Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/648

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7 g The fecond Seffion of the fir ft Tarliament of "Dec/are, that the Gifts or Confirmations made and granted by us fine e the twenty ninth ofCMay , one thoufand, fix hundred, andfixty , andfuch as fhall be granted or confirmed by us at any time hereafter, are not, nor (hall not be comprehended within this Revocation, but are excepted out of the fame ; which Revo- cation we Will and Oraain to be intimate . infinuat , declared and regiftrate in the Records of this prefent Tarhament now fitting in Edinburgh , andholden by our trufty andwell-beloved Qoufin and Councillor, John iw/0/Middleton, Our Commijfioner in Our Name and by Our Authority. Given at Our Honour of Hampton-Coim, the fourteenth day of July , one thoufand, fix hundred and fixty two, and of Our Reign the fourteenth year. And His Majefty ., with advice and confent of His Eflates of Parliament , doth Declare , that this Revoca- tion is to be extended to all and whatfoever Deeds done in hurt and prejudice of whatfoever Lands, Lordfhips and others annexed to the principality , of to the Prince who is fecond Perfon in this Realm. And for the clearing and further fatisiaction of the Subjects, as to that claufe , by which all and whatfoever Rights and Deeds f made and done by His Royal Father, are Revoked, which the Laws and Confuetude of this King- dom allow His Majefty to Revoke ; His Majefty, with advice forefaid, doth Declare , That all fuch Deeds are only thereby to be Revoked and Refcinded which were made againft the Laws and Acts of Parliament in force , before the year one thoufand , fix hundred, and thirty feven ; And that this general Revocation mall be without prejudice to His Majefty to make a more fpecial Revoca tion hereafter , if His Majefty fhall think fit fo to do. I X. t_Acl anent the Teinds belonging to Bifhops and other beneficed perfons. FOrafmuch, as by the KingsDecreet arbitral, in the Moneth of one thoufand, fix hundred and twenty feven years, His Majefty found , upon the Submiffion made by the Bifhops and other Clergy, that the quota , or rate of all Teinds pertaining to the Biihopricks and other Benefices which falleth under the Submiffion, mould be the fifth part of the conltant rent of Stock and Teind. In which Submiffion , there is an exprefs Claufe, that the Bifhops , and others of the Clergy , fhould enjoy the fruits and rents of their fe- veral Benefices , as they were poflefled by them the time of the faid Submiffion. By which provifion it ap- pears, that whatfoever Teinds, Parfonage or Vicarage , they were in pofleffion ot , by leading and draw- ing the fame, or by rental Bolls , they were not at all to be valued by the Heritors thereafter. Like-as, till the year one thoufand , fix hundred, and fourty one , none of the faids Teinds , poffefled by the Bifhops and other Beneficed perfons , were valued and approven by any Commiffion , unlefs by confent or collufion, none making oppofuion thereto. And it being reafonable , that the Rights and Priviledges belonging to the Church men in the year one thoufand , fix hundred, aud thirty three , mould be reftored to them : There- fore, the Kings Majefty, with advice and confent of His Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, all valuations of the Teinds , whereof the Bifhops and other beneficed perfons were in pofleffion , as faid is , led by any pretended Commiffion for valuation ot Teinds , fince the year one thoufand , fix hundred , and thirty feaven , to be void and null in time coming ; And that the faids Bifhops and other beneficed Perfons fhall enter to the faid pofleffion of rental Bolls , and leading of the faids Teinds , Parfonage and Vicarage , this croptandyearofGod, one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty two years , and in time coming ; Providing alwayes , like-as it is hereby provided , that the Heritors of fuch Lands , whereof the Teithes belongs to the Arch-bifhops , Bifhops, and other beneficed perfons, being Minifters , and were fet in tack , the time of their fubmiffion to His Majefties Father of blefled memory, fhall be in that fame place and condition they were in, by the Decreet arbitral pronounced thereupon , and by the nineteenth Act of the Parliament held, Anno, one thoufand, fix hundred, and thirty three , Entituled, Commifion for valuation ofTeithes, &c. and fhall have the full benefit thereof. X The Kings Majefties gracious and freeTardon , AB of Indemnity and Oblivion. THe Kings moft Excellent Majeftie confidering ,that by the late troubles , divers of His Subjects , of this his ancient Kingdom of Scotland, have fallen under , and are involved in many great crimes, faults, offences & other deeds of commiffion & omiffion, whereby they have contraveened the Laws of this Kingdom, & thereby rendredthemfelves lyable to the pains , penalties, cenfures due thereto .- And being moft denrous, that a per- fect peace be fetled in this Kingdom , and that all His good Subjects may be fenfible of, and enjoy the happi- nefs and bleffings of His Government, and that no crime, offence or other deed whatfoever , committed againft His Majeftie, or His Royal Father-of blefled memory, or by any of His Majefties Subjects againft another , in relation to the late troubles , fhall hereafter rife in Judgment , or be brought in queftion againft any of them before any Judge , Civil or Criminal , to the prejudice either of their lives, Eftates , Offi- ces, priviledges , Liberties or reputations : But that all feeds of future differences, and remembrance of former pro-