Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/495

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XXIII. PARLIAMENT. IV. of Auguft, i6xx. A73 The Regiftring of every fheet thereof, . . . x ihillings- The extract and fubferibing of every iheet , , . . . • x. millings For a Reverfion , written upon parchment , . • . . xl. millings And in-cafe of moe lands , not to exceed . . . liij. fhillinus, iv. pennies' The booking and extra&ing of every meet of whatfbever contract, ■ . x. ihillings" Charter parties ofeach partie of two, . . . Vj. millings, viij. pennies. Indentures of each partie of two , . . . vj. Ihillings, viij. pennies. Booking of Prentifes , . • • . ij. ihillings. The Extract thereof, . . . . . ij ihillings! Acl: of Creating of a Burgeffe, and Extract thereof , . . . xij. millings. The Guilde Ticquets , . . . . . . xij. ihillings. The Entry of Ships and Boates, and extract thereof , .. . iij. ihillings, i v. pennies. THE LORTfES Of Secret Council , andSefsion , Orda'mes and commandes , That no Trocejfe be qr anted before inferiour Judges in the fir ft fummonds : but upon libelled Precepts , and Citation of fifteen dayes warning conforme to the Adt of Parliament. And Ordaines theje prefents to bepublifhed, and Imprinted. ATTOUROUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, with confent forefaid , hath Ifimpliciter ] I difcharged the whole Subjects and Lieges of this Realms, of all fuch by-gone penalties , unlawes, and pu- niihments , which they , or any of them have incurred through breaking and violating of the faid Act of Coun- cil in any time by-gone , preceeding the date hereof: and decemes the fame , to be of ftrength , force , and effect, againft the tranfgreflours thereof , in all time comming only. AND FURTHER, OUR SOVERAIGNE L O R D , with confent forefaid , Giveth,and jgranteth, full power and commiffion, unto the Lords of His Highneile Privie Council, To take order for. letting downe and appoyntingof fuch particular prices, as are omitted to befet downc by the faid Act of i Council. And whatsoever the faids Lords of Privie Council , fhall determine and ordaine in the premises; Decernes the fame to have the ftrength and force of ane Act of Parliament , in all time thereafter. ACT XX. A3, ordaining Annual-rent to be due after Horning. OUR SOVjERAIGNE LORD, and ESTATES of Parliament, confidering the great prejudice which diverfe of His Majefties Lieges fuftaine by the want of their money , lent and given jfoorth upon Band, or Contract, or other wife juftlie owing unto them, by their Debtors: who having ufed all Execution competent to them by Lawe , againft their debtors , by charging , and putting of them to Home : are forced, after many yearcs , to receave their principal fumme and penaltie , without any fatisfactioii of ! their annuel-rent , and interefle of their money in the meanc time. Which as it is a prejudice unto the true Creditors -, fo it is ane occafion to the debtors to contemne His Majelties charges , and Letters of Horning ■ I who refolve in end to pay no more for reliefe of the Horning , after many yeares delay.then they were oblifhed unto at the beginning. FOR remeed whereof, His Majeftic , with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament, ftatuteth I and ordaineth , That whenfoever any perfon is denounced Rebel , and put to the Home , for not payment of fummes of money, owing by him, by band, contract, or otherwayes : That after the faid denounciatioh >; the faid perfon fo denounced, fhall befubject in payment of Annuel-rent for the faids fummes for the which he is put to the Home , and that of all yeares and tearmes from the date of the faid denounciation , un- to the time of pay ment of the fame : and that notwithstanding there be no paction , nor condition of Annuel- rent made betwixt the faids parties , which may binde the faid partie who is denounced rebel , unto the pay- ment thereof. And fuch perfons as are now ltanding rebels , and at the Home , This Aft mall not worke againft them, ( quoad preterita t ) But fhall have ftrength and force againft them in time comming , from the Feaft of Martinmeffe next in this inftant yeareof GOD, one thoufand, fixe hundreth , twentie and one yearcs : and they mall begin to be fubjectin paymentof annuel-rent at that time, and yearly and tearmly thereafter , until the payment of the principal fumme. ACT XXL Anent Servants , going lowfe, and leaving their Maftersfervice. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And ESTATES of Parliament, ' underftandfng die great ftraytes and necefllties, whereunto poore Labourers of the Ground are driven, and con ft ray ned 4. Efpecially by the fraud and malice of Servants , who either refufe to be hy red , without great and extraor dina- jie Wages promifed unto them : Or otherwife hyre themfelves only from Martinmefie to Whitfonday : S f f 3 after