Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/582

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The fir ft Parliament cf Act 14. Linlithgow Meaiure; twenty ihillings upon ilk Boll of imported White-falt, andfiiteen ihiilings upon •ilk Boll of In-land Salt, meafure forefaid : But prejudice neverthelefs to the prefent Tackf-men of the Forrein and In-land Salt, during the time fet to them by the Commiffioners of Excife, to exact the Rates therein mentioned: twelve pennies money forefaid, upon ilk pound of Tobacco, imported by the Natives of this Kingdom, from the Tobacco Plantations, and three millings upon ilk pound im- ported thence by Forreigners. It em three ihillings upon each pound of Tobacco, imported by the Na- tives of this Kingdom, from any other place then the foreiaids Plantations , and fix ihillings upon ilk pound imported by Forreigners ; twelve ihillings upon ilk Ell of Cloath imported into this Kingdom a- bove fix pounds the Ell, and fix millings upon ilk Ell of imported Cloath at or below fix pounds the Ell: fix ihillings the Ell upon all fort of imported Searges; three ihillings upon ilk Ell of Caftilians, or other imported Worftead Stuffs whatfoever ; three ihillings upon ilk Eli of ail forts of imported Hair Stuffs whatfocver ; three pound twelve millings upon the Piece of ilk Baver-Hat , one pound fix ihil- lings upon ilk Demy-baver andVigon, and twelve Ihillings upon the Piece of all other forts of Hats im- ported into this Kingdom ; one pound fixteen ihillings upon the dozen of all imported Worftead Stock- ins % twelve millings upon the pair of double Stag-gloves ; fix ihillings upon the pairoi fingle Stags and Cordivans; three ihillings upon ilk pair of Kids, Sheep and Lamb Leather, and all other fort of Gloves* one pound fixteen millings upon ilk Irunk of the largeft fize; one pound four ihil- lings upon ilk Trunk of middling fize ; twelve ihillings money forefaid upon ilk Leather Male of the largeft fize ; fix millings upon ilk Leather Male of middling fize, imported into this Kingdom , and one ihilling , all Scots money forefaid , upon the pound value of all other Forreign Commodities (except the particulars a»ter excepted) to be paid by the Retailer: that is to' fay , The firil Buyer of the faids Commodities from the Importer or Salt-maker of Inland Salt, or by the faids Importer or Salt-makers, for what they mail cither make ufe of themfeives, or fell out in Praceis. Item twenty ihillings upon ilk Horfe; eighteen ihillings upon iLfcCow, and two ihillings money forefaid upon ilk Sheep imported into this Kingdom, to be paid by the Importer thereof. The particular ordering and regulating of the which Excife oi the Commodities above-written, is hereby remitted to the CommifTioners of Excife, who are to put the fame in Farm or Collection to the belt avail Provided alwayes, likeasitis hereby exprefly provided, that the Forreign Commodities afterrnen- tioned ; viz. All Salt imployed upon Barrell'd nth, whether tranfported out of this Kingdom or madeufe of within the fame; All Pitch, Tar, Cordage, Cork, Netsjroh* Copper, Brafs, Tin unmade, Pot-aihes> Oyl, and all other ingredients for Soap ; ail Flax, Hemp and Hops, untwined Silk ; ail Mate*- rials for dying; all Deals, Trees, Stings for Coupers, Knapl, Wainfcot, Planks, and Oak-wood what- foever for ihipping; Barrelftaffs or Materials whatfoever for fiihing; all Suggars, brought trom the Plantations in Scots-hoxxomts ; all unfined Suggar, brought from any place: As alfo , ail Materials for Manufacturies, as Spanijlo and Sigovia Wool and others, are and mall be free of any Excife impofed by vertue of this prefent Act. And the remainder of the forefaid four hundred fourfcore thoufand pounds Scots money, being- three hundred eighty four thoufand pounds, to be railed out of the Bear, Ale, Aquavita? and ftrong- waters, at the rate of two merks Scots upon ilk Boll of Malt, brewed and fold within this Kingi dom ; three ihillings money forefaid upon ilk pint of Aquavits or Strongwaters not made of Malt, brewed and fold within this Kingdom; fix ihillings upon ilk pint of Forreign Aquavitx or ftrongwaters, and twelve ihillings upon ilk Barrel of imported Bear : And what this impofition {hall be ihort of the quota of Excife, impofed upon the feveral Shires and Burghs by the Lift under-written, the fame to be fupplied by the faids Shires and Burghs, in lieu of the Malt brewed in their own houfes, in manner aiter-mentioned. Likeas it is hereby declared, that the faid feveral Shires and Burghs mail be, and are by thefe prefents lyabie in the payment of the refpective Monethly proportions under- written viz. The Sheriffdom of Edinburgh principal fj the Town of Edinburgh and pertinents excepted) in the fum of two thoufand fix hundred threefcore four pounds, Scots money forefaid, monethly. The Town of Edinburgh, comprehending Cannongate, South and North-Leith , with the whole pendicles and pertinents, in the fum of three thoufand feven hundred thirty two pounds. The Sheriffdom of Haddingtoun, and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of one thoufand fix hun- dred fourfcore fifteen pound?* The Sheriffdom ot Berwick, comprehending the Bailery oi Lauderdale, and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of fix hundred ten pounds fixteen millings. The Sheriffdom of Roxburgh and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of feven hundred fourfcore pounds fixteen ihillings. The Sheriffdom of Selkirk and Burghs within the fame, in the fum of one hundred fifty three pounds ten ihillings. The Sheriffdom of Peibles and Burghs wirhin the fame, in the fum of one hundred thirty feven pounds ten ihillings. Ihc