Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/478

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4S 6 KING JAMES THE S E X T AND OUR faid Soveraigne LORD with advife and confent of the faids ESTATES, De- clares, ftatutes, and Ordaines,, which lhall bee decerned by the faids Commiffioners, to bee wen in recompenfe to any perfon whatfocver , for the caufes above-written : and which Jhall be fet for obe-iience, and conforme to the faid Decreete , andfentence, whatfoeveryeares, or long fpace the faids Tackes lhall comprehend , fhall be good , lawful , and fufficient fecurities , to the perfons in vvhofe favours the fame are appointed to be given , and conceaved. Ney ther mail the fame be any wayes prejudged , by the Act made in the Parliament holden in Anno 1617. By the which it is ftatuted , THAT no Arch-bilhop, Bifhop , or Prelate , mould fette in Tacke any part of their Patrimonie , for longer fpace nor ninteene yeares : AND, That no inferiour beneficed perfons lhall fette in Tacke any part of their Benefice tor longer fpace nor their owne life-times, and five yeares there-after , as the faid ftatute proports : From the which ftatute the faids Tackes fo appointed to bee fet, and given in recompenfe , are, and iliall be excepted , and re- served , and lhall no-wayes come under the compafle of the fame Act and flatute, nor of anything there- in contained. But the fame fhail remaine , and abide, valide, and fufficient rights, for the whole fpace and yeares appoynted therein , according to the Tennor thereof : notwithftanding of the faid Act . and Statute. And becaufe it may fall foorth, That in the recompence t© bee appoynted by the faids Commiffioners, to the Patrones , Tackef-men, andSub-Tackefmen, for the aforefaid burthen to bee impofed upon them , Moe yeares may bee afTigned for prorogation of their prefent Tackes , nor may law- fully, or conveniently be fet, by the prefent beneficed perfons , to whom by Law the fetting oi Tacks of. Teynds belongs. FOR RE ME ED Thereof, OUR Soveraigne LORD , with advife and confent of the faids ESTATES, Declares , Statutes and Ordaines , that it fhail b ^ lawful for the Commiffioners forefaids, to appoynt as many yeares alter the expyring of the prefent Tackes, to the Tackef-men of the faids Kirkes, and Teyndes : Or to the Patrones or Sub-tackef-men (rejpeffive) for bruiking of the faids Teyndes , for recompenfe of the faid Burthen, as they fhall thinke reafonable -. Which {hail be as good , valide , and fufficient Rights, to the faids Patrones , Tackef-men, or Sub-tackef-men, {rejpective) and unto their j Heires and Affignays, for bruiking , pofleffing, and difponing on the faids Teyndes , during the faids yeares of Prorogation : As if good , lawful, and valide Tackes and Rights of the faids Teyndes had been fette, and made to them, by the Titulares of the Benefices , to whom the fame belonged , With confent of all parties having Interefle. WITH exprefie provifion and declaration , That at the expyring of all die faids yeares, the right of the faids Teyndes , and power to fette Tackes thereof, lhall returne , and apper- taine to the aforefaids Titulares of the forefaids Benefices , as they did before the making of this prefent Act. AND OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advife of the ESTATES, Declares, and I Ordaines this prefent Commiffion to beginne upon the tenth day of Januarie , next-to-come: with continu- ation of dayes : andtolaft and endure, during the fpace of year and day thereafter. After the which time, i the fame lhall ceafe and expire : And ordaines the Decreete , and Sentence of the faids Commiffioners in all the particulars forefaids, andeverie one of them, to have the ftrength , force, and authoritie of a De- j creete, Sentence, and Act of Parliament. For obedience whereof, the Lordes of Seffion fliall direct and grant Letters in forme as efFeires, and according as fliall be necefiarie, Which Commiffion above-written, i taking force, and full effect , in all the faids particulars therein contained , as the fame are fet downe , and comprehended therein , by pronunciation of decreete andfentence upon the fame, conforme to the powec therein comprehended , given unto the faids Commiffioners. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD with exprefie confent , and affent of the ESTATES, in that I cafe , findes , and declares , That no perfon , in whofe favours the Teyndes of Kirkes , and Benefices , are erected: nor no other whatofever , bruiking Teyndes , by vertue of rights lawfully made to them of die fame, according to the Lawes of this Realme then Handing, iliall be ever farther altered , or quarreled in i any of their faids rights in any time to come , further then lhall be appoynted by the faid decreet and fentence j to follow upon this prefent Commiffion . But the faids rights and fecurities in- cafe forefaid , fliall remaine in ; their owne ftrength, force , and effect , as good, lawful, and fufficient rights, and fecurities , unto then), and every one of them , for their owne parts, for bruiking and enjoying the iaids Teyndes, conforme to the tennour of the faids rights , lor now, and for ever. ACT VI. tsfnent Comprijings. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of Parliament, confidering that his Ma- jefties Lieges are greatly damnified , and prejudged , by the abufe and evil cuftome , which heretofore hath been obferved in Comprifings : whereby Lordihips , Baronies , and other great portions of Landes are comprifed for fmall fummes of money : and thereby the comprifer hath right to the maiies , duties , and pro- files of the Landes : notwithftanding that they farreexceede the profite of that fumme of money for the which the faids Landes are comprifed. F O R remeede whereof , It is ftatuted and ordained , That the comprifer lhall have no further right to the maiies, fermes, and duties of the comprifed landes , by vertue of