Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/665

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King CHARLES the] II. 95 - them for their encouragment, the ableft and fitteft perfons of ingenious fpirits and education , willfhun and avoid the undertaking of Functions in Univerfities , for want of fuch ingenuous means as fliould in- vite, entertain, encourage and obliege men fufficient for fuch laborious imployments, to the great de- cay of Learning, and detriment of all ranks of Perfons in the Kingdom : For preventing and re- meeding whereof, there being an expedient propofed , that the Archbiihops and Biihops , and the reft of the inferiour Clergy, may allow fome part yearly of their Rents, Benefices and Maintenance, for the fpace of five years to come , as an exemplary teftimony of their piety and zeal , for the advan- cement of Learning and Religion. Therefore , His Majefty , with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament , Doth Statute and Ordain , That for the cropts and years, onethoufand, fix hundred, and jfixtyiour, onethoufand, fix hundred, and fixty five, one thoufand , fix hundred, and fixty fix , onethou- fand, fix hundred, and fixty feven , and one thoufand , fix hundred, and fixty eight , there be raifed year- ly , out of the Rents of ilk Archbiihop and Biihop , the fum of fifty pounds for every thoufand merks of the faids Revenues , and the fum of fourty pounds out of every thoufand merks of the Stipends or Benefices of every Miniller , and foproportionably fix of the hundred, as the Benefice or Stipend mall be valued to be more or lefs by the Biihops of the Diocefies ; And that the faids feveral proportions , payable by the Bifhops , fhall be yearly given in to the Archbiihops of the refpeclive Provinces , or fuch as mail have warrand from them ; and that the faids feveral proportions , payable by Minifters , fhall be yearly given in to the Biihops of the refpeclive Diocefs , or fuch as mall have warrand from them , and for whom the faids Bifhops mall be countable : Which fums fo to be raifed , fhall be diftributed to the feveral Univerfities , according to rhofe proportions which fhall be afligned by His Majefty , by a Committee to fit at Edinburgh , confiding of the Archbiihops of Sanct-A/^/r^tcj: and Glafgow , and the Biihops of Edinburgh and Aberdeen , and four others , whereof one to be nominal by the Vifitors of the Univerfity of Sznct-^&idrews , and another by the Vifitors of the Univerfity of Glafgow , the third by the Vifitors of Aberdeen , the fourth by the Council of Edinburgh • Hereby authorizing the Archbiihop of Sa.nct- Andrews , and in his abfence the Archbiihop of Glafgow , to prefide in the faid Committee , and to appoint their diets of meeting from time to time ; and the Committee to take care, that the iums thus allotted , fhall be put into a Stock and fetled upon Land or othervvayes , by advice of the refpeclive Bifhops , who are Chancellors of the faids Univerfities ; and Ordains the Annual- rent of the faid Stock to be proportioned to the Mafters and Profeflors of each Univerfity , as the Vi- fitors thereof fhall appoint. And further , His Majefty and Eftates f orefaid , do Ordain , that Stip- ends, and all Benefices of Kirks that fhall vaik after the firft day of February , in this following year of God , one thoufand , fix hundred , and fixty four , for the fpace of feven years next thereafter , ihall be up-lifted by Collector thereof, and imployed by him in the maner, and according to the proportions above-fpecified , for encreafing of the Stock of each Univerfiry : De- claring, that the fifty two Act of the firft Seffion of this Parliament , Concerning the difpofalofva- cand Stipe, ids , fhall be of no force during the fpace of the years forefaid ; And Ordains Letters of Horning and Poinding , and all other execution neceflary , to be directed at the inftance of the faids Bifhops , or any to be appointed by them ; and at the inftance of the faid Collector , for the more fpeedy in-bringing of the. fums re/pefiive above-mentioned. Further , His Majefty and the Eftates of Parliament , do recommend to the Lords of the Privy Council , to entertain and promote any voluntary offer or contribution , for the ends aforefaid , to be made by Noble-men or Gentlemen , for a work fo worthy of the publick wifdom , piety and honour of this Kingdom. It is alwayes Declared , that this Act fhall be without prejudice of Acts paft in this Parliament , for allowing the vacand Stipends of the Diocefs of fles and Argyl {01 breeding of young Schollars, the fum being regulate by the Committee above-named; and that this Act fhall be no preparative for laying on any burdens on the Clergy here- after, without their own confent. XXV. ACT regulating the proportions of Excife in the feveral Shires and Burghs. THe Eftates of Parliament , taking to their confideration , the grievances rcprefented to them by feveral Shires and Burghs , anent the excesfive proportions of Excife laid upon them by the late Act of Parliament , and what great burthen the Land-rent of the faids Shires and Burghs lyes under, for making up the faids proportions , and the great eafe which feveral other Shires have in their pro- portions ; And it being juft and reafonable , that all publick impofitions of that nature , fliould be equally diftributed upon thofe lyable in payment thereof. Therefore, the Kings Majefty,, with advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament , Statutes and Ordains , that the feveral Shires and Burghs of this Kingdom, ftiall, for the Moneths of November and December next , one thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty three , and January one thoufand , fix hundred and fixty four years , and in all time thereaf- ter, be lyable in the monethly payment of the refpeclive proportions under-written, viz. The Shire of Edinburgh principal , in the fum of two thoufand , one hundred , and fourty pounds Scots money ; The