Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/672

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,__ ^_______ __ rox A TABLE Of the fecial is? C T S and R AT I F I C AT I O N S, pajt in the feveral Sesfions of this Parliament , which are not imprinted. FIRT SESSION. PRoteftations by fome Noble-men, Commiflioners from Shires and Burghs, concerning their prece* dencies in the Rolls of Parliament. Aft difcharging Sir Archibald Johnjloun of all publick Trull. Aft concerning the Burial of the Corps of the late Marquefs of CMontroJe and Laird oi'Dalgety. Commiflionsforthe Lords of the Articles and Bills. Exoneration to Mr. John Toung, concerning the Regifters. Record of the production of the Patents granted by His Majefty to His Officers of State , and theit Admisfions. Record of the production of fome Patents of Honour. Decreet Earl of Dalhoufie and others , againft Mr. Robert Hodge. Act in favours of the Laird of Mackclean. Precognition in favours of the Mailer of Bamffl CommisfiontoMr. John Wilkie , to collect the vacand Stipends. Aft refcinding the pretended forfeiture of the Marquefs of Uffontroje. Aft allowing Meffengersto execute Summons of Trealbn. Exoneration in favours of the Earl of Crawfurd and Lindfay. Aft concerning the Magiftrates of Kirkwal. Aft for an Impofition at the Bridge of Mujleburgh. Commiffion for vifiting the Univerfity of Aberdeen. Aft anent the election ol the Magiftrates of Montr ofs. Decreet Archibald jimont contra Campbel. Aft for an Impofition at the Calfees of Cowie-month, Reference ^Mackenzie contra Mackpherjon. Decreet Earl of Perth contra Sir George Mouat. Afts in favours of fome Minifters for their Stipend. Aft in favours of Col. Weymes, Col. Lefty and James Scot. Letter and Act in favours of the Laird of Renton. Aft for a Bridge at Ramal-wel-craig on Clyd. Aft in favours of the Town of Wigtoun concerning a Bridge. Decreet Lockhart contra Bonar. Decreet Mackenzie of Kedcajile , contra Gilbert Ker and others. Decreet Elizabeth T)utchy , contra Henry c Dennifloun. Aft anent the Cuftom and Price of imported Tobacco-pipes. Decreet Carnaigie contra Carnaigie. Ratification to the Earl Marjhaloi the SherifF-fhip of Aberdeen. Proteftation by the Earl of Roxburgh , in name of the Marquefs ofHu ntly , againft the fame. Ratification in favours of Matter Adam Cunningham of Wood-hall, of the Commiflariot of Ttumfreli*. Ratification in favours of the new Colledge of ^Aberdeen. Proteftation by the Town of Aberdeen againft it. Ratification in favours of Sir John Urqhuart of Cromarty. Ratification to Matter Hary Hay , of the Cbmmiffar-clerkfhip of Edinburgh. Ratification to John Ram/ay of his Office from the Lord Regifter. Ratification in favours of the Burgh of Elgin. Ratification in favours of Thomas Man/on. Ratification of the erection of the Kirk of Kinlojfe. Ratification to Matter Thomas Toung , of the Commifiar-clerkfhip of Lauder. Ratification of the erection of the Town of Findorn in a Burgh of Barony. proteftation Town of Forres againft it. Ratification in favours of Wat. Ratification to Matter James Nicholfbn of the Commiflariot olBrichen. Ratification to lohn Newel. Ratification in favours of Hary Blaickwood. Ratifi-