Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/536

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77, " THE FIRST T ARLIAMENT 5 1% ACT XXIV. Ratification of the Triviledges of the free Royal Burr awes. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, And Eftates of this prefent Parliament , Have ratified and ap- proved, and by the tenour hereof ratifie and approve of new , all Afts and conftitutions of Parliament made by his Majefties Predeceflburs , in favour of the Free -burrowes of this Realme, and Burgefles and In- habitants within the fame, with all Priviledges, Freedomes, Liberties and Immunities granted and given to the whole Burrows in general in any time by-pad , by any of OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD his Majefties Noble Progenitors , with all that hath followed ormay follow thereupon. And decernes and declares the fame to have full ftrength , force and efteft in all times hereafter ,; fo that the fame may be put to full and due execution in all points. And fpecially , without prejudice of the generalitie above-written , His Majeftie and Eftates Ratifie the Aft of Parliament made by his Highnefle Grand-father, umwhile King James xht Third, 1466. His fecond Parliament , Cap. 11 : Ordaining that none faile nor pafle in Mer- chandife out of the Realme but Free-men , Burgefles dwelling within Burgh , or their Familiar Factors , Ser- vants being wkh them in Houfhold at Meat and Drink (excepting and referving to the Prelates , Lords , Bar- rens and Clerks, as in the faid Aft is contained: and all other exceptions contained in any Aft of Parlia- ment in force, preceeding the day and date hereof) And ficklike the Aft of Parliament made by King James the Fourth of worthie memorie, in the Parliament holden at Edinburgh the Elleventh day of March, i503.yeares, Cap. 84. Ordaining that no perfon dwelling out of Burrowes, ufe any Merchandife , nor yet buy nor fell Wine, Wax, Silkes, Spicerie, Wad, nor ficklike ftuffe, nor yet ltaple goods : And that none Pack nor Peill in Leitb, nor other places without the Kings Burrowes , under the paine ot Efcheat of the goods that be Topped , Sould, Packed, or Peilled , contrary to that ftatute. And ficklike the 1 5- z . Aft of. umwhile King James the Sixth, His iz. Parliament : Ordaining that no perfon exercife the traffique of Merchandife, but Burgefles of Free-burrows, under paine of Efcheat of their whole goods and geare , the one halfe to his Majeftie , and the other halfe to the Burgh apprehender. And giving power to every Burgh by themfelves or a Colleftor , or Commiflioner depute by them to fearch the faids un-freemens goods, intro- : met therewith as Efcheat, eitherwithintbeCountrey, or any other part to arreaft,call, follow and purfue before un-fufpeft Baillies to be creat by them. A s alfo the Sixth Aft of King JAMES the Sixth , His ninth Parliament, Ordaining letters of Horning to be direft againft un-freemen , not being Burgefles of die Free Royal Burrowes , to finde caution for defining from usurping of their Liberties , in all the Heads , Claufes, Articles and circumftances thereof : Like-as his Majeftie and Eftates declare , that the faids Liberties and Priviledges, mentioned in the faids Afts are only pre per and competent to the Free-burr owes Royal , that have vote in Parliament, andbeare burden with the reft of the Burrowes, and to no others. Prohibiting and difcharging all perfons who are not Burgefles of the faids Free-Royal- Burrowes , andbeare not burden with the reft, Ofallufing and exercifing of the Liberties and Priviledges forefaids, in all time comming. And ordaine , that Letters of Horning may be direft by the Lords of Council at the inftance of all Burrowes upon the forefaids Priviledges and former Afts of Parliament made thereupon : And this prefent Aft in all times to come, for putting of the fame to due execution with all rigour againft them that do, or come in the contrary of the Afts and Priviledges forefaids , without calling ofany partie. ACT XXV. Ratification of the Afts made in favour of the Jujlices ofPeace, and their Qonfiables and Commiffion to the Lords of Secret Council thereanent. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftates of Parliament, ratifie, approve, and confirme the eight Aft of the twentie two Parliament , holden by King JAMES the Sixth of Eternal memorie, Intitulate, [Anentthe Jujlices for keeping of the Kings Teace, and their Conftables.'] In the whole Heads, Articles and Claufes therein contained , admitting the generalitie hereof to be als valide and fufficient , as if the fame were all herein^r expreffum ingroft. Attour his Majeftie , and Eftates forefaid , give full power, authorise and commiflion to the Lords of his Majefties Privie Council, to fet down and impofc penalties uponfuchofthejuftices of Peace as mail not keep and obferve the diets prefixed for their feveral and parti- cular meetings. And with power likewife to the faids Lords of privie Council to enlarge and amplifie the power and authoritie of the faids Juftices of Peace , if they fhall finde it neceflarie and expedient ; and what they fhall decrete and determine thereanent, finde and declare that the fame fhall have the force, ftrength arid power of an Aft of Parliament. ACT