Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/513

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OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. 489 Vaflal , Fewer , Tackf-man , and petitioner , according to the great and fmall quantitie of die free rent, which every one of'hem hath either of their Lands, Teinds. orpenfions; with certification to any of the faids perfons , Fewars, VafTals, Tackf-men, and Penfioners , that compeare not by themfelves or their procurators at the day and place above fpecified to the effect forefaid; Thatfuch as fhall conveene with the faids Prelates , Lords of Erections , Patrons , or orher beneficed perfons , or their procurators . fhall proceed intheequaldiftributionof the fame Taxation, as wellamongft them that areabfent asprefent, and fhall make and fubfcribe ane authenticke Taxt-roll there-upon. And incafe none of the faids Vaflals, Fewars, Tackf-men, and penfioners , mail conveen at the day and places above fpecified, to this effecl: by them- felves or their procurators , but lhall wilfullie a'jfent themfelves from the faid meeting : It fhall be lawful for the faids Prelates . Lords of erections , Patrons , and o her beneficed perfons , being prefent by themfelves or their procurators at the day and places above fpecified, to make, fetdown, and fubcribe the fame taxt- roll: And incafe any of the faids Prelates, Lores of erections , Patrons, or other beneficed perfons , fhall not conveen by themfelves , or their proe^iators , at the . J ay and places above fpecified , particularly defigned to every one of them: It fhall be lawful for :e faids VafTals, Fewars, Tackf-men, and penfioners, at the leaitfo many of them as fhall conveeaeuy themfelves, or their procurators , to make, fetdown, and fubfcribe the faid Taxt-roll. Which taxt-roii iluil containe the particular fumme that every one fhall be found juftly to be addebted to pay,the parties name addebted to pay the fame , & the caufe wherefore the fame ought to be payed. And being fo fet down either by the Prelates, Lord of erection , Patron and other beneficed perfbn , or their lawful procurators , with fo many of their Vaflals , Sub-vaflals, Fewars , Tackf-men of teinds , penfioners , and others obliged to relieve them of any part of the fame Taxation , as lhall conveen with them to this effect : And incafe that none fhall conveen with them, the faid roll being then fet down by the Prelate , Lord of erection, Patron , or other beneficed perfon, or their lawful procuratours , or incafe oi their abfence being fet down , made, and fubferibed by the mod part of the faids Vaflals, Fewars, Tackf- men , and penfioners by themfelves , or their procuratours as fhall conveen themfelves for this effect; His Majeflie and the faids Eltates decerne to be as lawful in aL reipects , as if the whole number of perfons having jntereft therein , had conveened , made, fetdown, and fubferibed the fame : which Taxt-roll being fo fet down, made and fubfenbed inmaner above-written (and no otherwife ) and delivered to the Clerk of the Taxation; HisMajeftie and the faids Eftates Ordaine him to give warrant tor giving of letters of reliefe there-upon , difchargin g him in any cafe to give warrant for giving of letters of reliefe upon any roll prefented unto him, not made and authenrickly fubferibed in forme above-written, as he will anfvver to the contrar/'e upon his peril. I T is like-wife ftatute and ordained , That Tackf men of Teinds fhall have their reliefe of their Sub-tackf- men, _pro tanto,~ refpect being had to the gerfom payed by the faids Sub-tackf-men. AND FOR INB RINGING of the Barrons and free- holders part of the fame Taxation , and of the Fewers and rent- ellersofOur Soveraigne Lords proper lands their parts thereof: Ordaine letters to be direct , charging al ind fundrie Sheriffs , Stewarts, Baillies , their Deputes and Clerks , Fewars, Chamberlanes , andReceavers of Our Soveraigne Lords proper lands; that they and every one of them within the bounds of their proper )ffices , raife and up-lift the fumme of rhirtic of this Realme, of every pound land of old extent yingwithin the bounds of their Jurifd: tions, forevery one of the fix termes above-fpecified. Andinbring u:d deliver the fame to the collector fore, aid, or to his Deputes and Officers in his name, having his power o receave the fame at the patticular termes above-fpecified , under the paine of rebellion , &c. And if they ailie at the by-paffing of every one of the faids termes, to donounce and efcheat, &c. And for their relief, that letters be direct , charging all and fundrie Dukes, Earles, Lords, Barrons, r ree-holders , Fewars, and Rentellers of our Soveia^ie Lords proper lands, perfonallie, or at their dwel- ing places , and by open proclamation at the Market-colle of the head-burgh of the ShenfFdome, Stewartrie, (Baillierie , where their lands lye , if they be within the Ki ngdome , and if they be without the Kingdome , by ppen proclamation at the Market-crofTe of Edmbw ■■•;•;, Peir and Shore of Leith , upon threefcore dayes Earning : to make payment to the faids Shern t , Stewarts, and Baillies, their Deputes and Clerks, fchamberlanes , and receavers of our Soveraigne Lords proper lands, every one of them for rheir own parts -<ejpe£tive , of the faid fumme of thirtie millings money torefaid, for every pound land of old extent , per- il Lining to them for evene one of the faids fix termes payment. Within twentie dayes next after they be jmarged thereto . under the paine of rebellion , 6cc. Andiftheyiailie,&c. To denounce and efcheat, &c. ■Mid if need bee , that the faids Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies, their Deputes and Clerks , Chamberlanes, ■Ind receavers of our Soveraigne Lords proper lands, poynd and diftrenyie the readiefl goods and geare Reiner U pon tlje faids lands therefore , as they mad think moft expedient. And that the faids Earles , Lords, laronsand Free- holders, Fewers, and Rent- talierso. our Soveraigne Lords proper Lands have letters for 1 .heir reliefe , to charge their Vaflals, Sub-vaflals, Ladies of Terce, Conjunct-feears , and Life-renters , to • pake payment ofthej: parts of the faid Taxation, within twentie dayes next after the charge, under the Ilaine of Rebellion, &c. And if they failie , &c. To denounce, &c. And efcheat, &c. And if need be, npat they poynd, and diftrenyie therefore. Providing alwaies , that the firft termes payment of the faid

taxation be ever paft, before the next terme be charged for. AND for inbringing of the Burrowes part

f the fame taxation , ordains letters to be directed , charging the Proved and Baillies of ilk Burgh , to make V v v 3 payment