Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/466

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444 'KING JAMES T H E S E X T they procure not their children to be Baptized at home in their houfes , but when great need fhall compel them to baptize in privat houfes (in which cafe , the Minifter fliall not refufe to doe it, upon the knowledge of the great need ; and being timely required thereto) then Baptifme fhall be adminiftred after the fame forme as it ihould have been in the Congregation. And the Minified fhall , the next Lordes day after any fuch pri- vate Baptifme ', declare in the Kirke ; that the Infant was fo baptifed and therefore ought to be received as one of the true flocke of ' C H R I S T S folds. I V. ITEM, Forafmuch as one of the moftfpecialmeanes for flaying the increafe of Poperie, and fetling of true Religion in the hearts of the People, is ; Thatafpecialcarebetakenin tryal of young children their education , and how they are catechized : Which in tyrne of the Primitive KIRK was moil carefully at- tended, as being moil profitable to caufe young children in their tender yeares, drinkeinthe knowledge of GOD, and his Religion , but is now altogether neglected in refpect of great abufe and errours which crept into the Popifh Kirke ; by making thereof a Sacrament of Confirmation : Therefore that all fuperftitions built thereupon may be refcinded" And that the matter it felfe being moft necefTarie for the education of the youth , may be reduced to the Primitive integritie. IT is thought good that the Minifter in everie Parifh fhall catechize all young children of eight yeares of age , and fee that they have the knowledge , and bee able to make rehearfal of the Lords Prayer , Belief, and ten Commandements , with anfwers to the queflions of the fmal Catechifme ufed in our Kirke : And that everie Bifhop in his vifitation fhall cenfure the Minifter who fhall bee found remine therein ; And the faids Bifhops fhall caufe the faids Children to be prefented before them , and blefle them with prayer for the increafe of their knowledge : and continuance of Gods heavenlie graces with every one ot them. V- ITEM, as wee abhorre the fuperftitious obfervation of Feftival dayes by the Papifts , and deteft all licen- tious and prophane abufe thereof, by the common fort of profefibrs ; So we think , that the ineflimable benefites receaved from God, by our Lord J E S U S CHRIST his Birth, Pafiion, Refurre&ion , Af- cenfion , and fending downe of the Holy Ghoft, was commendably and godly remembered , at certaine par- ticular dayes and times by the whole Kirk of the world ; and may bealfo now. Therefore theAflembly Ordaines, that every Minifter fhall upon thefe dayes have the commemoration of the torefaide ineflimable benefites, and make choice of feveral and pertinent Texts of Scripture, and frame their doctrine and ex* hortations thereto ; and rebuke all fuperftitious obfervation and licentious profanation thereof. Which Articles and ordinances , OUR SOVERAlGNE LORD with advice and confent of the Eftates , Statutes and ordaines to be obeyed and obferved by all his Majefties fubjecis as Lawes in time com- ming ; Annulling and refcinding whatfomever other Acts of Parliament , Conftitutions and Cuftcmes ; In fo farre as they are derogative to any of the Articles above- written. ACT. II. isintiit theTaxation granted to his Majeftie of 'Threttk fhillings tearmly, upon the pound Land, and the twentie fiennie of all _Annual-rents. IN the PARLIAMENT holden at Edinburgh, the fourth day of Augnfl , the yeare of God 1 6 i i . j the Eftates of Parliament prefently conveened , confidering the infinite expences and great burden which i the Kings moft facred Majeftie their dread Lord and Soveraigne , hath been conftrained by the ftraiteft bonds of religion to undergoe of late , and in all likely -hood fhall lye under a long time ; By procuring by Treatife or Armes, eafe and libertie to thofe who fufler for the Gofpel of Chrift Jefus profefled in this landfand therewith- all calling to mynde the long peace floorifhing with religion and Juftice , which they have enjoyed thefe many yeares paft ; and doe yet ftill enjoy in this univerfal combuiuon of the Chriftian world , and that by the wife, juft and happy governement of his facred Majeftie : and thai they have nothing to bee returned to fo great a King for fo exceeding greate and rare benefites , but heartie and zealous affections ceeding to no Nation, and ever ready with their goods , landes , and lives , to mainraine true Religion , his Majefties royal perfen and pofteritie , their Honours and Crownes. Therefore in moft humble manner , The faids whole Eftates of this Realme doe earneftiy befeeke his moft facred Majefty.gracioufly to accept this their offer of aneTaxation to be impofed , collected , and payed to his Highneffe,by the faids Eftates in manner and at the foure Tearmes following: That is to fay , TheEarles, Lords and Commiffioners of Shyres , for the Temporal Eftate, have granted, that there lhall be up-lifted of every pound Land of auld extent , within this Realme , pertaining to Earles , Lords, Barons , Free-holders , and Fewars of his Majefties proper Lands, the fumme of Thirtie millings money at every aneofthe foure Tearmes following, viz. The fumme of XXX. fhillings at the Feaft and Tearme of Candlemes next to come , in the yeare of GOD 1 6 %z. The fumme of other XXX. millings at the Feaft and Tearme of Martinmes, intheyeareof GOD, i6zz. The fumme of other XXX. fhillings at the Feaft and Tearme of Martinmes , in the yeare of GOD, 16x3. And the fumme of other XXX. millings at the Feaft and Tearme of Martinmes, intheyeareof GOD, 1614. The Archbiihops, and !