Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/56

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of his deceaſe. And that our Sovcraine Lorde that now is, content them that hes penſiones given foorth of the Cuſtomes, with uther thinges: ſa that the haill Cuſtones may remaine till liim. Item the Lordſhip of Ettrick forreſt, with all the bounds perteining thereto. Item, the hail Lordſhippe of Galloway, with ſik freedomes, commodities, as it hes thir daies, togidder with the Caſtle of Creife. Item, the Caſtle of Edinburgh. Item, the landes of Ballincrieſe and Goſſuird, togidder with all the landes lyand about, perteining to the King, within the Scireffedome of Louthiane. Item, the Caſtle of Striviling, with all and ſindrie the Kings landes lyand about it. Item, the Caſtell of Dumbertane, with the landes of Cardroſſe, Roſneth, with the penſion of Cadzow. and the penſion of the ferme meile of Kirk-patrick. Item, the hail Erledome of Fife, with the Palice of Falkland. Item, the Erledome of Stratheme with the pertinentes, the houſe and Lordſhiipe of Brechin, with the ſervice and ſuperioritie of Cortoquhay. Item, the houſe of Innernes and Urquhard, and the Lordſhippes of them, and the Lordſhippes of them with the water mailles of Innernes, togidder with the Barrronies of Urquhard, Glen-urquhane, Boneich, 'Bonochar, Annach, Edderdalie called Ardmannach, Pecty, Brachly, Stratherne with the pertinentes. Item, the Reid Caſtlle with the Lordſhippe of Roſſe perteining thereto, And that the annexationes of thir Lordſhippes and Caſtelles to the Crowne, make no prejvdice to our Soveraine Ladie the Queenes infeſtment, that now is, anent the Lordſhippes and Caſtelles aſſigned till her dowrie be our Soveraine Lord and the three Eſtaites.

41. The office of Wardane ſuld nocht be heretable: They are nocht judges in cauſes of treaſn our dittay.

ITEM, It is ſtatute and ordained, that in time to come, there be na Wardanes on the Bordoures maid in fee and heretage. And that the wardanes have na power to know of the poyntes of treaſon, ſaif and the poyntes quhilkis are needfull for the conſervation of the trewes. And ſwa that the wardane courte intromet with na thing that perteinis to the dittaie of the juſtice aire.

43. That all Regalities being in the Kingis handes, be annexed to the Royaltie.

ITEM, That all Regalities that are now in the Kingis handes, be annexed to the Royalty. And that in time to cum, there be na regalities granted widiout deliverance of the Parliament.

44. That na office be given in fee and heritage in time to-cum.

ITEM, That there be na office in time to cum given in fee and heritage, and that the offices that are given ſen the deceaſe of OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, that deade is, be revoked and annulled, exceptand the wardanery of the Marche, the quhilk our Soveraine Lorde hes given to his Sonne Alexander Erle of Marche, and Lord of Annand-daile.

ITEM, It is ſtatute and ordained, that quhair ever offices of cuſtomes that are revoked, the quhilkis were granted till ony perſon, that maid coaſt at the King therefore: It ſall be recompenſed to them, the profites uptane thereof in the mean time beand conſidered.

45. Sornares ſuld be puniſhed to the death.

ITEM, Quhair ever Sornares be overtane in time to come, that they be delivered to the Kingis Schireffes and that foorthwith the Kingis Juſtices do Law upon them, as upon a thiefe or riever.

46. That there be twelve perſones upon the ſecreit Councell of Burrowes.

ITEM, It is ſtatute and ordained, for the commoun profite of all Burrowes of the Realme, that there be audit or twelve perſones, after the quantitie of the towne, choſen of ſecreit Councell, and ſworne thereto: the quhilkis fall decreit all maters of wrang and unlaw within the Burgh, to the availe of five pound, or audit pound, within audit daies warning: ſwa that in prejudice of the innocentes, the delayer have not the priviledge of the proceſſe of law, bot upon audit daies warning to be decided be the ſaids perſones.

47. The maner of arraymentes for the Parliament.

ITEM, As touching the habites of the Earles, Lordes of Parliament, Commiſſioners of Burrowes and Advocates ſall have and uſe at all Parliamentes and Generall Councell times: It is ſtatute and ordained that all Erles fall uſe mantilles of browne grained, open before, furred with quhite lyning, and lyned before out-with ane hande breadth to the belt ſteede, with the ſamin furring, with little hudes of the ſamin claith and to be uſed upon their ſhoulders. And the other Lordes of Parliament to have ane mantil of reide richt ſwa opened before, and lyned with ſilke, or furred with criſtie gray griece or purray, togidder with ane hudeof the ſamin claith, furred as ſaid is. And all Commiſſioners of Burrowes, ilk ane to have ane paire of Clokes of blew, furred ſute ſide, open on the richt ſhoulder, furred as effeiris, and with ane hudeof the ſamin, as ſaid is. And quhat Erie, Lord of Parliament, Commiſſioners of Burrowes, that enters in Par-
