firlot under and above even over within the buirds , lhall contein nyneteen Inches, and the fext part of ane Inche ; and the deipnes, feven Inches, and ane thrid part of ane Inche : and the Peck, halfe Peck , and fourth part Peck to be made eiieirand thereto ; And the fteppes of the faid Firlot to be in thicknes one Inche at the lead : That the Bottome thereof be eroded with Iron nayled to the fame , and to the Ring of the Firlot ; and the edge of the bottome entring within the lagene be pared outwith towards the nether-fyde, and to be made inwith plaine and juft rule-right ; That the mouth bee ringed about with ane croce or girth of Iron inwith and outwith , having a croce Iron barre pafling over from the one fyde to the other, three fquared, and edge doun, and a plaine fyde up , which ihall go rcul-right with the edge of the Firlot, and everie fquare mall be anejuft Inche of Breadth. And that there be ane prick of Iron one Inche in roundnes, with ane moulder under and above and ry ftng upright out of the Centre or mid ft of the bottome of the Firlot, and palling through the midft of the faid over croce-barre, rooved both under and above. AND that the faid Cowpar caufe the ring- ftraik of the faid Firlot , paffe from the'one end of the faid over Iron barre to the other : And the fame to be brunt and fealled , with the mark of foure Crownes, upon both the fydes of the bottome , with fyve impreflions of the Letter L. upon the lippes thereof. And for efcheuing of fraud in all tyme comming ; The faids Commiflioners all in one voice but difcrepance or variance , Have thought expedient, Statute and Ordeined, by vertue of the forefaid Commiflion granted to them by the faid laite Act of Parliament, That all Vittual and ftufffball be Meafured by ftraik, through all the parts of this Kingdome , in all tyme comming. And by reafon that Mault , Beare, and Aites have ever beene ufed to bee Meafured by heape ; and that by the meaning of feveral preceeding Acts of Parliament , IT hath been thought, that the Heape in proportion was the juft thrid of the Firlot and Peck , So that three ftraiked Firlots „ for two heaped Firlots, Sex ftraiked Firlots for foure heaped Firlots , was thought to bee a juft proportion, I i the one agreable to the other. And the faids Commiflioners by tryal and examination having found that the Heape in proportion , IS not the juft thrid part of the Firlot and Peck, but that there is a great difference therein , and no fmall prejudice both to the giver and receiver , of three ftraiked Firlots or Pecks , for two heaped Firlots or Pecks , and confequentlie of fex for foure, the Heape being alwayes the lefle mea- fure as faid is. THEREFORE they have found it expedient to caufe make ane particular Meafure or Firlot , for met- ting of Mault, Beare, and Aites, byftraike, in all tyme comming , which being made and produced in their prefence , they after tryal and examination thereof , Have found the fame in proportion neareft to the faid Heape , fo that foure ftraiked Meafures or Firlots thereof, conteines in juft proportion (and to the lefle prejudice of all his Majefties Lieges) foure heaped Firlots. Which the faids Commiflioners having caufed fill with cleare running water of the water of Leith , They find the fame to conteine Thrittie one Pynts, of the juft Sterline Jugge and Meafure , ilk Pinct containing the Weight forefaid. And the fame to bee in wydnes and breadnes equal and conforme to the former Firlot , and in deipnes , Ten Inches and ane halfe Inche WHICH they Find , Statute and Ordeins , To rcmainc as anejuft Meafure and Firlot , to be Ufed for; metting and meafuring of Mault, Beare, and Aittes , by ftraike, in all tyme comming. And that the ' Pecks , halfe Pecks , and f ourt part Pecks thereof be made conforme in proportione to the fame laft Firlot : Which new Firlot in all other refpects fhall be agreable in forme with the old ftraike Firlot above-written having one Iron girth more in the midft thereof outwidi , and marked with the impreflion of the letter H on the outmoft fyds thereof. AND the fame with the forefaid other Firlot conteining twentie ane pincts and ane mutchkin , To be( given out by the faids Proveft and Baillies of Linlithgow , to whofe cuftodie the fame was committed of old : To the Burrowes and all others his Majefties Lieges for that effect , betwixt the date hereof and the twentie day of Apryle next-to-com. And that foure fulles of either of the forefaids Firlots conteine and bee reput< to bee anejuft BOLL, in all tyme comming allannerlie. Sicklyke the faids Commiflioners having confi dered the great Prejudice fufteined by all OUR Soveraigne LORDS Lieges through the diverfitie o Weights , ufed within all the parts of this Realme. THEREFORE and conforme to their faid Commiflion and Act of Parliament forefaid, and for efcheu ing of ail fraud, Have though expedient , Statute, and Ordeined , That there lhall be onely one Jul Weigl I i